Stanislav Rudolf’s novels for girls provided inspiration for a number of Czech films. One of the most popular adaptations of the novelist’s work was 1981’s Kopretiny pro zámeckou paní (Marguerites For the Lady of the Castle).The film was helmed by the capable director Josef Pinkava. The heroine of the story, penned by Pinkava and seasoned scriptwriter Stanislav Petřík, is 15-year-old Katka Krásná. During the summer, she has to sell tickets at the box office at Krabonoš Castle, where her parents both work. Katka falls in love with Petr, a history student from Prague who is also working at the castle for the summer. However, he fails to pick up on her feelings. Lovelorn, Katka gets back at him by stealing two valuable exhibits from the castle museum. In the end she is forced to confess to the police and her parents. Petr begins to reciprocate the girl’s affections... Director Pinkava had considerable experience of stories featuring young protagonists (e.g., Prázdniny s Minkou [Holiday With Minka] /1962/, Kočky neberem [We Don’t Give Chicks a Lift] /1966/, Terezu bych kvůli žádné holce neopustil [I’ll Never Give Up Tereza for a Girlfriend] /1976/). He encountered Rudolf’s work in 1971 when he adapted the rewarding story of Metráček, an overweight schoolgirl. Pinkava conceived of Marguerites For the Lady of the Castle as a breezy summer story with likeable characters. The title role in the likable picture was taken by non-actress Sylva Julinová, with Jan Hartl playing the student Petr. Pavel Kříž, then 12, makes his screen debut in a small role, though his voice was dubbed by Roman Skamene.
Fifteen year old Katka Krásná lives with her parents in the Krabono castle. During the holiday she helps her parents, who work at the castle at the cash-desk. She is not much excited; she will not have time for her friends and swimming. Petr, a history student, comes to Krabono for a summer job and Katka likes the young man, but he does not pay any attention to her. Therefore, the girl keeps doing dirty on him and immediately the first evening she puts pepper in his coffee. Petr gets into trouble with Pavlua, a spoiled son of Těíks, who also work at the castle. Pavlua asks his pals to beat Petr up. Katka hears their talk and she runs to warn Petr. On the way she is held back by Pavlua, but Petr, who is also a judo-man, manages the hulks. He thinks that it was Katka who was supposed to be attacked. Even after this story, Petr does not understand that Katka fell in love with him. He takes two pots from the castle manager in order to clean them. Katka wants to take revenge for his disregard and she steals the pots. The loss of the pots is being investigated by police lieutenant Tyleček. During an interview, Katka confesses. Her father is embittered, only her mother senses the truth. Tyleček closes down the entire case and with a slight irony he even opens Petr's eyes. At night, Katka wakes up. Petr's tape recorder appears in the window, hanging on a rope with two daisies. All of a sudden, she feels happy.
Katka Krásná
student historie Petr
Voice by Zdeněk Řehoř
správce hradu Krabonoše, Katčin otec
kastelánka, Katčina matka
Ida, Katčina kamarádka
Hanka, Katčina kamarádka
Tonda, Katčin ctitel
průvodkyně Těšíková
Voice by Lubomír Lipský
údržbář Gusta, muž Těšíkové
Voice by Jiří Lábus
Pavluša, syn Těšíkových
poručík VB Jindřich Tyleček, Hančin otec
učitel matematiky Protivák
strážmistr VB
Voice by Roman Skamene
student Robert
babička Kocourková
dědeček sedmi vnuků
Katčina spolužačka
Katčina spolužačka
Ivo Ženatý
kumpán rváčské party
hlas návštěvníka hradu
hlas návštěvnice hradu
Stanislav Rudolf (Kopretina pro zámeckou paní – kniha)
Jiří Hudeček
Otto Buchta, Oldřich Halaza, Josef Vojtášek
Věra Kotlanová, Ctibor Kloupar, Eva Zemanová, Dáša Čmolíková
Jarmila Bartoníková, Jindřich Ujčík
František Finsterle
Jana Školoutová (klapka), Dalibor Michalčík (vrchní osvětlovač), Otto Kamenský (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček)
Song Composer Pavel Novák
Writer of Lyrics Pavel Novák
Singer Sylva Julinová
Kopretiny pro zámeckou paní
Kopretiny pro zámeckou paní
Marguerites For the Lady of the Castle
featuretheatrical distribution
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1993
premiere 25 September 1981 /suitable for youths/
feature film
85 min
2 322 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Festival: 4. festival české a slovenské filmové veselohry Nové Město nad Metují
Nové Město nad Metují / Czechoslovakia
Josef Pinkava
Festival: 12. mezinárodní festival filmů pro děti a mládež Giffoni Valle Piana
Giffoni Valle Piana / Italy
Exhibition: 13. národní přehlídka filmů pro děti Ostrov nad Ohří
Ostrov nad Ohří / Czechoslovakia
Festival: 21. festival filmů pro děti Gottwaldov
Zlín / Czechoslovakia