In 1978, director Štěpán Skalský responded to the contemporary call for films about topical social themes by co-writing a screenplay for an ecological drama titled Čistá řeka (Pure River) with screenwriter Karel Steigerwald. The hero of this accessible film is a newly graduated, idealistic hygienist, Pavel, who encounters gross violations of the regulations in a district town. When he tries to change the situation, the head of the textile factory that is polluting the local river blocks all of his efforts. The resigned protagonist, played attractively by Slovak actor Juraj Ďurdiak, is the prototype of the young hero through whom the creators of films in the era of “normalisation” pointed to selected evils of the times.
Fresh graduate Pavel Tomáš enters a job as an assistant in a district town's public health office. As the health officials pass the river Kamenice, Pavel notices large patches of foam on the water surface, and the river also has an unpleasant smell. Pavel's superior Dr Slivenec is a nice and talkative man, but the suggested radical solutions to the violations of public health norms are greatly diluted after a phone-call is made by somebody influential who calls on behalf of the offender. The director of the local textile factory Tesner is giving an interview. Editor Hloch asks only for positive information, and the photographer Trejbal takes shots of the modern factory plants. Tesner's daughter Lenka, a journalism student, puts a dead fish on her father's table. Tesner doesn't deny his factory's responsibility but there is no money to resolve the problem and the factory provides work for half the town population. Pavel, who is slowly pushing through a plan to build a purification plant, falls in love with the attractive Lenka. She writes a highly critical ecological article but swiftly pulls it back when her career is threatened. Despite Pavel's efforts, the purification plant will still not be built. The young man doesn't feel strong enough to fight the small-town gossip and prejudices and accepts a post as an assistant at the university in Prague. The capricious Lenka is undecided between her present lover Trejbal and Pavel who has fallen in love with her. When she finally leaves the fickle photographer, Pavel is no longer to be found at his former flat.
hygienik MUDr. Pavel Tomáš
studentka Lenka Tesnerová
Tesner, ředitel textilní továrny, Lenčin otec
MUDr. Slivenec, Tomášův nadřízený
sekretářka Holcová
Pavlova matka
fotograf Trejbal
redaktor Hloch
krajský hygienik Lošťák
vedoucí akumulátorky Vávra
hygienik Mácha
vodohospodář Havel
korektor v redakci
muž na lavičce
muž na mostě
vrchní číšník
kráska u Trejbala
sekretářka u Tobiáše
host na večírku
host na večírku
host na večírku
silný mladík
osamělý muž
Tomášova partnerka
neznámá dívka
veselá žena
Josef Jarolímek, Jarmila Čajová
Pavel Dosoudil
Eva Slívová, Karel Vaňásek, Vladimír Schejbal
Ivana Malíková (klapka), Jiří Kučera (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček), Discobolos
Čistá řeka
Čistá řeka
Pure River
Co se říká po městě
featuretheatrical distribution
social, psychological
start of filming 29 August 1977
literary Screenplay approved 12 September 1977
technical Screenplay approved 26 September 1977
end of filming 17 February 1978
projection approval 9 March 1978
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1986
premiere 10 November 1978 /inaccessible for youths/
Dramaturgická skupina Miloše Brože, Miloš Brož (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
87 min
2 300 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles