Musician and screenwriter Vladimír Mertawas drawn to portraying the timeless charm of Moravian folk music based on his own experiences. The hero of this poetically minded tale is a journalism student named Honza (Jan Hartl), who happens upon a unique folk song composer, František Hřebačka (played by Josef Kemr), known by the monicker of Fanoš Mikulecký. Thanks to the elder man and his songs, the young urbanite, who had only valued foreign rock music, finds a path to his natural roots. Merta, a popular singer-songwriter and graduate of Prague’s FAMU film school, long tried in vain to make his directorial debut during the “normalisation” period via the state-run Barrandov Film Studios. The realisation of his screenplay only came about thanks to Jaromil Jireš; but the experienced director, in whose work musical themes also play an important role, could not of course defend Merta’s concept from a dose of censorship.
The not too successful student and also rock group singer Honza dances for the sake of a bet in the centre of Prague, clad in a folk costume and paraphrasing a folk dance. Nobody takes any notice of him except Honza's rigorous teacher who passes by and recommends him not to even go to the exams. Some time ago, the leader of the rock group invited a Moravian-Slovakian band and its singers onto the stage during a concert but the audience intolerantly booed the folk musicians. Honza sets off to Moravia to meet the swaggering singer Adámek and the pretty solo singer Eva. He spends the night in the open air and, in the morning, unwittingly spoils the filming of a documentary about Moravian folklore. He is saved from trouble by the generous professor of ethnography. He appoints Honza as his assistant and introduces him to a painter of both walls and paintings, Fano Hřebačka, who uses the nickname Mikulecký. It was he who provided the ethnography professor with countless songs about wine, love and farewells over the years. Recently, the eternally ailing Fano sensed he was dying. He therefore confessed to his friends that, actually, he himself composed most of the songs, using the motifs of Moravian folk melodies. Honza decides to employ the subject of folklore in his university thesis and to arrange copyright and royalties for Fano at the Society for the Protection of the Rights of Music Authors and Publishers. Eva not only flirts with the singer Adámek and his eternal rival, the forester Ondra, but also with Honza. But the student does not fulfill her wish to be taken away from Moravia. Fano recognizes his songs in a broadcast from a Brno radio station. He attends a performance of Mozart's Don Giovanni. He decides to write a theatre play with songs and entitles it The Rebel from Prechov. He casts his fellow-citizens in the roles and choirs, staging the performance for the entire village. Adámek as the Forest Robber and Ondra as the Count reckon with each other during the reharsals. Fano is haunted by the chimera of death but he lives to see the premiere. Honza and the ethnography professor are invited to the wedding of Eva and Adámek. But the wedding guests, all dressed in folk costumes, are sad. Fano's friend projects amateur shots from his funeral onto a white canvas. The place where the author of so many beautiful songs wanted to be burried is, however, now intersected by a highway.
The film was dedicated to the inhabitants of the Lusatian Basin in Moravia.
Fanoš Hřebačka-Mikulecký
student Honza
profesor etnografie
zpěvák Adámek
lesník Ondra
listonoš Ogara
předseda družstva
komediant Kocfelda
Fanošova žena
právník na OSA
přítel Jiří
technička v rozhlasu
vedoucí Podlužánku
příslušník VB
vedoucí E.T.C.
houslista skupiny E.T.C.
basista skupiny E.T.C.
kytarista skupiny E.T.C.
bubeník skupiny E.T.C.
matka Evy
cestující ve vlaku
Fanoš Hřebačka-Mikulecký jako chlapec
sólista opery
účinkující v opeře
účinkující v opeře
účinkující v opeře
účinkující v opeře
účinkující v opeře
účinkující v opeře
účinkující v opeře
mladý Mosela
rakouský turista
primáš Cimbálové muziky Slovácko
dubl za Svatopluka Skopala
Zdeněk Fiala
Miloslav Dvořák, Jiří Forst, Milan Kvak, Lubomír Kafka, Pavel Svoboda
Jana Koubová, Jarmila Tomišková
Jiří Potsch, L. Pech, Pavel Bačkovský
Pavel Popelka, Pravomil Kotásek, Maryška Kotásková, Jan Maděrič
Vítězslava Marčíková (klapka), Jan Kuděla (fotograf)
František Hřebačka-Mikulecký, Zdeněk Pololáník, Vladimír Mišík
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Don Giovanni /závěr/)
Cimbálová muzika Slovácko (Music Conducted by Přemysl Líčeník), FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín), Dechovka Venkovanka, skupina ETC
Song Composer Vladimír Mišík
Writer of Lyrics Vladimír Mišík
Singer Jan Hartl [dab]Vladimír Mišíkskupina ETC
Song Composer František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Writer of Lyrics František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Singer Národopisný soubor PolajkaLenka KrálováZdeněk Baťka
Song Composer František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Writer of Lyrics František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Singer Národopisný soubor PolajkaLenka KrálováZdeněk Baťka
Song Composer František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Writer of Lyrics František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Singer Národopisný soubor PolajkaLenka KrálováZdeněk Baťka
Song Composer František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Writer of Lyrics František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Singer Národopisný soubor PolajkaLenka KrálováZdeněk Baťka
Song Composer František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Writer of Lyrics František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Singer Národopisný soubor PolajkaLenka KrálováZdeněk Baťka
Song Composer František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Writer of Lyrics František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Singer Národopisný soubor PolajkaLenka KrálováZdeněk Baťka
Song Composer František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Writer of Lyrics František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Singer Národopisný soubor PolajkaLenka KrálováZdeněk Baťka
Song Composer František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Writer of Lyrics František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Singer Národopisný soubor PolajkaLenka KrálováZdeněk Baťka
Song Composer František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Writer of Lyrics František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Singer Národopisný soubor PolajkaLenka KrálováZdeněk Baťka
Song Composer František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Writer of Lyrics František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Singer Národopisný soubor PolajkaLenka KrálováZdeněk Baťka
Song Composer František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Writer of Lyrics František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Singer Národopisný soubor PolajkaLenka KrálováZdeněk Baťka
Song Composer František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Writer of Lyrics František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Singer Národopisný soubor PolajkaLenka KrálováZdeněk Baťka
Song Composer František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Writer of Lyrics František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Singer Národopisný soubor PolajkaLenka KrálováZdeněk Baťka
Song Composer František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Writer of Lyrics František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Singer Národopisný soubor PolajkaLenka KrálováZdeněk Baťka
Song Composer František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Writer of Lyrics František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Singer Národopisný soubor PolajkaLenka KrálováZdeněk Baťka
Song Composer František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Writer of Lyrics František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Singer Národopisný soubor PolajkaLenka KrálováZdeněk Baťka
Song Composer František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Writer of Lyrics František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Singer Národopisný soubor PolajkaLenka KrálováZdeněk Baťka
Song Composer František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Writer of Lyrics František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Singer Národopisný soubor PolajkaLenka KrálováZdeněk Baťka
Song Composer František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Writer of Lyrics František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Singer skupina Moravanka
Opera ve vinici
Opera ve vinici
The Vineyard Opera
Mikulecké pole / Smrtka na bílém koni
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 24 March 1980
start of filming 11 February 1981
technical Screenplay approved 19 March 1981
end of filming 26 October 1981
projection approval 4 December 1981
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1987
premiere 4 June 1982 /suitable for youths/
Dramaturgická skupina Drahoslava Makovičky, Drahoslav Makovička (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
90 min
2 520 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Festival: 20. festival českých a slovenských filmů Ústí nad Labem
Ústí nad Labem / Czechoslovakia
Emil Sirotek st.
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