This entertaining fairytale-type feature with a moral was made after film publicist Jaroslav Boček and director Ladislav Rychman plucked a story from a book of humorous stories published by the former. The main protagonist is cabbie Marcel who happens to bring home an egg with a golden shell from a grocery. The young man’s girlfriend Irena resolves to track down the hen that laid the egg. Once the couple obtain a suitable rooster for the miraculous hen their breeding operation in a high-rise flat successfully takes off. However, complaints from neighbours and other complications soon cause the pair to part ways. Not long after both Marcel and Irena realise that their love for one another is more important than riches… The lead roles in the 1980 picture went to Jan Kanyza and Taťjana Medvecká.
Taxi driver Marcel Tůma calls at a local supermarket on his way back from work. When he gets home, he finds a gold-shell egg among the eggs he bought. A jeweller confirms that the shell is of real gold, paying him good money for its half. Marcel's girlfriend Irena realizes the value of the egg and decides at all costs to find the hen that lays such treasures. She looks up the address of the hennery, and she deceitfully gets a few-day access to visit. Despite they grow two hundred thousand hens there, Irena succeeds in finding the magic hen, taking it to Marcel's apartment. They both pick a gold egg every day. Irena becomes greedy, longing for more eggs. She reads plenty of heredity studies; then gets a cock, hoping to breed another magic hen. Breeding hens in a block-of-flats brings a lot of trouble, though. The The cock crows early in the morning, neighbours keep complaining and Marcel gets in trouble because a client of his gets dirty in the flat because of the chicken droppings. Marcel refuses to take care of the chicken. Irena and Marcel have a big quarrel and split up. Irena leaves him to live with her aunt in a small village, where unfortunately the hen gets stolen by a fox. The new grown chicken only lays ordinary eggs. Eventually Irena and Marcel make up their quarrel, finding out that the happiness is more than money.
servírka Irena Lapková
taxikář Marcel Tůma, Irenin přítel
sousedka Tloukalová
muž Tloukalové
Irenina matka
Irenin otec
elektrikář Roman Ratkin
Formáček, ředitel drůbežárny
vrátný drůbežárny Vodička
Marcelova zákaznice
profesor Křováček
vedoucí samoobsluhy
příslušník VB
servírka Jiřina
docent vysoké zemědělské školy
Eva, Irenina sestra
vedoucí provozu Jan Sitko
muž s holí
muž ve slamáku
žena s kolem
holčička vracející krabici
Vítězslav Kulle
Zdeněk Jeřábek, Rudolf Kinský, Miroslav Stibr
Jana Koubová, Jarmila Tomišková
Jiří Pavlásek
dr. Jiří Žirovnický
Vítězslava Marčíková (klapka), Oldřich Křesina (vrchní osvětlovač), Vladimír Souček (fotograf), Alfréd Javar-Červinka (práce se zvířaty – cvičitel slepic)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Song Composer Jiří BažantJiří Malásek
Writer of Lyrics Ivan Mládek
Singer Ivan Mládek
Zlatá slepice
Zlatá slepice
The Gold Hen
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 20 September 1979
start of filming 1 April 1980
technical Screenplay approved 28 April 1980
end of filming 31 October 1980
projection approval 3 December 1980
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1986
premiere 3 July 1981 /suitable for youths/
Dramaturgická skupina Miloše Brože, Miloš Brož (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
78 min
2 244 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
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