Markéta Zinnerová’s books and screenplays were primarily focused on the world of children and young people. Among her screenwriting endeavours was an adaptation of her book Indiáni z Větrova (Větrov Red Indians), which was published in 1979. That year also saw the release of the film, helmed by Július Matula. Then 36, the director was at that time known for nothing more than his noteworthy 1977 debut Řeknem si to příští léto (Let’s Talk about It Next Summer). Though Matula subsequently made other children’s movies, he had never set out to focus on the genre and made them largely because of societal demand. It was this that led him to shoot Bloudění orientačního běžce (The Lost Orienteer), evoking the subject of Spartakiad meetings, in 1986. Větrov Red Indians, meanwhile, was linked to the International Year of the Child (1979) and the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the Socialist Youth Union’s Pioneer organisation. On the surface the picture explores the rivalry between two gangs of boys from the village of Větrov – the residents of children’s home, known as Indians, and a group of locals called Shimmies. However, reality intrudes into the boys’ everyday tussles: Větrov is by the border and the boys’ world includes border guards and their loyal canine companions, trained to pursue trespassers on socialist state borders. The boys keep a careful eye out for any suspicious looking outsiders. One such is Mr. Podešva (Josef Somr), though it transpires he has come to the village over an adoption. In the end a truce between the two gangs is achieved by the leader of the Pioneer group, who tasks the boys with looking after the retired border patrol dog Rank. The fatherly commander of the border guards, portrayed by the dependable Ilja Prachař, is also sympathetic to the boys’ troubles. Větrov Red Indians also differs from the apolitical films for young people of Věra Plívová-Šimková in the fact that Matula for the most part cast children with previous acting experience in the picture.
In the frontier village Větrov boys from the children's home called Indians lead a bitter "war" with the local Šímáks. Before a battle the Indians have a meeting in the sandpit with a smoke signalling. The smoke brings to the sandpit a frontier guard Tomáš with a police dog Ranek. The children learn from Tomáš that Rank served out and that it shall be destroyed. The nine-year old Fanda writes a letter to the "minister of the frontier guards" in which he asks to let Ranek live. To save Ranek's life he also visits the local frontier guard commander. In the end it is decided that children from the children's home may keep Ranek. But there are problems with Ranek. - There stops a car with a breakdown on a deserted road and an unknown man continues on foot. The children and especially Fanda believe the man wants to cross the borders and they stop him and hand him over to the frontier guards. But the mistake is explained soon. The unknown man is Mr Podešva who will choose together with his wife a baby for adoption in the local children's home. After many problems the children from the children's home have to take Ranek away. Přemek and Fanda suffer a lot. But a chief from a pioneer unit helps them. He reconciles both gangs thanks to a joint care of Ranek. The dog is in the end taken in by Lojza Šíma's grandpa. The Podešvas are again unlucky in finding a suitable child. The head physician offers them Fanda. The Podešvas decide to accept this offer and Fanda leaves with them to his new home.
The film was dedicated to the International Year of Child and to the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the "Pioneer" organization under the Socialistic Union of Youth.
Přemek, náčelník Indiánů
Fanda Blesík zvaný Bystrá liška
žadatel o adopci Podešva
Podešvova žena
primář Kojeneckého ústavu Václavík
podplukovník Pávek
Lojza Šíma, náčelník venkovských kluků
ředitel dětského domova
pohraničník desátník Tomáš Klíma
ředitel školy
dědeček Lojzy
vedoucí pionýrů Zdena
vychovatelka Božena Pávková
Simona Meruňáková zvaná Bílá holubice
kluk z dětského domova
zahradník Ježek
Markéta Zinnerová (Indiáni z Větrova – kniha)
Ivo Formánek, Emil Hrazdira, František Santarius
Jaromír Metyš, Eva Stedlová, Jindřich Ujčík
plk. Jan Kovář, František Radkovič, Ing. J. Vavruška
Iva Navrátilová (klapka), Rudolf Karas (fotograf), D. Fialová, S. Kundrát, Jana Semschová
Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer dětský sbor
Song Composer lidová americká píseň
Writer of Lyrics Jan WerichJiří Voskovec
Singer dětský sbor
Indiáni z Větrova
Indiáni z Větrova
Větrov Red Indians
featuretheatrical distribution
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1994
premiere 7 September 1979 /suitable for youths/
feature film
83 min
2 337 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Festival: FILMÁK ’98 Plzeň – 4. filmový festival plzeňských dětí a mládeže Plzeň
Plzeň / Czech Republic
Julius Matula
Exhibition: 11. národní přehlídka filmů pro děti a mládež Ostrov nad Ohří
Ostrov nad Ohří / Czechoslovakia
Jiří Strnad
Festival: 30. filmový festival pracujících – léto ´79
62 měst / Czechoslovakia
Festival: 19. festival filmů pro děti Gottwaldov
Zlín / Czechoslovakia
Jiří Strnad
Festival: 19. festival filmů pro děti Gottwaldov
Zlín / Czechoslovakia
Michael Dymek
Festival: 19. festival filmů pro děti Gottwaldov
Zlín / Czechoslovakia
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