Feckless van driver Milan Nedoma, and Dita, the daughter of a state company manager, fall in love. Though Dita’s father is unimpressed with his daughter’s suitor, he nonetheless permits the relationship to continue for the sake of Dita’s happiness. But Nedoma turns out to be something of a problematic partner – for he refuses to set aside his noble morals and simply opt for a comfortable family life under the wings of Dita’s parents. This moralising drama from director Jiří Hanibal serves as a critique of provincial practices, living on via the families of highly-placed functionaries. Hanibal teamed-up with writer Miroslav Sovják for the script, which serves as a contemporary 1981 representation of the official “party-line” view of such social and relationship issues. Marcel Vašinka takes the lead role in this run-of-the-mill film. Dita is played by Milena Steinmasslová. Vladimír Menšík and Zdena Hadrbolcová offer lively performances as the parents.
Milan Nedoma works as a company truck driver. He is rather careless, spending his leisure time in a pub with friends over beer and cards or by fleeting love affairs. He comes to like a new young cashier in the company and immediately begins to court her. Dita, as is the girl's name, becomes interested in Milan, too, and so she accepts his invitation for a cofee and later also to the lodging house where the man lives. Milan later learns that Dita is the daughter of the deputy director, Vaněk. But Vaněk does not like Milan and tries to quash the daughter's affair. Dita, however, finds a way. She stops going to the cottage with her parents and reportedly spends her free days with her friend Marcela who has a baby. In fact, she is with Milan in the family villa during the weekends. Dita's lie is revealed. The father is upset but the mother sees a groom for her daughter in Milan and she gets her way - Milan moves in with them. Everything goes well in the beginning but the young man soon gets bothered that someone else organizes his life all the time. He is also annoyed by the mockery of his friends with whom he used to enjoy a free life before. His return to his old tracks ends up pitifully. He is brought back to the family by a police patrol just at the same time as the Vaněks are being visited by his parents. The event results in a scandal after which Milan decides to leave. He also tries to convince Dita to leave her parents with him. Dita hesitates but finally catches up with Milan with two suitcases. She loves him and wants to live with him.
řidič Milan Nedoma
pokladní Dita Vaňková
náměstek Eduard Vaněk, Ditin otec
Eliška, Vaňkova žena, Ditina matka
Olin, Milanův spolubydlící
Nedomová, Milanova matka
Nedoma, Milanův otec
skladník Procházka
Magda, Milanova milenka
Pepa, Magdin další milenec
Lojza, Vavruškův spolubydlící
správce ubytovny Mareš
vedoucí dopravy František
Voice by Jana Andresíková
sekretářka Evička
Ilonka, Ditina kamarádka
úředník Láďa, Ditin muž
surovec Fany
partnerka Fanyho
Milanova sestra
Voice by Jiří Zahajský
Vaňkův řidič
podpraporčík VB
nadstrážmistr VB
vrchní číšník
řidič ředitele
nadstrážmistr VB
příslušník VB
člen komise
Robert Vacík, Magda Vodičková
Karel Kracík, Miloš Sršeň, Milan Šefrna, Jiří Zahrádka
Jaroslav Čermák, Ivo Strangmüller, Ivana Kopecká, Libuše Švejdová
Bohdan Kysil, Jaroslava Pražská
Jana Jeřábková, Bohumil Vlach
Zina Kršková (klapka), Jaromír Komárek (fotograf), Zdeněk Suchý
FISYO (Music Conducted by Mario Klemens)
Víkend bez rodičů
Víkend bez rodičů
A Weekend without Parents
Panský kočí
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 1 October 1980
start of filming 9 March 1981
technical Screenplay approved 12 March 1981
end of filming 24 July 1981
projection approval 14 August 1981
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1987
premiere 12 February 1982 /inaccessible for youths/
Dramaturgická skupina Miloše Brože, Miloš Brož (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
85 min
2 419 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles