Markéta Zinnerová’s relationship to Czechoslovak cinema stemmed from her inspirational literary works and screenwriting endeavours. This cheerful fairytale from 1982, directed by Radim Cvrček, is one feature film that hit the silver screen thanks to an adaptation of a Zinnerová story. It is the dragon Mrak who serves as the protagonist. He’s quite frankly not been getting enough to eat, and this has turned him into a jolly nice fellow. The charcoal burner’s daughter Lidka meets Mrak in a forest and befriends him. But the king, and father of Princess Viola, will not let claims of the dragon’s harmlessness reach his ears. Meanwhile, the princess is making her father unhappy by falling in love with the wandering lutenist Marian. And the noble Prince Jan is all eyes for Lidka… Jiří Císler plays the comic role of the fearful king in this harmless fairytale. Ivana Andrlová and Jana Beránková portray Lidka and Princess Viola, respectively. Josef Kemr lent his voice to the dragon, created, one might add, with a range of special effects tied to the technology level then available at Gottwaldov Studio (now Zlín).
A grandfather in a charcoal burner's cottage reads to his grandchildren from an old chronicle about a failed dragon called Cloud which grew up into a good-natured dragon due to insufficient nourishment. The charcoal burner, Patočka, thinks that a fraudulent competitor has settled in the forest. The king promises him rectification, but when the hunters arrive at the mentioned place, they find the dragon there. They do not know that it he is in fact a good-natured one, and run away from him in fear. The birthday of the princess Viola is being celebrated at the castle and the king does not want to hear anything about the dragon now. Viola meets a wandering lute player, Marián, and the two fall in love at first sight. But the king does not like it at all. The charcoal burner's daughter Lidka, picking raspberries in the forest, meets Cloud and finds out that he is an extremely kind soul. This news, however, does not get to the castle and the king thus speculates about who can save Viola from the dragon. Because saviours do not really come flocking, it comes to his mind to sacrifice Lidka instead of Viola. Because dragons only eat princesses, he immediately dubs Patočka the king of the Wooden Kingdom. But Viola does not want Lidka to substitute for her. She escapes from a goat shed where her father locked her, and sets off to the dragon with Lidka. In a forest glade, they not only find the dragon but also Marián and Viola's brother, prince Jan, who likes Lidka. The king does not want to hear anything about the loves of his children but as soon as the dragon berates him, he takes fright and becomes compliant with their choices. He moreover thinks that he could use the dragon in fighting his enemy. Cloud and Patočka nevertheless scatter both armies and force the two hostile sides sign a peace agreement. Happiness returns to the kingdom. Viola marries Marián who turns out to be the son of a king, Lidka marries prince Jan and the grandfather cradles the royal heirs while recording the new events in the chronicle.
král Jan
Voice by Miroslav Moravec
uhlíř Patočka
děda Kovanda
hrabě Hugo z Justova, rádce krále Jana
Lidka, Patočkova dcera
Voice by Gustav Bubník
princ Jan, syn krále Jana
Voice by Ilona Svobodová
princezna Viola, dcera krále Jana
Voice by Petr Svoboda
loutnista princ Marián
Voice by Jiří Bruder
rytíř Černovous
Voice by Karel Sommer
Vincek, Patočkův syn
Voice by Marcel Čermák
Matěj, Patočkův syn
Voice by Martin Sobotka
Jožánek, Patočkův syn
Růžena, Patočkova žena
šlechtic Radomil
Voice by Jiří Prager
šlechtic Marek
Voice by Stanislav Fišer
šlechtic Zdislav z hor
šlechtic Otto z Tiškova
šlechtic Viktor
Voice by Jan Faltýnek
králův komorník
král Marian, otec prince Mariána
vrchní lovčí Bořivoj
Voice by Jiří Hálek
starší šlechtic, rádce krále Jana
starší šlechtic, rádce krále Jana
hlas pobočníka krále Mariana
hlas kočího/hlas sedláka Libora
hlas draka Mraka
František Hlaváček, Eva Cvrčková
Arne Parduba
Ivo Formánek, Jaroslav Chytrý, Josef Vojtášek
Věra Kopecká, Jiří Zemanec
Kamil Spáčil, Marie Šenkeříková
Renata Gondová (klapka), Otto Kamenský (fotograf), Krajské středisko Státní památkové péče a ochrany přírody v Brně
Song Composer Harry Macourek
Writer of Lyrics Ivo T. Havlů
Singer Ivana Andrlová
Song Composer Harry Macourek
Writer of Lyrics Ivo T. Havlů
Singer Maroš Kramár [dab]Dalibor Mašek
Za humny je drak
Za humny je drak
A Dragon Down the Lane
featuretheatrical distribution
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1991
premiere 1 October 1983 /suitable for youths/
feature film
88 min
2 520 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Exhibition: 15. národní přehlídka filmů pro děti Ostrov nad Ohří
Ostrov nad Ohří / Czechoslovakia
Jiří Císler
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