Although Barrandov film studios called for this “film about youth” to be made, the filmmakers were not allowed to give an honest account of the lives of young people. Nevertheless, this was one of several mainstream features about the young generation made in the 1980s which – more or less unwittingly – hinted at life in the timeless limbo of the “normalisation” period. The films were made by Jaroslav Soukup. His Vítr v kapse (Wind in the Pocket, 1981) and Láska z pasáže (Love from the Arcade, 1984) mixed the realities of the time with various motifs attractive for a general audience. After the 1989 Velvet Revolution, sequels to the features Discopříběh (Discostory, 1987) and Kamarád do deště (Good Pal, 1988) were made. Lukáš Vaculík is, above all, the actor who became a much-in-demand star thanks to Soukup’s films. In Vítr v kapse, he was ably supported by the debuting Sagvan Tofi. The appeal of the feature for the general public was further enhanced by pop idol Michal David’s music. The screenplay, which the director wrote together with his favourite collaborator, Miroslav Vaic, was inspired by Soukup’s own beginnings at the Škoda factory in Pilsen. The feature’s protagonists are two friends, Ondřej Bystřický (Vaculík) and Cyril Čech (Tofi), who is nicknamed Cinda. After taking their A-levels, they begin working for the industrial giant Škoda. The jokes the young men tell to help pass the time have a “serious” undertone in the sense of their lack of freedom and need to express their opinions. The dreams and imagination of the intelligent Ondřej further clash with the reality of his private life and work in the factory. The young man’s girlfriend, Helena (Ivana Andrlová), and his pregnant classmate, Jaruška, also play an important part in his internal struggle. Ondřej dreams of being a sailor, but his hopes for a different life will be scuppered by a tragedy in which Cinda is involved – and by his obligatory military service.
After passing their A levels, four former schoolmates begin in a big engineering plant. They are Ondřej, who wants to become a sailor, Cyril, the honest hard worker Franta, and the pregnant Jaruka. Ondřej and Cyril get quickly orientated in the plant and soon begin making use of the mistakes of both their colleagues and superiors in order to avoid work and to make various pranks. As a joke, they also vote against an extra shift at the plant's meeting of the Revolutionary Labour Union Movement. Ondřej later apologizes by claiming that they thus protested against refusal of Franta's improvement proposal. After their action, the proposal is admitted. Ondřej dates a salesgirl Helena and visits her secretly in the evenings. At a disco, he has a fight with Michal whom the girl dated long ago, but Ondřej is nevertheless groundlessly jealous of his girlfriend. He applies for work in the merchant navy in Prague but is turned down - he can only apply after finishing his military service. After his return, he wants to reconcile with Helena but the girl throws him out. He receives a draft order to the army and wants to see the girl before his departure. Cyril takes him to the nearby village on a motorbike and Ondřej and Helena stay together. Returning by bus, they see Cyril lying wounded on a road with his bike crashed in an accident. The friend dies that night. Ondřej gets drunk out of sorrow and is taken to the detention centre for drunks. The next day, he wanders through the town, ends up at Helena's place and stays overnight. In the morning, he leaves for the army. He spots his parents from the train but calls them in vain.
Ondřej Bystřický
Cyril Čech zvaný Cinda
prodavačka Helena, Ondřejova dívka
skladnice Ilonka
mistr Barbachán
mistr Mádr zvaný Bondžorno
úsekář Josef Palec
spolužačka Jaruška
Ondřejův otec
Ondřejova matka
Helenin otec
Helenina matka
Kalous, předseda ZV ROH
Franta Kalaš
železničář Brejcha
referent Vaněk
spolužák Eda
úředník Československé námořní plavby
vrátný Československé námořní plavby
vedoucí automatu
člen komise
Ondřejův bratr
zdravotní sestra
zřízenec záchytky
mladý lékař
příslušník VB
podnapilý branec
podnapilý branec
trenér Mácha
člen VB
dubl za Sagvana Tofiho
recitátor v televizi
Pavel Dvorský
Milan Bábik, Eva Slívová, Karel Vaňásek
Ivo Pavelek, Bohdan Kysil
Lidia Kravková
Ing. Miroslav Borovanský
J. Kvietková (klapka), Ivan Minář (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Mario Klemens), Kroky Františka Janečka
Song Composer Zdeněk Barták
Writer of Lyrics Boris Janíček
Singer Michal David
Song Composer Zdeněk Barták
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav Machek
Singer Michal David
Song Composer Karel Vacek
Song Composer Zdeněk Barták
Song Composer Petr Janda
Writer of Lyrics Zdeněk Rytíř
Singer Petr Janda
Vítr v kapse
Vítr v kapse
Wind in the Pocket
featuretheatrical distribution
social, psychological
literary Screenplay approved 12 May 1981
start of filming 4 January 1982
technical Screenplay approved 10 February 1982
end of filming 18 October 1982
projection approval 5 November 1982
withdrawal from distribution 1 November 1993
premiere 1 May 1983 /suitable for youths/
5. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Miloslav Vydra (vedoucí 5. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)
feature film
77 min
2 162 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Festival: 19. filmový festival mladých Trutnov
Trutnov / Czechoslovakia
Event: 13. ročník čtenářské ankety týdeníku Květy ve spolupráci s Československou televizí a Ústřední půjčovnou filmů
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Lukáš Vaculík
Festival: 21. festival českých a slovenských filmů Ostrava
Ostrava / Czechoslovakia
Miroslav Vaic
Festival: 23. mezinárodní festival avantgardních filmů Avellino
Avellino / Italy
Festival: 21. festival českých a slovenských filmů Ostrava
Ostrava / Czechoslovakia
Jaroslav Soukup
Festival: 21. festival českých a slovenských filmů Ostrava
Ostrava / Czechoslovakia
Festival: 21. festival českých a slovenských filmů Ostrava
Ostrava / Czechoslovakia
Jaroslav Soukup
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