With Kulový blesk (Ball-Lighting), a comedy about a multiple apartment exchange, screenwriters Zdeněk Svěrák and Ladislav Smoljak again demonstrated their rare ability to transform the reality of the post-1968 normalisation period into an inventive and intelligent spectacle for viewers. The dismal housing situation of the period inspired “the biggest operation in the history of moving”: a 12-way flat swop. This is organised by the vivacious lawyer Radosta, though naturally a broad variety of obstacles stand in his way. Operation Ball-Lighting is complicated by the hesitation of the wily pensioner Jechová, the wedding of older couple Flieger and Opatrná and the inebriation of the psychologist Knotek. The gargantuan operation requiring perfect coordination is also threatened by the apparent death of opera singer Bílek, which pushes the careworn Radosta into fiendish improvisation bordering on the illegal… A testimony of late 1970s Czechoslovakia can be seen through the façade of a zany comedy that has acquired cult status. From the inventor Severín to the psychologist Knotek to Radosta the lawyer, the film’s characters are unable to realise their potential in a normal manner, squandering their creative aptitude on trivialities. The playful futility of oppressed existence is symbolised by Severín’s “model train from Vizovice”. Though filled with situational humour and unforgettable “catchphrases”, the comedy is not lacking in the touching moments typical of the oeuvre of Zdeněk Svěrák, who plays Dr. Ječný. As well as playing Severín, Ladislav Smoljak sat in the director’s chair for the first time. The debutant was assisted by the experienced Zdeněk Podskalský, who two years later helmed another successful picture from the renowned screenwriting duo – the musical comedy Trhák (Blockbuster). Among the enduring film’s unquestionable qualities is the cast, led with verve by Rudolf Hrušínský as Radosta. Alongside other seasoned actors (Josef Abrhám, Daniela Kolářová, Zita Kabátová) colleagues of the screenwriters from the Jára Cimrman Theatre appear in small roles.
In the flat of the retired opera singer Bílek there is a meeting of people wishing to exchange their flats: Pulpán, Kadlec, Ječný, Knotek families, M.Sc Severin, Mr Flieger and Mrs Opatrná, Mrs Jechová, the Drahota family, Pivoňka and the Fazekaš family. The "duodeca-exchange" is organized by a lawyer Radosta, who labelled the action "the lightning ball". Radosta appoints Severin a link and Knotek his deputy. The preparations are accompanied by problems. Radosta changes the wedding date of an older couple Ms Opatrná and Mr Flieger, he nominates Knotek to become their best man. Knotek gets drunk at the wedding and goes door to door of the flat-exchange participants at night to train the moving house. Drahota complains about him and Knotek goes door-to-door the next day again to apologize. He has problems with the hesitating Mr Jechová. She gold-digs from him a washing machine, a cellar exchange, which costs him two thousand crowns and moving 20 quintals of coal to a neighbour's cellar. The night before the term, Knotek and Kadlec help Bílek to pack his things. The "D day "comes. Jechová wants to withdraw from the exchange agreement but Radosta makes her not to do so as he threatens her to pay expenses. Knotek and his wife find Bílek dead the next morning. As the exchanges can be made only by people "alive" due to the administrative procedures, they cover Bílek with a blanket and take him away complete with the sofa. However, there comes to a mismatch and everything is going to turn in a catastrophe. Luckily Bílek wakes up from a deep sleep and the action is crowned with success. Knotek is standing on his new flat balcony with a beautiful view of Prague thinking that when he gets old he will also have to move house. The lawyer Radosta meanwhile plans another record-breaking flat exchange.
Radosta´s schedule shows the date of the event the 21st of September 1978.
JUDr. Radosta, organizátor stěhování
operní pěvec mistr Bílek
psycholog PhDr. Vladimír Knotek
Věra, Knotkova žena
ženich Bohumil Flieger
nevěsta Jarmila Opatrná
Anežka Jechová
vynálezce Ing. Severín
MUDr. Ječný
Olina, žena Ječného
Kadlec, rozvádějící se muž
Kadlecová, rozvádějící se žena
Klabouch, Knotkův soused, majitel sklepa
Mirek Pivoňka
Andělka, Pivoňkova žena
Máňa, kamarádka Jechové
inspektor Drahota
Drahotova žena
Štěpán, syn Knotkových
Alenka, dcera Knotkových
filharmonik, majitel houslí
svatební svědkyně s houslemi
Voice by Mirko Musil
otec Fazekaš, závozník
matka Eržika Fazekašová
Eržika, nejstarší dcera Fazekašových
Maruška, dcera Fazekašových
dcera Fazekašových
Jirka, syn Kadlecových
Půlpánova žena
Fliegerův kamarád
Fliegerův kamarád
ženich u předcházející svatby
nevěsta u předcházející svatby
oddávající úředník
babička Knotková
muž v noční košili
Voice by Zdeněk Blažek
Vedral, Radostův klient v okně
otec na schodech
žena na schodišti
žena na schodišti
hudebnice na svatbě
Knotkova sousedka
Filip, vnuk Knotkovy sousedky
Zdena Lukášová
Ladislav Smoljak, Zdeněk Svěrák, Zdeněk Podskalský (spolupráce na dialozích)
Josef Dvořák, Richard Staněk, Oldřich Halaza, Miroslav Matuška
Helena Vondrušková (vedoucí kostymérka), Lubomír Votoček
Petr Prejda, Věra Lukášová
Zora Winkelhöferová (klapka), Jindřich Aleš (vrchní osvětlovač), Jan Kuděla (fotograf), J. Peterka
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Don Giovanni /Leporello/), Antonín Dvořák (Jakobín /My cizinou jsme bloudili/)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Song Composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Writer of Lyrics Lorenzo da PonteLuděk Mandaus
Singer Karel Kalaš
Song Composer Antonín Dvořák
Writer of Lyrics Marie Červinková-Riegrová
Singer Karel Kalaš
Kulový blesk
Kulový blesk
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 4 May 1978
start of filming 22 June 1978
technical Screenplay approved 17 July 1978
end of filming 22 December 1978
projection approval 27 December 1978
withdrawal from distribution 1 June 1993
premiere 10 August 1979 /suitable for youths/
Dramaturgická skupina Drahoslava Makovičky, Drahoslav Makovička (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
82 min
2 347 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Festival: 1. celostátní festival české a slovenské filmové veselohry Nové Město nad Metují
Nové Město nad Metují / Czechoslovakia
Ladislav Smoljak
Festival: 1. celostátní festival české a slovenské filmové veselohry Nové Město nad Metují
Nové Město nad Metují / Czechoslovakia
Zdeněk Podskalský
Festival: 30. filmový festival pracujících – léto ´79
62 měst / Czechoslovakia
Zdeněk Svěrák
Festival: 30. filmový festival pracujících – léto ´79
62 měst / Czechoslovakia
Ladislav Smoljak