A Bride as Pretty as a Picture





Production year



6 March 1981


81 min




love story


featuretheatrical distributionlong

Original title

Nevěsta k zulíbání

Czech title

Nevěsta k zulíbání

English title

A Bride as Pretty as a Picture

Working title

Geometrická přitažlivost


Július Matula’s romantic film stars Dana Syslová and Milan Kňažko as coworkers who become close during a trip to Slovakia. Thirty-three year-old Květa, an introverted, independent woman, reluctantly agrees to give a lift to her philandering colleague, Karol Molnár, so he can get to his sister’s wedding. Karol’s family mistakes her for his girlfriend, which eventually leads to a real relationship. The burgeoning love between the responsible Květa and the reckless Karol leads to a “cross-border” romance which mostly takes place in a picturesque Slovak village. Štěfan Mišovic and Katarína Vrzalová star as Karol’s parents; Jiří Adamíra plays the part of assistant professor Horák, Květa’s friend.


Thirty-three-year-old architect Květa is an independent and energetic woman. She lives with her father, who reminds her in vain that she ought to get married. Despite her outward reserve, Květa is a highly sensitive woman and she carefully registers the marital failures of the people around her. This is why in her private life she chooses a casual relationship with an senior lecturer and is so committed to her career. Květa's talented colleague Karol Molnár is her exact opposite. He flits from one love affair to the next. One day, Karol asks Květa to give him a lift to Slovakia. He needs to get to his sister's wedding on time. After a certain hesitation, Květa agrees. Molnár's family and relatives presume that Květa is Karol's fiancée and they all like her a lot. Karol begins to see the young woman in a different light and he finally falls in love with her over the short time they spend at the wedding. Květa also acknowledges her emotions. After they return to Prague, however, Květa begins to refuse Karol's advances. But he doesn't give her up. He is convinced they are good match. Finally, Květa also acknowledges she loves Karol and wants to marry him.

Film online


Dana Syslová

architektka Květa Šmídová

Milan Kňažko

architekt Karol Molnár

Jana Gýrová

Vlasta, Květina kolegyně, Molnárova přítelkyně

Štefan Mišovic

Molnár, Karolův otec

Katarína Vrzalová

Molnárová, Karolova matka

Jiří Adamíra

docent Horák

Jiří Pleskot

Šmíd, Květin otec

Miluše Šplechtová

Jana, Karolova milenka

Alena Michalidesová

Terka, Karolova sestra

Miroslav Kvašňák

praktikant Ríša

Jiří Wohanka

Franta, Květin kamarád

Naďa Hejná

babka Molnárová

Anton Šulík

otec Tona

Helena Sudická

matka Tona

Ivan Romančík ml.

fotograf Martin

Sylva Sequensová

kreslička Eva

Otakar Brousek

Petr, kolega Květy a Karola

Darja Hajská

nájemnice Doležalová

Petr Šícha

student architektury

Jan Kanyza

on sám, nájemník

Bohumila Dousková


Jaromír Kučera

soused Rychtera

Olga Novotná

kreslička Monika

Mirko Musil

vrchní číšník

Crew and creators

Second Unit Director

Jiří Kratochvíl

Assistant Director

Petr Šícha

Director of Photography

Josef Vaniš, Jiří Macháně

Second Unit Photography

Václav Helliman, Jaroslav Brabec

Camera Operator

Bohumil Vodička

Production Designer

Jiří Matolín

Assistent Production Designer

Jozef Hrabušický

Set Designer

Karel Kracík, Pavel Šoltys, Milan Špinka

Costume Designer

Šárka Váchová

Film Editor

Jiří Brožek

Assistant Film Editor

Růžena Hejsková

Sound Designer

Antonín Kravka

Production Manager

Blažej Vráb

Unit Production Manager

Jan Janda, Rudolf Mos, Hana Štefanová

Unit Production Manager

Hana Štefanová


Helena Kadlecová (klapka), Bohumil Ženíšek (vrchní osvětlovač), Miloš Schmiedberger (fotograf)


Music Composed by

Dežo Ursiny

Music Performed by

skupina Burčiak


Voda se vrací

Song Composer Dežo Ursiny
Writer of Lyrics Vladimír Merta
Singer Marie RottrováDežo Ursiny

Production info

Original Title

Nevěsta k zulíbání

Czech Title

Nevěsta k zulíbání

English Title

A Bride as Pretty as a Picture

Working Title

Geometrická přitažlivost




featuretheatrical distribution


love story

Origin country




Production Year


Production specifications

literary Screenplay approved 9 October 1978
start of filming 21 January 1980
technical Screenplay approved 4 March 1980
end of filming 1 October 1980
projection approval 7 November 1980
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1990


premiere 6 March 1981 /inaccessible for youths/

Copyright Holders

Státní fond audiovize

Creative Group

Dramaturgická skupina Vladimíra Kaliny, Vladimír Kalina (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)

Technical info

Duration typology

feature film

Duration in minutes

81 min

Original length in metres

2 214 meters

Distribution carrier

16mm, 35mm

Aspect ratio






Sound system/format




Dialogue languages

Czech, Slovak

Subtitles languages

without subtitles

Opening/End credits languages


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