Mature Wine





Production year



31 July 1981


94 min






featuretheatrical distributionlong

Original title

Zralé víno

Czech title

Zralé víno

English title

Mature Wine


The second film in director Václav Vorlíček’s “Wine trilogy” was released in 1981 and constitutes a connecting line between Bouřlivé víno (Wine Working, 1976) and Mladé víno (Young Wine, 1986). While the first film was set in 1968, the sequel has the residents of the south Moravian winemaking village in the contemporary present, charged with vibrant, striving energy. The protagonist is once again good-hearted winemaker Janák. He is having difficulties with the building of a corn drying kiln and is in a struggle with new agricultural cooperative chairman Urban. The chairman wishes to expand the collective by building a furniture production plant. Janák’s gall bladder can’t endure the stress and the hero is admitted to hospital. However, the operation proves successful and those guilty of fraud and bribery in the collective are justly punished. Vladimír Menšík in the lead role delivers his standard comic performance.


Members of the agricultural cooperative in the village of Pálavice invite the deputy director of the Dolinstav company, named Weber, for a hunt. The only man who does not drink at the closing celebration is the cooperative's deputy, Michal Janák, tortured by his gall bladder problems. He is, however, even more troubled by the chairman Urban's plan to start ancillary furniture production in the cooperative. They should produce something useful for the farmers. Weber promises to finally finish the construction of the local corn oasthouse before the harvest. The cooperative member Růžena Šmejkalová breaks up with her long-term suitor Ovečka. He does not stand up for her and is moreover an alcoholic. Janák must be hospitalized. The young doctor Martincová suggests surgery but Janák refuses, out of fear that the chairman will push his intention through during his absence. The reserves Colonel Čestmír Semerád arrives in Pálavice for a date - he replied to Šmejkalová's newspaper ad published in the lonely hearts section. Albeit an orderly man, he is clumsy in establishing social contacts, and thus runs into conflicts all the time. Even though the spontaneous and temperamental Šmejkalová upsets him from the beginning, he decides to stay. Michal disguises himself and runs away from the hospital to the cooperative's managing board meeting. He is, however, outvoted by the others and his strong distress then indeed requires the inevitable surgery. The killjoy and hairsplitter Semerád begins in the cooperative as a stock inventory worker. Weber's company falls behind the production plan and Weber claims to Janák that a bribe of ten thousand crowns can speed up everything. Michal takes the money from his own savings. Weber shovels the money in for himself and moreover advises him how to establish a "black" fund - it is enough to regularly show and pay the work of the so-called "dead souls" on an account. Janák along with other trustworthy cooperative members make it seem like they agree with the fiddle. Michal and his wife Kateřina bring Urban and doctor Martincová together to calm the young chairman down. Semerád soon discovers the deceit with the fictitious employees but Růžena convinces him that it is for a good cause. Janák with his wife and son Karlík do the shown work at nights. Michal finds out how to get the money back from Weber. He knows that the man would like to buy the cooperative's hunting lodge, and tells him that it will be impossible without a bribe. Weber gives him the money and promises more for repairing the roof on his future property. Ovečka makes a bet to get the avowed abstainer Semerád drunk. He succeeds and the colonel causes some disorder. The operation with the bribes is in part revealed and Janák must explain everything. Weber arrives for the celebratory opening of the oasthouse and is immediately arrested for his deceits and bribery. Urban and Janák have a talk and reconcile at the wedding of Šmejkalová and Semerád.


The film Mature Wine was a sequel to the film entitled Wine Working (1976) and the director Vorlíček finally also directed the movie Young Wine (1986).

