Veteran director Václav Vorlíček’s filmography includes an unusual entry: a 1982 narrative comprising several episodes. The film paints an overall picture of a Friday afternoon in Prague as people, each in their own way, get ready for the weekend. The main protagonist is a police officer (Ladislav Županič) who monitors the city’s traffic from above in a helicopter and reports for the radio programme Zelená vlna (the name, The Green Wave, alludes to the idea of traffic lights going green in harmony with the traffic patterns, so as to maintain the flow). The policeman’s story acts as an umbrella between the individual episodes, both small and more prominent, which feature a variety of characters. The episodes combine into an image of a world in which there is no shortage of drama and tragedy but where a happy end is assured, thanks to the script by Vladimír Kalina. This lesser-known film remains overshadowed by Vorlíček’s famous comedies even though it featured an unusual concentration of popular actors.
It is Friday afternoon and the weekend hustle begins in Prague. A police helicopter takes off from the airport. It collaborates on the regular radio traffic programme entitled "Green Wave". Lieutenant Vágner contemplates the hundreds of human destinies which will be happening on the ground below him. A man in a hurry finds out at home on a housing estate that he forgot his car at work. Mrs Straková cannot wake up her drunken lover, so she rolls him up in a carpet and drives him to her cottage. But the man slips out during the ride and arrives at his own wedding dressed only in a T-shirt and boxer shorts. There is a car accident on the highway. This makes the Reichenberger family turn off and go for a ride to recall their youth. Employees of a business company gradually disappear from work but the director unfortunately returns. A bunch of Young Pioneers goes for a trip to the Beaver Brook which has meanwhile turned into a waste gutter. A psychiatrist, doctor Pelc from the phone Samaritan Service, listens to a future suicide. He decides to find him although he originally planned to go fishing. He drives through Prague in a taxi and finally finds the suicide and saves him. Jirka is in the legendary pub U Fleků and witnesses a tiny black-haired pickpocket girl robbing a foreigner. A man, ordered by his wife, takes his dog to leave it in a forest but unfortunately runs off the road, ending up in a river, and then saves the dog from the drowning car, almost sacrificing his own life. A thief Fretka picks up a family which is leaving for the airport. But when he breaks into their flat, he finds it completely empty. The parents of a seventeen-year old, shy daughter allow her to go tramping. In the evening, they secretly watch her amusing the whole group by the fire. A parrot flew away from an old couple due to an unfortunate accident. It was one of their few joys. They try to catch it all day and finally ask their neighbours in a large tower block to switch off the lights in their flats at ten in the evening. Only the window with the bird's cage is lit and the parrot indeed finds its way back home.
poručík VB Vágner, hlídka v helikoptéře
Voice by Milan Mach
Reichenbergrova žena
psychiatr MUDr. Pelc
Jiřina Straková
ženich Miloš Labuda, Jiřinin milenec
tlouštík s pivem
muž ohlušený dopravou
muž s rourami zvaný Šíša
žena muže s rourami
nerozhodná řidička fiatu
nadstrážmistr VB
řidič nákladního auta
rozčílený řidič
žena v bílém klobouku
muž spěchající z práce
žena spěchajícího muže
mladík v džínové bundě
dívka se psem
mladík se sádrou
vedoucí kanceláře
úředník Halas
úředník Mrázek
úředník Jahoda
úředník Brousek
ředitel podniku
žena s taškami
těhotná dívka
Voice by Stanislav Bruder
podsaditý soused Strakové
Zdeněk, vedoucí skautů
přítelkyně playboye
majitel andulky
majitelka andulky
MUDr. Sameš, Pelcův kolega z Linky
mladý kapsář v metru
venkovanka s kufrem
uhlazený muž, šéf grázlů
cvičitel psů
žena se psem
poručík VB
vousatý psychiatr
žena vousatého psychiatra
vedoucí motorestu
děda s pivem
blonďák Jirka
Monika alias Světluška
horník s dítětem
kuřák na zastávce
žena kupující v létě kožich
muž ženy s kožichem
dcera ženy s kožichem
cyklista obarvený kouřem z výfuku
Ondřej, mladík na Petříně
Renáta, dívka na Petříně
kamarád Jirky
kamarád Jirky
okradený Němec
černovlasá zlodějka
Voice by Karel Chromík
vousatý rybář
stopařka Vágnerová
stopařka Valášková
mladík v kabrioletu
úřednice v registraci
student Jiří Beneš
dívka z plovárny Markéta Zvárová
majitel psa a světlého koberce
majitelka psa a světlého koberce
vojáčkova dívka
otec z odjíždějící rodiny
matka z odjíždějící rodiny
syn z odjíždějící rodiny
dcera z odjíždějící rodiny
zloděj Fretka
akademický malíř
modelka Ivanka
průvodkyně u Lorety
svalovec v trenýrkách u Lorety
sedmnáctiletá dívka zvaná Vyžle
otec Vyžlete
matka Vyžlete
babka z Kožlan
mladík ve veteránu
mladá žena ve veteránu
nadporučík VB
poručík VB
starší vyšetřovatel
knihovník Milčan
Voice by Vladimír Hrubý
Holásek, děda hlídající kočárek
nevěsta Labudy
otec nevěsty
otec Labudy
kupec chaty Karel
žena kupce
otec loučící se na nádraží
matka loučící se na nádraží
Ferda, syn loučících se lidí
dělník v hale
Voice by Václav Kaňkovský
strážný v hale
muž Jiřiny Strakové
řidič u řeky
řidič u řeky
turista Nováček
turista Kaláb
MUDr. Vráb
zdravotní sestra
mladá matka, sousedka majitelů andulky
starší zedník
mladší zedník
chlapec hrající na spinet v muzeu
Milan Brabec, Přemysl Pražský, Iva Šetková
Luboš Kozák
Irena Dekojová (klapka), Jitka Bylinská (fotografka)
Orchestr Karla Svobody (Music Conducted by Karel Svoboda), FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček)
Song Composer Karel Svoboda
Writer of Lyrics Eduard Krečmar
Singer Karel Gott
Song Composer Karel Svoboda
Writer of Lyrics Boris Janíček
Singer Jitka Zelenková
Song Composer Karel Svoboda
Writer of Lyrics Zdeněk Borovec
Singer Karel Gott
Song Composer František Kmoch
Writer of Lyrics František Kudrna
Singer sbor
Song Composer Karel Svoboda
Writer of Lyrics Michal Bukovič
Singer Stanislava Coufalová
Zelená vlna
Zelená vlna
The Green Wave
Milión každý pátek
featuretheatrical distribution
technical Screenplay approved 06/1981
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1987
premiere 25 June 1982 /suitable for youths/
Dramaturgická skupina Drahoslava Makovičky, Drahoslav Makovička (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
87 min
2 487 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
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