The Brontosaurus Movement started out as a Czechoslovak nature conservation group promoted by the 1970s socialist state. Founded in 1974, it not only introduced the forced engagement of youth in the wider nature conservation effort, it also inspired established author of children’s books, Věra Plívová-Šimková, to make a film. In her narrative about ridding a forest of illegal dumps, it is the world of the protagonist – a country boy named Tomáš Šereda – that assumes the most important role. Tomáš so loves nature that he encourages his schoolmates to take part in a rather original rebellion against the adults who remain indifferent to the polluting of the natural environment. The director of this made-to-order film relied on lively dialogue, the natural environment as well as the natural performances of child actors. Apart from her son, Tomáš Šimek, she also cast a popular child actress, Dana Vávrová, as the main character’s friend, a girl who goes by the name of Víla Amálka (after the animated character “Fairy Amálka”). Josef Somr, Daniela Kolářová and Zdeněk Svěrák are among those who played adult roles.
Tomáš Šereda is fond of nature, he often goes to the woods and at home he rears budgerigars and cockatiels. With displeasure he watches the adults as they pollute the woods and after the event with a lame roe, the leg of which was injured by ingrown potsherd, he proclaims fight against the vandals. With a friend Žíža they carry out the rubbish of the woods, they nail the warning tablets and when it does not work they secretly return the rubbish to its owners. However, one day Tomáš pays dear for it. To the owner of a car, that also brought the rubbish in the woods, the boys tie up the lumber to his car. Unfortunately, it turns out that the driver is an inspector of schools and this lands Tomáš in trouble and imposition is imminent. But children and several teachers start to understand what for Tomáš ultimately matters. Tomáš's enemy Franta lets out all Tomáš's exotic birds of the aviary. Therefore Tomáš moves to the woods and attempts to catch the birds. At school one more imposition for absense is imminent. But the children start joining Tomáš, help him catch his darlings and clean up the woods too. Eventually, on Friday, the pioneer leader comes to the woods with the whole sixth class. They are tidying during all the weekend and in the evening, at the fire, they decide that as the protectors of nature they will bear as their symbol brontosaurus. On Monday they do not return to school and therefore their parents have to come for them to the woods. But they have to take away in a platform car the collected rubbish instead of their children. It is only then that the parents comprehend the sense of the rebellion of their offsprings.
Tomáš Šereda
Dana Metelková zvaná Víla Amálka
Franta Metelka, Danin bratr
Žíža, Tomášův malý kamarád
Voice by Magda Reifová
dvojče Katka, Tomášova sestra
Voice by Magda Reifová
dvojče Zuzka, Tomášova sestra
Pepík Konda
ředitelka školy
školní inspektor
učitelka biologie zvaná Bižolečára
předseda JZD, Pepíkův otec
lesník Buchar
Vladimír zvaný Bobr, zástupce ředitelky
Konečný, předseda MNV
matka Metelková
otec Metelka
tělocvikář Bertík
pionýrská vedoucí Jiřina Maříková
kluk Sklíčko
kluk Vazoun
holka z party
holka z party
holka z party
holka z party
holka z party
holka z party
holka z party
holka z party
holka z party
holka z party
holka z party
holka z party
kluk z party
kluk z party
kluk z party
kluk z party
kluk z party
kluk z party
kluk z party
kluk z party
kluk z party
kluk z party
Miroslav Fára, Martin Růžička, Jiří Žůček
Ivo Pitrák, Hana Jarošová
Jan Kočí
Alena Červená (fotografka), Jan Sládek
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Song Composer Petr Hapka
Writer of Lyrics Zdeněk Rytíř
Singer Lenka Filipová
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 3 January 1979
start of filming 5 February 1979
technical Screenplay approved 21 February 1979
end of filming 25 October 1979
projection approval 9 November 1979
withdrawal from distribution 31 May 1993
premiere 22 August 1980 /suitable for youths/
Dramaturgická skupina Oty Hofmana, Ota Hofman (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
71 min
2 064 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Festival: 10. mezinárodní festival dětských filmů Los Angeles
Los Angeles / United States of America
Festival: 20. festival filmů pro děti Gottwaldov
Zlín / Czechoslovakia
Exhibition: 12. národní přehlídka filmů pro děti Ostrov nad Ohří
Ostrov nad Ohří / Czechoslovakia
Dana Vávrová
Festival: 10. mezinárodní festival zemědělských a ekologických filmů Santarém
Santarém / Portugal
Festival: 2. festival československé filmové veselohry Nové Město nad Metují
Nové Město nad Metují / Czechoslovakia
Petr Hapka
Festival: 20. festival filmů pro děti Gottwaldov
Zlín / Czechoslovakia
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