One of actor Miloš Kopecký’s most memorable roles, Causa Králík (The Rabbit Case) is a 1979 dark comedy directed by Jaromil Jireš. Two years earlier, Kopecký received acclaim for his role as Doctor Štrosmajer in the TV series Nemocnice na kraji města (Hospital at the End of the City). Writer Jaroslav Dietl also pens this movie, which tells the story of renowned Prague lawyer Lukášek, who is forced by poor health to leave the city and move into a small town near the mountains. But far from the quiet life, the expert in human injustice is drawn into a familiar world of evil and greed. The diligent robber of local cottages Pastyřík, or the eternally jealous Vrána, present a depressing picture of morality for the lawyer. Thankfully, local grandmother Márová, preyed on for money by her own nephew, offers the lawyer a more meaningful opportunity. The film’s title stems from the role of the grandmother, portrayed by Marie Brožová, who instead of monetary payment offers meals of freshly-killed rabbits.
Oldřich Lukášek, a respected Prague solicitor, lets him shifted for health reasons to the small town at the foot-hills. In the local advocate advice bureau unpatiently awaits him his secretary Zuzana and work at the penal and offence cases, sometimes odd and humorous, sometimes tragic. Experienced Lukášek soon starts orientating not only in judicial cases but also at the situation of the small town, in which, as elsewhere, exist dishonesty, flyness and pressure of the powerful by influence or money. The thief Pastyřík, who concentrates on the weekend houses, pleads guilty to unbelievable great number of operations, which rouses smile at the concerned at the court. On the contrary, the destiny of jealous Vrána, who attacked his Zdenička after finding out that she was unfaithful, is one of the sad cases. Similarly, cheerless is the case of granny Márová who was robbed by her own nephew. At the beginnig Lukášek loses the fight with him but kind granny is unsparing with reward - she brings Lukášek home bred rabbits. After several hearings Lukášek wins the feud with the nephew. But the pleasure in victory of justice does not take a long time. The smooth-tongued nephew once more deceives his auntie and she takes back her suit. Lukášek could play trump, he could use the negative information on the nephew. But he resigns at this possibility for it would not be a "chaste work". Thus there remains the bitter knowledge that the rogues have always the upper hand.
babička Anna Márová
advokát JUDr. Oldřich Lukášek
Karel Joun, synovec Anny Márové
předseda soudu JUDr. Petřík
sekretářka Zuzana Bulínová
Lukáškova žena
vykradač chat Pastyřík
žárlivec Miroslav Vrána
soudce JUDr. Špaček
Voice by Milan Riehs
MUDr. Petr Drasnar
svědek Václav Chmelař, automechanik
kadeřnice, Chmelařova bývalá žena
Jana Kynclová, Jounova dívka
servírka Zdena Kardová, Vránova družka
předsedkyně krajského soudu
klient Laco Demeter
zloděj Dušek
Chmelařův otec
číšník Láďa
obžalovaný Suchomel
zapisovatelka u soudu s Jounem
předseda senátu
předseda senátu
zapisovatelka u soudu s Vránou
Drasnarova žena
prokurátor/Zuzanin přítel
řidič nákladního auta
Lukáškův přítel
členka senátu
člen senátu
Zdeněk Jeřábek, Rudolf Kinský, Miroslav Stibr
Jana Koubová, Ladislav Beneš
JUDr. Miroslav Hamerle
Dagmar Jonášová (klapka), Jan Kuděla (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Causa Králík
Causa Králík
The Rabbit Case
featuretheatrical distribution
comedy, bitter comedy
literary Screenplay approved 24 November 1978
start of filming 15 February 1979
technical Screenplay approved 5 March 1979
end of filming 6 September 1979
projection approval 22 September 1979
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1986
premiere 29 February 1980 /inaccessible for youths/
Dramaturgická skupina Miroslava Hladkého, Miroslav Hladký (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
83 min
2 367 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Event: Soutěž belgických filmových distributorů Brusel
Brusel / Belgium
Festival: 18. festival českých a slovenských filmů Košice
Košice / Czechoslovakia
Miloš Kopecký
Festival: 18. festival českých a slovenských filmů Košice
Košice / Czechoslovakia
Jaromír Šofr
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