In the autumn of his professional life, screenwriter and director Karel Steklý once again drew his creative spark from true events. The result was this 1984 comedy, a light-hearted return to the era of World War Two. The story’s protagonist is Mr. Příhoda (the surname can translate as “Adventure” in Czech), a Prague antiques dealer, who before the war acquired an old cannon for a rich client. But given the onset of the German occupation, the customer refuses to take possession of the order, and Příhoda finds his life under threat. After several futile attempts at getting rid of the cannon, the terrified antiques dealer has himself bricked into the cellar of managing clerk Pilát, where, thanks to a supply of wine, he manages to make it through the war… Director Steklý turned what was a promising plot into a bizarre, yet utterly unexciting tale. In retrospect, only the performances of Vladimír Ráž (Příhoda) and Martin Růžka (Pilát) are worthy of any mention.
It is May 1945 and the fights on the barricades in Prague culminate. The managing clerk Pilát wants to celebrate the victory over fascism with the excellent wine from his cellar which he had bricked up before the Germans during the occupation. But the barrels with the precious wine are empty. The wine was consumed by Mr Příhoda who had hidden in Pilát's cellar just before the bricklayers finished their work. The unfortunate man vainly called for help and thus had to keep himself alive by drinking the wine throughout the war. Pilát, overcoming his anger over the lost precious drink, is eager to hear Příhoda's story. Mr Příhoda was an established antiquary, and a rich klient Antropius had ordered a historical canon called Uchacius from him. Příhoda got the canon with countless difficulties but the client refused to take it: the times meanwhile had changed, the country was administered by the German occupiers and keeping weapons was punishable by death. Příhoda underwent a calvary with the canon, which was multiplied by many other troubles. His wife befriended members of the Gestapo in exchange for a promise to perform in a operetta and his business partner became a Gestapo informer. Příhoda could not contain his anger and slapped the partner accross his face. Then, he had to run away, and thus ended up in Pilát's cellar. As soon as the war is over, Příhoda witnesses the turns in many people's behaviour including his wife's who again try to gain advantages for themself. But Příhoda does not want to have anything in common with them.
zpěvačka Monika, Příhodova žena
starožitník Příhoda
disponent a kapitán Pilát
špeditér Dusil
štábní nadporučík Novák
novinář a vlajkař Pachr, bývalý boxer, později listonoš
sběratel Antropius, generální ředitel cukrovarů
Olga, Antropiova žena
domovník Klouda
kolaborant Cvikr
komisař dr. Tibitancl
německý voják-hodinář
vrchní číšník
vlajkař Born
řidič Lincolnu
účetní Maťátko
bednář Chrpa
obchodník a kolaborant Mrázek
ředitel operety
komorník Tom
skladník Vojtěch
hostinský s koštětem
stranický instruktor
obchodník a kolaborant Vejdělek
sklepmistr Brandejs
Voice by Karel Chromík
generál vlajkařů
řezník v hostinci
řezník v hostinci
SA-man, správce obecního dvora/příslušník SS Sepp
šachista s obočím
výpravčí Zeman
německý generál
řezník na ulici/popelář
číšník v kavárně
mladší číšník v kavárně
německý vojenský řidič
správcová Maruška, Kloudova žena
vlajkař-psovod Pixa
německý důstojník
německý důstojník
německý důstojník
gestapák/dubl za Františka Hanuse
německý poddůstojník
německý voják
německý důstojník-harmonikář
kapelník Jahoda
dubl za Václava Štekla
Josef Dvořák, Jaroslav Chytrý, Vladimír Ježek
Vladimír Tišer, Karel Prchal
Václav Veruněk
Eva Pítová (klapka), Vladimír Souček (fotograf)
Bedřich Smetana (Braniboři v Čechách /Uhodila naše hodina/), Oskar Nedbal (Polská krev /Jste kavalír/), Jaroslav Ježek (Klobouk ve křoví), Johann Strauss ml. (Povídky z vídeňského lesa /Geschichten aus dem Wienerwald/)
Soubor bicích nástrojů (Music Conducted by Vladimír Vlasák)
Song Composer Jaromír Klempíř
Writer of Lyrics Václav Babula
Singer Pavla Břínková
Song Composer Jaromír Klempíř
Writer of Lyrics Václav Babula
Singer Pavla Břínková
Song Composer Bedřich Smetana
Writer of Lyrics Karel Sabina
Singer sbor
Song Composer Oskar Nedbal
Writer of Lyrics Zdeněk Knittl
Singer Pavla Břínková
Song Composer František Voborský
Writer of Lyrics František Voborský
Singer Vítězslav Černýmužské hlasy
Song Composer Karel Hašler
Writer of Lyrics Karel Hašler
Singer Jindřich NarentaOldřich Velen
Příhody pana Příhody
Příhody pana Příhody
The Adventures of Mr. Příhoda
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 1 July 1982
end of filming 22 December 1982
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1988
premiere 1 May 1983 /suitable for youths/
2. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Josef Císař (vedoucí 2. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)
feature film
87 min
2 471 meters
16mm, 35mm
Czech, German
without subtitles