Engineer Kraus and his son Karel return from their two-year business trip in North-Africa, in Libya. Their Prague flat was in the meantime kept up by their neighbour to whom they have brought various gifts as well as for the student Markéta, Karel’s girlfriend. In the following days, Karel finds out that it will not be easy to return to his studies. He learned English abroad and probably expected that his exams from a Tripoli school would be acknowledged in his homecountry. Markéta is only two years older than Karel but she appears as a much more mature personality. Engineer Kraus arrives back at his work – a foreign-trade company. But, for some reason, his successor cannot go abroad to substitute him and he is thus asked to work in Africa for more years. Karel does not know whether he wants to stay in Prague at all, but he makes jealous scenes with Markéta. He eventually hitchhikes for a trip into the countryside. The father Kraus leaves the Prague flat with suitcases and it seems that Karel is leaving with him. Markéta comes after their departure and vainly rings the bell and bangs the door. Disappointed, she leaves in the lift which just passes by Karel climbing up the staircase, returning.
Ing. Josef Kraus, pracovník zahraničního obchodu
Karel, Krausův syn
studentka Markéta
sousedka Matylda Krpatovická
absolvent medicíny
prodavačka v knihkupectví
Jaroslav Balík (režie), Otakar Fuka, Jan Kališ (kamera), Alois Fišárek (střih), Viola Zelenková (produkce)
Song Composer Jaroslav Uhlíř
Writer of Lyrics Zdeněk Svěrák
Singer Jiří Schelinger
Song Composer lidová slovenská píseň
Singer sbor
Návrat z Tripolisu
Návrat z Tripolisu
Return from Tripoli
featurenon-theatrical distributionstudent film
short film
23 min
643 meters
without subtitles
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