Film online


Vladimír Menšík

místopředseda JZD Michal Janák

Božidara Turzonovová

agronomka Kateřina, Janáková žena

Iva Janžurová

družstevnice Růžena Šmejkalová

Jiří Sovák

plukovník v. v. Čestmír Semerád

Miloš Kopecký

zástupce Dolinstavu Weber

Josef Větrovec

družstevník Franta Chovanec

František Němec

Ing. Urban, předseda JZD

Josef Somr

alkoholik Eda Ovečka

František Filipovský

děda Cyril Maruštík

Otto Šimánek

družstevník Kyselý

Miroslav Zounar

družstevník Peterka

Renáta Doleželová

MUDr. Martincová

Václav Sloup

družstevník Kuna

Jan Kraus

řidič Zezulák

Vítězslav Jandák

Voice by Ladislav Županič
družstevník Zavřel

Jiří Lábus

účetní Kokoška

David Schneider

Karlík, Janákův syn

Judita Ďurdiaková

Voice by Jana Švandová
účetní Hanka, Zavřelova žena

Libuše Jiskrová

sekretářka Věruška

Lubomír Kostelka

družstevník Řezníček

Ivana Andrlová

Lenka, Karlíkova dívka

Josef A. Stehlík

děda Skřivánek

Mnislav Hofmann

děda Studénka

Jožka Stoklasa

děda Pitucha

Vladimír Hlavatý

děda Pastyřík

Zdeněk Kutil

Voice by Mirko Musil
klempíř Karel

Zdeněk Blažek

Voice by Mirko Musil
starší železničář

Daniela Bartáková

zdravotní sestra

Jan Cmíral

družstevník Osička

Karel Fridrich

vrátný v nemocnici

Adolf Filip

dělník Vávra

Pavel Spálený

Voice by Mirko Musil
dělník s plnovousem

Daniela Bakerová

úřednice na poště

Gabriela Hyrmanová

Lucka, Chovancova dcera

Antonín Lebeda

pacient Weiner

Roman Hájek

svobodník, Karlíkův kamarád

Jiřina Jelenská

tlustá pacientka Ježková

Tomáš Juřička

mladý železničář

Věra Kalendová

cestující s řízkem

Jan Kuželka

Pitucha ml.

Miloslav Šindler

Studénka ml.

Oldřich Velen

Pastyřík ml.

Jana Robenková

Voice by Ludmila Roubíková
úřednice na poště Růžičková

Vlastimil Bedrna

skladník Pivoňka

Ludmila Roubíková

družstevnice Julie Beránková

Soňa Vlčková

pokladní JZD

Jitka Zelenohorská

sekretářka JZD Zbořilová

Marie Motlová

Voice by Ludmila Roubíková
Maruštíkova žena

Jiří Žák

příslušník VB

Karel Huth


Ivo Husák


Jiří Janoušek (hudebník)


Karel Kos


Karel Strože


František Hanus

náměstek Dolinstavu Plocek

Crew and creators

Second Unit Director

Věra Pištěková


Olga Hrčková

Shooting Script

Václav Vorlíček


Václav Erben

Director of Photography

Emil Sirotek

Second Unit Photography

Martin Benoni

Camera Operator

Milan Kopecký

Production Designer

Oldřich Bosák

Assistent Production Designer

František Císař

Set Designer

Ivo Černý, Miloš Osvald, Jiří Rulík

Costume Designer

Theodor Pištěk ml.

Film Editor

Miroslav Hájek

Assistant Film Editor

Helena Lehovcová

Sound Designer

František Fabián

Production Manager

Jiří Krejčí

Unit Production Manager

Přemysl Pražský, Iva Šetková

Unit Production Manager

Karel Stárek


Ing. František Studénka


Irena Dekojová (klapka), Jitka Bylinská (fotografka)


Music Composed by

Karel Svoboda

Selected Music

Antonín Dvořák (Jakobín /My cizinou jsme bloudili/)

Music Performed by

FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček)


Ej, od Buchlova

Singer sbor

My cizinou jsme bloudili

Song Composer Antonín Dvořák
Writer of Lyrics Marie Červinková-Riegrová
Singer Jiří Sovák

Ovčáci čtveráci

Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer Jiří Sovák

Nepudu domů, nepudu domů

Singer dětský sbor

Už mně koně vyvádějí

Singer mužský sbor

Production info

Original Title

Zralé víno

Czech Title

Zralé víno

English Title

Mature Wine




featuretheatrical distribution



Origin country




Production Year


Production specifications

literary Screenplay approved 21 May 1980
start of filming 20 August 1980
technical Screenplay approved 15 September 1980
end of filming 9 March 1981
projection approval 20 March 1981
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1990


premiere 31 July 1981 /suitable for youths/

Copyright Holders

Státní fond audiovize



Creative Group

Dramaturgická skupina Drahoslava Makovičky, Drahoslav Makovička (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)

Technical info

Duration typology

feature film

Duration in minutes

94 min

Original length in metres

2 583 meters

Distribution carrier

16mm, 35mm

Aspect ratio






Sound system/format




Dialogue languages


Subtitles languages

without subtitles

Opening/End credits languages




Festival: 20. festival českých a slovenských filmů Ústí nad Labem

Ústí nad Labem / Czechoslovakia


Festival: 20. festival českých a slovenských filmů Ústí nad Labem

Ústí nad Labem / Czechoslovakia
František Němec


Festival: 4. festival české a slovenské filmové veselohry Nové Město nad Metují

Nové Město nad Metují / Czechoslovakia
Jiří Sovák


Festival: 32. filmový festival pracujících – léto ´81

62 měst / Czechoslovakia
Vladimír Menšík


Festival: 32. filmový festival pracujících – léto ´81

62 měst / Czechoslovakia


Festival: 32. filmový festival pracujících – léto ´81

62 měst / Czechoslovakia
Miloš Macourek


Festival: 32. filmový festival pracujících – léto ´81

62 měst / Czechoslovakia
František Němec

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