Several of the works of writer Bohumil Říha have been filmed. This novel by the pro-regime writer also inspired a children’s film, which was directed in 1981 by the experienced family filmmaker Václav Gajer. The story takes place in 1947 and it is based on the popular model of the relationship between a human hero and an indomitable animal protagonist. The tale of the freedom necessary for life, is, of course, beholden to the standards of the time: the Hucul horse that heals an old villager, has remained in the small village in Šumava after the Soviet soldiers have left. This is a pleasing movie that engages with the acting performance of Zdeněk Řehoř and the depiction of the indisputable beauty of the Šumava landscape as shot by cameraman Jan Němeček.
It is the summer of 1947. The Carpathian pony Ryn which was left to Antonín Jakub by Soviet soldiers is a thorn in the eye of some villagers because he causes chaos in the village. He, for example, demolished the garden of the neighbour Daniela Spudilová several times. And when the chairman of the local National Committee falls from a motorcycle because of Ryn's fault, the horse must go. Jakub leaves his granddaughter Karolínka in the care of Spudilová and sets off with Ryn to his cousin whom he helps pick pears every year. The horse, however, is not used to wearing a collar and he shies on the way. Jakub and Ryn cannot stay even at the cousin's. On their way back, the stampeding horse again causes a motorcycle accident and Jakub must spend his last money on the fine. The village children plead for Ryn with the national committee's chairman and he promises to help. Somebody sets Jakub's house on fire. Everything testifies against a horse trader who moreover robbed the widow Spudilová of all her savings and then disappeared from the village. The children offer Jakub their island hayloft where they wanted to establish a small ZOO. The fire results in many changes in the village. The local constable resigns and also the weak national committee's chairman must leave his post. No one pursues Ryn any more. He runs freely in the meadows, and when the old Jakub is in a good mood, he lets his granddaughter ride the horse.
Antonín Jakub
Antonínův bratranec
Stočes, předseda MNV
obecní strážník
Václav Turek
Turkova žena
Daniela, dcera Spudilky
přednosta stanice
majitel klisny
Karolínka, Jakubova vnučka
Ondra Turek, Karolínčin kamarád
Tomík, Ondrův bratr
příslušník SNB
příslušník SNB
Voice by Vítězslav Jandák
mladík s motocyklem
divoký koník Ryn
Bohumil Říha (Divoký koník Ryn – román)
Jiří Forst, Miloslav Dvořák, Václav Kalous, Pavel Svoboda
Jaroslav Klenot, Jiří Klenot, František Ledecký
Evelyna Jarolímková, Milana Melcerová
František Michálek (jezdectví), Čestmír Pekař
Eva Marková (klapka), Miroslav Pešan (fotograf), Hucul klub Praha
FISYO (Music Conducted by Mario Klemens)
Song Composer Luboš Sluka
Writer of Lyrics Michal Černík
Singer dětský sbor
Divoký koník Ryn
Divoký koník Ryn
The Horse Ryn
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 03/1981
technical Screenplay approved 04/1981
start of filming 4 May 1981
end of filming 6 November 1981
projection approval 2 December 1981
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1991
premiere 26 March 1982 /suitable for youths/
Dramaturgická skupina Oty Hofmana, Ota Hofman (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
81 min
2 309 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Festival: 20. festival českých a slovenských filmů Ústí nad Labem
Ústí nad Labem / Czechoslovakia
Festival: 22. festival filmů pro děti Gottwaldov
Zlín / Czechoslovakia
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