While approaching the end of his filmmaking career, director Zdeněk Podskalský twice turned to the comedy duo Jiří Lábus and Oldřich Kaiser. In both cases, the films more or less comprise of a series of sketches put together around a “commissioned” theme: in the case of Velká filmová loupež (The Great Movie Robbery, 1986) the story centres on the U Hybernů cinematographic exhibition, while when it comes to the crazy comedy Revue na zakázku (Cabaret on Commission, 1982) viewers behold a manifestation of Czechoslovak-Kazakh cultural solidarity. While preparing an ice revue coproduction based on One Thousand and One Nights, the two protagonists – an assistant choreographer and an assistant director –set out on a journey to the exotic city of Almaty to study Kazakh folklore. But for these two young guys the boundary between reality and imagination is highly distorted… Apart from the popular duo, a number of Kazakh and Soviet artists also appear. However, the musical performances are led by Helena Vondráčková and Karel Černoch.
A revue on ice on the motif of the fairy-tale One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights is being prepared at a winter stadium in Prague. The young assistants rather scornfully obey their older colleagues and think their own thoughts. Especially the director's assistant has a colourful imagination and fantasizes about how the revue should look. Employees of the art agency Pragokoncert introduce the staff to a pretty director of a Kazakhstan art agency, Alija, and the contract is signed soon after. The young men take off for Almaty to stage a revue employing Kazakstan traditions and folklore there. Their imagination is boundless and is influenced by visions which do not overlap with reality any more. Alija wants to meet their requirements, and a folk acrobatic horse ride is prepared - the so-called jiggytov dance and a marriage with a bride kidnapping. The former assistant who is now the director does not notice in his enthusiasm that things are totally different. The revue on ice is nevertheless extremely successful. This is the end of the young men's trip and they return home. The Prague premiere turned out well, too. The old artists receive diplomas from Pragokoncert and the youngsters are flabbergasted, feeling unsure about whether everything that happened in Kazakhstan was not just the fruit of their wild imagination.
asistent choreografie
asistent režiséra
Voice by Jarmila Švehlová
zpěvačka Raušan/ředitelka umělecké agentury Alija
Voice by Pavel Trávníček
Karim Sabitov, Alijin náměstek
Voice by Petr Pospíchal
student Murat
starý režisér
Voice by Zdeněk Podskalský
starý choreograf
kazašský úředník
Človíček, malý bývalý pytlák
Dlouhán, velký bývalý pytlák
inspektor Bejsembaj
sólista Moskevského baletu na ledě
sólistka Moskevského baletu na led
kazašský soubor
kazašský soubor
kazašský soubor
tanečník ze sólového páru
tanečnice ze sólového páru
Voice by Soběslav Sejk
hlas taxikáře
Zdeněk Troška, Lejla Aranyševa
Stanislav Kautský, Marat Šajdinov
Karel Kočí, Michail Kolbasovskij, Vladimír Mácha, Bohumil Kadlec, Vladimír Slepička
Ivana Chobotová
Dana Průchová (klapka), Miloslav Mirvald (fotograf), G. Sungatulena, O. Musabekov, Š. Taševa
FISYO (Music Conducted by Mario Klemens), Studiový orchestr (Music Conducted by Vítězslav Hádl)
Vladimir Tichonov, Pavel Šmok
Song Composer Taskyn Okapov
Singer Roza Rymbajeva
Song Composer Vítězslav Hádl
Writer of Lyrics Zdeněk Borovec
Singer Helena VondráčkováKarel Černoch
Song Composer Vítězslav Hádl
Writer of Lyrics Zdeněk Borovec
Singer Oldřich Kaiser
Singer Oldřich KaiserJiří LábusRoza Rimbajeva
Revue na zakázku
Revue na zakázku
Cabaret on Commission
Do svidanija, Medeo
Nezadržitelná revue
featuretheatrical distribution
comedy, revue
Czechoslovakia, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1987
gala premiere 1 December 1982 (kino Lucerna, Praha)
premiere 3 December 1982 /suitable for youths/
Dramaturgická skupina Miloše Brože, Miloš Brož (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
78 min
2 213 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
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