Don’t Take This Pullover Off!





Production year



21 August 1981


76 min






featuretheatrical distributionlong

Original title

Ten svetr si nesvlíkej

Czech title

Ten svetr si nesvlíkej

English title

Don’t Take This Pullover Off!

Working title

Domov v havárii


The escapist comedy Ten svetr si nesvlíkej (Don’t Take This Pullover Off!, 1980) was directed by Zdeněk Míka to a script adapted from the stage play Domov v havárii (Home in an Accident) by Blanka Jirásková. The film tells the story of the fractious Novák family. Strict father Karel hates any kind of extravagance and his wife has learned to put up with his ways. However, 17-year-old Míša wants a life of her own. She begins dating Tomáš but is unsure whether to introduce him to the family. Due to a confusion of names, Věra suspects her blameless husband of adultery… This comedy of errors won over audiences thanks to a talented cast and strong performances by Petr Nárožný and Iva Janžurová as Mr. and Mrs. Novák. Successful child actress Zuzana Bydžovská, who had played several smaller roles, took the part of the daughter. Míša´s boyfriend was portrayed by another popular actor, Miroslav Vladyka.


The head of the Novak's family is a pedantic and ill-parsimonious father Karel. He furnished their small flat in a very economical and uncomfortable way; however, his wife Věra does not exercise any substantial resistance. But on the other hand their daughter Míša starts to get out of their control. Novak leaves for spa treatment. When he packs his luggage he suddenly suffers from lumbago. Thus Věra helps him with packing and finds five hundred crowns, which Karel secretly wanted to use to enjoy the time in spa. Věra's mother, Dana overwhelms the whole family with her energy. She has a "terrible" piece of news for her daughter and son-in-law. She saw Míša with a boyfriend in the underground. Míša wants to introduce her boyfriend to the family, he refuses and the couple breaks. Věra opens a letter from a hospital whose addressee is her husband and the contents of which says his two-year-old son has been taken to the hospital. Věra is desperate. Her friend Alena advises Věra to pay the infidelity back and takes Věra to bars. Expecting daughter's divorce, Dana starts to move her daughter's precious things to her flat. Father Karel misunderstands the checking phone calls and believes the baby, they are talking about, is Míša's. She is happy about the unknown new brother. Meanwhile a ruly Novak is excluded from the spa cure because of his roommate Pepa's love-making affairs. Tomáš makes up with Míša. Věra finds out the letter was misaddressed and both of them, her and Míša, feel guilty as they had easily believed in father's lapse. Karel returns from spa earlier. In his luggage there is a bra instead of traditional spa waffles. Luckily Pepa comes for the luggage that was exchanged by mistake.


Iva Janžurová, Zuzana Bydžovská, Karolina Slunéčková and František Hanus had already performed their roles in a theatre performance, which was first introduced (April 13, 1979) in the theatre season of 1978–1979 in the Vinohrady Theatre (Divadlo na Vinohradech). This was the very first performance of this play onthe Czech stage, in wich Jaroslav Satoranský (father Karel Novák), Vladimír Krška (grandfather Milouš), Antonie Hegerlíková (grandmother Dana), Věra Budilová (neighbor Bartáková), David Schneider (Tomáš Vostrý) and Antonín Samler (friend Standa). The play was directed by Stanislav Remunda, the scenography by Zbyněk Kolář, the costumes by Jarmila Konečná, the music by Karel Velebný, the musical collaboration by Petr Růžička and the singing by Eva Olmerová.

Film online


Iva Janžurová

matka Věra Nováková, redaktorka Hádankáře

Petr Nárožný

otec Karel Novák

Zuzana Bydžovská

Míša, dcera Novákových

Miroslav Vladyka

Tomáš Vostrý, Míšin kluk

Stella Zázvorková

babička Dana

Zdeněk Řehoř

dědeček Milouš

Karolina Slunéčková

Alena Hronová, kolegyně Věry

Ludmila Roubíková

vrátná v lázních

Božena Böhmová

sousedka Bartáková

Marie Marešová

vrchní zdravotní sestra

František Hanus

Rudla, Danin přítel

Bohuslav Čáp

Standa, Danin přítel

Jiří Krampol

Pepa, otcův spolubydlící v lázních

Libuše Geprtová

sociální pracovnice Karela Malá

Stanislava Bartošová

sociální pracovnice Jiřina Krásová

Michaela Mišková

poštovní úřednice

Tomáš Sedláček

světlovlasý playboy

Martin Štěpánek

tmavovlasý playboy

Adolf Filip

Novákův spolupracovník

Valerie Zawadská

Jitka, Pepova lázeňská známost

Hana Havlová


Jaroslav Havel

vrchní číšník v denní vinárně

Vlastimil Vrtiška


Eva Čmolová

zdravotní sestra v lázních

Petr Svejkovský

vrchní číšník

Petr Brožek


Jiří Kocourek


Oldřich Krupauer


Zdeněk Šiška


Crew and creators

Second Unit Director

Jiří Mikeťuk

Assistant Director

Viktor Walter

Based on

Blanka Jirásková (Domov v havárii – divadelní hra)

Shooting Script

Zdeněk Míka

Director of Photography

Jiří Stöhr

Second Unit Photography

Jan Kváča

Camera Operator

Antonín Mařík

Production Designer

Oldřich Bosák

Assistent Production Designer

František Císař

Set Designer

Jan Hodný, Jaroslav Česal, Karel Kočí

Costume Designer

Jarmila Konečná

Assistant Film Editor

Eliška Willigová

Sound Designer

Jiří Kejř

Production Manager

Josef Císař

Unit Production Manager

Jaroslava Pražská, Bohdan Kysil

Unit Production Manager

Irena Koucká, Bohumil Vlach


Zina Kršková (klapka), Jaromír Komárek (fotograf)


Music Composed by

Ladislav Štaidl

Music Performed by

FISYO, Orchestr Ladislava Štaidla (Music Conducted by Ladislav Štaidl)


Dej mi pár okovů

Song Composer Fred RoseHy Heath
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Štaidl
Singer Jiří Krampol

Production info

Original Title

Ten svetr si nesvlíkej

Czech Title

Ten svetr si nesvlíkej

English Title

Don’t Take This Pullover Off!

Working Title

Domov v havárii




featuretheatrical distribution



Origin country




Production Year


Production specifications

literary Screenplay approved 15 March 1980
start of filming 21 April 1980
technical Screenplay approved 30 April 1980
end of filming 30 September 1980
projection approval 11 November 1980
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1990


premiere 21 August 1981 /suitable for youths/

Copyright Holders

Státní fond audiovize



Creative Group

Dramaturgická skupina Miroslava Hladkého, Miroslav Hladký (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)

Technical info

Duration typology

feature film

Duration in minutes

76 min

Original length in metres

2 170 meters

Distribution carrier

16mm, 35mm

Aspect ratio






Sound system/format




Dialogue languages


Subtitles languages

without subtitles

Opening/End credits languages


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