The atmosphere among the cardinals in the Vatican gardens and rooms is in ferment – the pope grew old and seriously ill and his death can be expected any day. After nine days of grieving following his death, a new man will be elected to the Holy See by the College of Cardinals. But there are various coteries among the men in scarlet. Some of them agree on the candidature of the calm and respected Bellandini while the others would vote for Joasin. Both sides then mainly try to get the so-called neutrals from the voters’ ranks via backstage negotiations. It is apparent that even the members of secret service serve to gain information which could profane either candidate. Joasino tries to make Bellandini give up his candidacy, claiming that two cardinals proposing him have some real estate. Bellandini, however, refuses the blackmail with disgust. It is the voting day and the cardinals hand in their secret votes in a hall guarded by young theologians. The final winner is the third one behind – an inconspicuous old cardinal. The white smoke, announcing the successful election, rises above the Vatican roofs.
The title of the film is borrowed from the biblical story about Jesus meeting the fisherman Simeon. He has chosen him as the first one of his twelve apostles and addresses him: Tu es Petrus, et super hanc petram aedificabo ecclesiam meam, et portae inferi non praevalebunt adversus eam (And I tell you, you are Peter which means rock and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.) The original Aramaic text uses the expression "cepha", standing both "Peter" and "rock".
kardinál Locatelli
kardinál zvolený novým papežem
kardinál Bellandini
kardinál Riconici
kardinál Joasino
kardinál Muroni
Giovanni Serpetto, ředitel banky
mladý bohoslovec
mladý bohoslovec
mladý bohoslovec
Dejan Bogičević, Boro Radojčić, Tereza Brdečková, Antonín Trš
Viola Zelenková, Alois Fišárek (střih), Jan Kališ (kamera), Jaroslav Balík (režie), Otakar Fuka
Jiří Kovář, Milan Šteindler, Ljiljana Milojković
Tu es Petrus
Tu es Petrus
Tu es Petrus
You are Peter
featurenon-theatrical distributionstudent film
étude, political
short film
26 min
721 meters
without subtitles