Musician Vašek Pivoňka (Bronislav Poloczek) decides to reform his old village brass outfit Kulatěnka. Pivoňka’s dream is to be the equal of the famous brass band Moravanka. But naturally that proves to be harder than any of the enthusiastic amateurs imagined. When the help of Prague musician Standa fails to do the trick, the desperate musicians hatch a plan to kidnap the members of Moravanka and perform in their place... This light-hearted folk comedy was filmed in 1982 by director Milan Muchna, and utilises the popularity and music of the real-life popular brass band Moravanka. Luďek Sobota plays Standa, a man who eases his shredded nerves by working in a pig farm coop. Jiří Lábus, Jan Paulová and Lubomír Kostelka play some of the quirky village folk.
The popular brass band Moravanka performs at a village jamboree. Vaek Pivoňka, bandmaster of the local brass band named Kulatěnka, which has broken up, decides to put it together again. The village musicians are sceptical in the beginning but later vigorously start rehearsing. Trying to organize themselves, they are helped by Standa, a boy from Prague who is trying to heal his nerves by working in a local piggery. He is very fond of Evica Kocourková who is, however, guarded by her father as the apple of his eye. A young wine-grower Járin, called iák, tries to mesmerize the teacher Olina in turn. Before the band starts performing in public, it must succeed in front of an approval committee - but fails. The disappointed musicians play just for themselves at a railway station and are instantly doing great. Standa has an idea of how to make Kulatěnka succeed even without the committee's approval. The Moravanka's concert is to be held in the nearby village of Nechvalín. The members of Kulatěnka fake a car accident on the road and reroute the bus with the Moravanka group to their village. There, they welcome them with wine and lock them in a wine cellar, subsequently leaving to Nechvalín to perform there as Moravanka. But the locked musicians manage to escape and get to the village just as the concert is beginning. The music of both groups then sounds through the summer amphitheatre. There is, however, a electricity blackout. People panic and rush to get outside. At that instant, the resourceful Evica, with great presence of mind, starts singing and Moravanka joins her. The audience calms down and Moravanka's concert continues. It is early morning and the members of Kulatěnka return home. They watch the bus with Moravanka from a distance and realize that they must practice for a long time in order to be as good as their best example.
Standa Sobotka
kapelník Kulatěnky Vašek Pivoňka
vinař Járin zvaný Šišák
Evica Kocourková
učitelka v mateřské škole Olina Tomková
listonoš a klarinetista Břeťa Mráček
bubeník Jurin Kocourek, Evicin otec
muzikant Fanoš Pinkas
Jaroš, Fanošův mladší bratr
muzikant Ludva Trefilák
muzikant Koloušek
muzikant Okůnek
muzikant Perlík
babi Vosátková
děda Vosátka
Kája, Evin přítel
Olinin ženatý milenec
milencova žena
pořadatel Duchoň
Libuna, Pivoňkova žena
kapelník Hruška
Bohouš Žalud, předseda MNV
předseda kulturní komise Šimánek
nadporučík VB
drobný chovatel
předseda komise
podporučík VB
dechový soubor
vrchní číšník u Kuldy
nadstrážmistr VB
mladší příslušník VB
zapisovatelka VB
venkovská žena
venkovská žena
řidič Moravanky/vinař
řidič mrazírenského vozu
řidič nákladního auta
řidič Tatry 613
muž v žiguli
žena v žiguli
prodavač Franta
montér u seníku
montér u mlátičky
řidič VB
adeptka členství v souboru
adeptka členství v souboru
adeptka členství v souboru
adeptka členství v souboru
sousedka Vyoralová
Zdeněk Podhola
Jiří Žák, Miroslav Buberle, Vladimír Ježek, Ladislav Winkelhöfer
Alena Gablová, František Jákl, Miroslav Jíra, Jan Kriesman, Pavel Myslík, Jindřich Sejk, Johana Stuchlíková, Jaroslav Tomsa
Ludmila Venclíková, Milan Štěch
dr. Jaroslav Petr, František Pokorný
Lenka Mojžíšová (klapka), Miroslav Jirsa (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín), skupina Moravanka (Music Conducted by Jan Slabák)
Singer skupina Moravanka
Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer skupina Moravanka
Singer skupina Moravanka
Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer skupina Moravanka
Song Composer lidová píseň
Writer of Lyrics Dominik Strouhal
Singer skupina Moravanka
Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer Jana Paulová [dab]
Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer Jana Paulová [dab]
Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer Jana Paulová [dab]
Song Composer lidová slovenská píseň
Singer Luděk SobotaJiří Lábus
Writer of Lyrics Ondřej Přikryl
Singer Iva Bittová
Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer Jana Paulová [dab]Luděk SobotaJiří Lábus
Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer sbor
Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer Jana Paulová [dab]
Singer sbor
Song Composer Josef Řepa
Writer of Lyrics Josef Řepa
Singer sbor
Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer skupina Moravanka
Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer skupina Moravanka
Song Composer Jan Slabák
Writer of Lyrics lidová píseň
Singer skupina Moravanka
Singer Jana Paulová [dab]
Song Composer Jiří F. Svoboda
Writer of Lyrics Václav Babula
Singer skupina Moravanka
Únos Moravanky
Únos Moravanky
The Moravanka Band’s Been Kidnapped
featuretheatrical distribution
music, comedy
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1988
premiere 1 August 1983 /inaccessible for youths/
3. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Václav Erben (vedoucí 3. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)
feature film
77 min
2 193 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
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