The manual on how to cook a soup from an axe to feed a dumb rich man might be said to belong to the genre of humorous folk tales about cunning peasants rather than to the fairytale world. Such is the case with the narrative of this film, based on the tradition of Wallachian story telling. Released as a 1981 family comedy, Pohádka svatojánské noci (A Midsummer Night’s Story) – the sole feature film directed by Zdeněk Zydroň – relates the story of clever military veteran Martin. While journeying home, Martin teaches a lesson to a stingy mayor who is oppressing the residents of a small village. In his duel with the fiendishly clever foreigner, the skinflint will not prevail even by banning the traditional Midsummer Night’s fires… Václav Postránecký, Karel Vochoč, Pavel Zedníček and Julius Satinský are among those with roles in what is an unjustifiably forgotten motion picture. The Wallachian costumes, songs and dances play equally important parts.
The veteran soldier Martin returns home after his twelve-year military service. On his way, he stops in a small Valachian village ruled by an unscrupulous and stingy bailiff. The villagers' terror is the bailiff's book of debtors. Martin witnesses the bailiff, helped by a catchpole, taking a cow away from the widower Krytof just because of few pennies. Jura and Juříček must still serve the bailiff, even though they worked their debt off a long time ago. The bailiff even cheated on his stepbrother těpán who thus cannot marry his beloved Anička - he refused to pay him his share of the inheritance from their mother. Anička's mother, too, runs into debt with the bailiff, and Anička must therefore be at his service. Martin decides to help the villagers. The bailiff is afraid of him because he spotted his head in the window and thought that he was being observed by a devil. Strange things begin to happen in the village. The catchpole is hit by shingles that fall down from a roof, somebody steals the milk from Krytof's former cow The bailiff appeals to a parish priest who, in turn, bans bonfires on the St John´s holiday. Martin visits the bailiff claiming to be able to make soup solely from a hatchet. The miserly bailiff is eager to know the cheap recipe and doesn´t realize that he is actually bringing Martin things to help him make it - sausage, potatoes and other food. Jura and Juříček disguise themselves as devils to scare the bailiff. Meanwhile, supplies keep disappearing from the bailiff's pantry. As soon as the skinflint tries to save something, a hatch slumps under his feet and he disappears. Martin offers soup to the villagers returning from the mountain where they lit the St John's fires despite the ban. těpán distributes his brother's stolen money to the villagers, he burns the book of debtors and happily weds his Anička. The local blacksmith offers Martin work in his forge but the soldier's desire for home is stronger and wins.
vysloužilý voják Martin
Voice by Martin Stropnický
Štěpán, nevlastní fojtův bratr
Voice by Miroslava Šafránková
Anička, Štěpánova milá
Jura, čeledín u fojta
Juříček, čeledín u fojta
Ondra, Aniččin bratr
chalupník vdovec Kryštof
vdova Filoména, matka Aničky a Ondry
farská hospodyně Kateřina
Kryštofův syn
Kryštofův syn
Kryštofova dcera
Voice by Vlasta Jelínková
tanečníci a muzikanti
tanečník Vsacanu
tanečník Vsacanu
tanečník Vsacanu
tanečník Vsacanu
tanečník Vsacanu
tanečník Vsacanu
tanečník Vsacanu
tanečník Vsacanu
tanečník Vsacanu
tanečník Vsacanu
tanečník Vsacanu
tanečník Vsacanu
tanečnice Vsacanu
tanečnice Vsacanu
tanečnice Vsacanu
tanečnice Vsacanu
tanečnice Vsacanu
tanečnice Vsacanu
tanečnice Vsacanu
tanečnice Vsacanu
tanečnice Vsacanu
tanečnice Vsacanu
tanečnice Vsacanu
tanečnice Vsacanu
muzikant Vsacanu
muzikant Vsacanu
muzikant Vsacanu
muzikant Vsacanu
muzikant Vsacanu
starosvatka Vsacanu
František Hlaváček
anonym (Pohádka svatojánské noci – lidová pohádka)
František Santarius, Josef Vojtášek
Jiří Zemanec, Dušan Schaffer
PhDr. Jaroslav Štika, CSc., PhDr. Jiří Langer, CSc.
Otto Kamenský (fotograf), soubor Vsacan ze Vsetína
skupina Javory (Music Conducted by Petr Ulrych), FISYO (Music Conducted by Mario Klemens)
Singer Petr Ulrych
Singer Václav Postránecký [dab]Petr Ulrychsbor
Singer sbor
Singer mužský sbor
Singer Hana Ulrychovásbor
Pohádka svatojánské noci
Pohádka svatojánské noci
A Midsummer Night’s Story
Jak se vaří ze sekyrky polévka
featuretheatrical distribution
withdrawal from distribution 1 October 1993
premiere 17 September 1982 /suitable for youths/
feature film
80 min
2 237 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Festival: 22. festival filmů pro děti Gottwaldov
Zlín / Czechoslovakia
Zdeněk Zydroň