Screenwriter and director Jaromír Borek specialised in films for children and youth. However, Lvi salónů (The Social Lions, 1978) is a comedy about an eccentric builder from Ostrava, who encounters all the temptations of the big city while constructing a tenement building in Prague. The hero Fery strikes up a friendship with his naive colleague Pepík, with whom he shares a trailer on the building site. A cafe singer named Virginia begins to threaten Pepík’s carefree existence. The worldly-wise young woman is only interested in money and soon lures the infatuated young man into an unenviable situation. Fery helps his friend out of trouble… The lead roles were played by Josef Dvořák (Fery) and Jan Hartl (Pepík). The beautiful Virginia was portrayed by Jana Válková, while Dagmar Veškrnová played cinema usherette Helenka, the nice girl who also becomes involved in the men’s lives.
Hundreds of workers from various parts of the country work at a future Prague residence neighbourhood. The bricklayer Fery is known as a racy strange man that refuses to stay at a lodging house and stays in a caravan just at the construction site. At a football match an Ostravian Fery has a fight with an Slávie fan Pepík Perlík. Both of them have to pay a fine. Nevertheless, Fery is friendly and suggests Pepík making up as he realizes they know each other from work. They go together to a dance café and Pepík falls in love with a singer Viržinie. Fery arranges Pepík is taken into a work group of foreman Skácel where they are not very particular about long working hours but they can earn nice money. He also puts him up in his caravan. He reasons a rather naive Pepík his relationship with Viržinie interested only in money. Pepík wants his older friend meet a likeable cinema usherette Helenka. Fery's sceptical attitude to women is caused by his ex-girlfriend having taken his saved money for a car and then letting him down. Pepík is supposed to watch material at the construction site but instead of this he spends three nights with Viržinie. She milks five thousand crowns from him and then she disappears. The material is stolen, Fery gets it back, but the money is gone. Only Helenka brings a hope that there are also nice and decent women.
zedník Fery Kaplan
zedník Pepík Perlík
zpěvačka Viržinie
uvaděčka Helena
Přemek, Pepíkův spolubydlící
mistr Skácel
Lideček, majitel hausbótu
zedník Adámek
svářeč Bohouš
zedník Kryštofek
prodavačka ve foto kino
dívka z Alfy
dívka z Alfy
dívka z Alfy
dívka z Alfy
dívka z Alfy
mladý příslušník VB
dívka podobná Viržinii
Jindřich Jura
dlouhý vrchní číšník
muž s knírkem
příslušník VB
hospodský Bouček
Voice by Luba Skořepová
žena se psem
hudebník v Monice
hudebník v Monice
Milan Kadlec
Marcel Kříž, Jiří Matějka, Eva Slívová
Petr Čapek, Dana Dudová
Pavel Brunclík
Zina Kršková (klapka), Jaroslav Trousil (fotograf), Montované stavby Praha n. p.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Malá noční hudba)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín), Orchestr Komety (Music Conducted by Jiří Kaleš)
Singer Jana Válková
Singer Július Vašek
Lvi salónů
Lvi salónů
The Social Lions
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 12 May 1977
technical Screenplay approved 4 July 1977
start of filming 5 July 1977
end of filming 23 February 1978
projection approval 22 March 1978
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1986
premiere 1 December 1978 /suitable for youths/
Dramaturgická skupina Miroslava Hladkého, Miroslav Hladký (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
83 min
2 367 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
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