Hynek Bočan’s satirical comedy in 1980 provided the popular actor Vladimír Menšík with a superb acting opportunity. Menšík plays an energetic father, Mr Franc, whose efforts to secure his daughters’ future lead to him tyrannising the entire family. The film, shot according to Antonín Přidal’s screenplay and notable for its overlapping mix of comedy and satire, follows Mr Franc as he decides to build a villa no matter what the cost. His wife, daughters Olina and Jiřina and their boyfriends are given jobs on the construction site by the father. Naturally, under pressure from the self-appointed intruder in their lives, the young people change their ideas about a shared life. These become far removed from the original amorous plans... For this humorous portrait of the dominant head of a family forcing his outlook on the lives of others, Veronika Freimanová and Marta Malá were cast as the daughters. The sisters’ suitors are played by Václav Vydra and Ivan Vyskočil.
The Francs with their daughters Olina and Jiřina are building a villa in the village of Rezkovice. Father Franc doesn't allow himself a minute's respire and restlessly forces to work his wife, both daughters and Zdeněk, Jiřina's suitor. Zdeněk does not protest against it and, in addition, he is skilful. On the contrary, Olina's boyfriend Libor is worse at work. He studies at the Technical College and he does not succeed much in grasping the building handicraft. Franc, proud of his pursuits, decides that he will arrange the wedding for both daughters and then hand them over the key of the villa in which both pairs have luxuriously furnished flats. The girls do not like that their father decide their lives but in the end, they give up. In the day of a wedding Libor is frightened of the wedding and does not leave for Rezkovice. It is true, he is poor and does not bring to the marriage anything. In Rezkovice Franc endeavours to save face in front of the guests. He claims that Libor had to leave for an ill father. But his lie is soon disclosed. Libor's father has driven to his son a new car as a wedding present. When he gets to know a situation he sets out to look for his son. He finds him in a flat of his ex-wife and persuades him that he is now an equivalent bridegroom. Jiřina marries Zdeněk for she is with child. However, Olina runs away from home and does not want to return because Libor started behaving as Franc. Jiřina and Zdeněk move into the villa. Zdeněk does not want to work any more, he has toiled at it quite enough. The Francs start to suspect there is something wrong.
Alois Franc
Žofie, Francova žena
Olina, dcera Francových
student Libor, Olinin ženich
Jiřina, dcera Francových
Zdeněk, Jiřinin ženich
teta Heda, Aloisova sestra
Sámková, Liborova matka
Sámek, Liborův otec
vesničan Čížek zvaný Zub
sousedka Růža
soused, vrátný v továrně
motocyklista, Olinin kamarád
řidič nákladního automobilu
řidič autobusu
kamarádky Oliny
vesničan Jeník
Ivo Černý, Miloš Osvald, Jiří Rulík, Ladislav Rada
Pavel Mangl, Milan Brabec
Luboš Kozák
Jitka Tošilová (klapka), Jaroslav Trousil (fotograf)
Antonín Dvořák (Čert a Káča /fanfáry/)
Orchestr Ladislava Štaidla, Dechová hudba Závodního klubu Uranových dolů Permoník Příbram, Orchestr Moravanka
Singer Vladimír Menšíksbor
Song Composer lidová píseň
Writer of Lyrics lidová píseň
Singer Vladimír Menšík
Song Composer Ladislav Štaidl
Writer of Lyrics Miroslav Černý
Singer Ladislav Štaidl
Půl domu bez ženicha
Půl domu bez ženicha
Half of a House without a Bridegroom
featuretheatrical distribution
comedy, satire
literary Screenplay approved 21 January 1980
start of filming 12 February 1980
technical Screenplay approved 24 March 1980
end of filming 9 October 1980
projection approval 7 November 1980
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1990
premiere 20 March 1981 /suitable for youths/
Dramaturgická skupina Vladimíra Kaliny, Vladimír Kalina (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
82 min
2 248 meters
16mm, 35mm
Czech, Slovak
without subtitles
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