Radim Cvrček specialised in children’s films but the feature Třetí skoba pro Kocoura (A Third Piton for the Cat, 1983) combines a teenage protagonist with a dark detective story. The hero, 15-year-old old Ivan Kočička, nicknamed “Kocour” (“Cat”), enjoys mountain climbing. During one of his regular excursions he discovers a corpse in a cave which later mysteriously disappears. Only Ivan´s friend Lucie shares his suspicion that district archive employee Hromada and gamekeeper Pazdera are the culprits. After Kotov chateau is burgled, the boy embarks on a dangerous game to ensure his adult adversaries are convicted… Debuting actor Kamil Koula who played Kocour later appeared in Eugen Sokolovský’s fairytale Poklad rytíře Miloty (Treasure at the Castle, 1989). Fifteen-year-old Michaela Kuklová, for whom Cvrček’s film opened the way to a successful career, played the part of Lucie.
During a mountaineering training exercise on the Hláska rock, Ivan Kočička, nicknamed Tomcat, discovers the body of a dead man in a cave on the top of the neighbouring rock. The group calls for the police, but the policemen - constable Lebeda and captain Hruka - find only a sleeeping man named Jiří Hromada, an employee of the regional archives, instead of a corpse. Tomcat turns into a laughing stock and his friend Lucie is the only one to believe him. The boy is firmly convinced that Hromada simulated his sleep and lied to the detectives. He thus sets off to the cave for a second time, discovering a glass fragment and a secret exit there. When he gets into some conflict with a gamekeeper called Pazdera, he is almost killed by a falling stone. At the same time, the château Kotov is burgled and it seems to Tomcat that his deduction of all the circumstances leads to the culprits of both the murder and the robbery. Lucie makes him confess this to Hruka but the captain pays no attention to his explanation. Tomcat thus decides to lay a trap for Hromada and his potential accomplices. He writes Hromada a letter, telling him that he knows about the robbery and asking for a share which should be handed over up on Hláska. He needs three mountaineer's hooks in order to get there, but has only two. He is helped out by Join. Hromada agrees to the meeting but, climbing up Hláska, when he should back up Tomcat, he intentionally drops the rope. Tomcat is saved by Join's third hook. In the ensuing fight with Hromada and the forester Pazdera, Tomcat is helped by his friends, who secretly followed him, and Lucie. The dramatic situation is solved by the arrival of the police who arrest the criminals. Tomcat gains respect from everybody because his deduction proved right.
Voice by Gustav Bubník
Ivan Kočička zvaný Kocour
Voice by Erik Pardus
Voice by Ilona Svobodová
vedoucí oddílu oddílu zvaný Bobs
kapitán VB Stanislav Hruška
strážmistr VB Lebeda
archivář Jiří Hromada
poručík VB Světinský
hajný Pazdera
Luciina matka
Kocourova matka
dědek Cvrček, svědek
Voice by Mirko Musil
dědek Fanek Tomeček, svědek
Gazda, vedoucí hotelu Kotov
Bobsova žena
moderátor pátrací realace
Hrušková, kapitánova žena
Voice by Vladimír Švabík
příslušník VB
příslušník VB
Voice by Josef Patočka
Voice by Petr Skarke
oddávající úředník
dubl za Kamila Koulu
dubl za Ladislava Mrkvičku
dubl za Ladislava Mrkvičku
František Hlaváček, Eva Cvrčková
Arne Parduba
Miroslav Juras, František Santarius, Šťovíček Josef st.
Alena Pekařová, Vladimír Prager
Jiří Houšť, Jaroslav Žalud
Jana Školoutová (klapka), Otto Kamenský (fotograf)
Studiový orchestr (Music Conducted by Mario Klemens)
Song Composer Harry Macourek
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Oulík
Singer dětský sbor
Song Composer Karel Vacek
Singer sbor
Singer sbor
Třetí skoba pro Kocoura
Třetí skoba pro Kocoura
A Third Piton for the Cat
featuretheatrical distribution
detective, children
withdrawal from distribution 31 July 1995
premiere 1 November 1984 /suitable for youths/
feature film
78 min
2 228 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Festival: 24. festival filmů pro děti Gottwaldov
Zlín / Czechoslovakia
Festival: 24. festival filmů pro děti Gottwaldov
Zlín / Czechoslovakia
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