The clerk Karel dresses in an elegant manner, he pampers his beard and is proud of his cosy bachelor’s flat in Prague’s prestigious Lesser Town. His lifestyle reminds one of a faun enjoying one woman after another. But there are also moments of providence when Karel realizes that his beard is turning grey, he gets out of breath climbing the staircase, and the “beldams” he runs into in his neighbourhood are his contemporaries. The smug, self-conceited and egoistic faun does not work too eagerly and his boss – his former schoolmate – must repeatedly force him to find a lost and highly required file. The valetudinarian faun discovers it under the pillow of his office armchair only when his colleague Vlasta threatens him by getting haemorrhoids. The faun does not understand the young girls frequenting his flat any more and he even does not mind if it does not come to sex. He ignores both the platonic love of Vlasta and the rougher seducing of his boss. He is pleased by the envy of his married friend Josef who wants to imitate him and plans to seduce his young colleague, nicknamed Cipísek. The faun gets two concert tickets but has no one to accompany him. Although he meets a young and attractive visitor in the Rudolfinum concert hall, she laughs at his seduction. The faun is increasingly reminded that old age is marching towards him inexorably. Vlasta, disappointed, hands in her notice. The faun turns down Josef’s request to sign a paper documenting him as the father of the Cipísek’s child. The drunken faun sets off to a housing estate to find Vlasta. He succeeds but fails to appropriately accept her declaration of love. The offended woman calls her boss who eventually finds faun asleep on a bench with a scythe leaning against it. The faun, exhausted by his hangover, confuses the pale woman wrapped in a cloak for the personified Death in the morning mist. He desperately wrestles with her but the boss mercilessly drags him to her car.
úředník Karel zvaný Faun a Kendy
kolegyně Vlasta
Josef, Faunův přítel
kolega Tonda
Antonie Houdková, Faunova sousedka
Janinka Houdková, sestra Antonie
Vendulka, zajíc z nemocnice
Alenka Koželuhová, pokousaný zajíc
Monika, zajíc v rudém
Tereza, zajíc v podvlékačkách
Kateřina, zajíc na koncertě
Zdenička, zajíc v práci
Petra, zajíc s melounem
zajíc ve výtahu
nová sekretářka
Anna, Polka na mostě
Polák Jochem, lesník
dívka v modrých šatech
Marcelka, sekretářka šéfky
nahá dívka u závěsu
kluk s kšiltovkou
blonďatá písařka
muž na mejdanu
návštěvnice koncertu
návštěvnice koncertu
návštěvnice koncertu
návštěvnice koncertu
návštěvník koncertu
návštěvník koncertu
návštěvník koncertu
návštěvník koncertu
návštěvník koncertu
žena na schodech
muž s kšiltovkou
polonahá žena v bytě
polonahá žena v bytě
polonahá dívka v bytě
polonahá dívka v bytě
polonahá dívka v bytě
polonahá dívka v bytě
polonahá dívka v bytě
polonahá dívka v bytě
matka s dětmi
Eva Solařová, Milana Ondráková
Jiří Brdečka (Faunovo značně pokročilé odpoledne – kniha)
Jiří Rolínek, František Čech, Pavel Černý
Petr Brousek, Vladislav Kaska, Tomáš Marek, Pavel Šťastný
Šárka Podlipná, Jarmila Bradová, Jiří Kaukuš
Jaroslav Procházka (výroba)
Bohumil Hůja, Jiří Poledník, Karel Štolka, Hojler, Melč, Stejskal
Claude Debussy, Antonio Vivaldi, Fryderyk Chopin, Ladislav Kupkovič
FISYO (Music Conducted by František BelfínMario KlemensŠtěpán Koníček)
Song Composer Jiří Šlitr
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Suchý
Singer Leoš Suchařípa
Faunovo velmi pozdní odpoledne
Faunovo velmi pozdní odpoledne
Faun's Delayed Afternoon
Faunovo odpoledne / Faunovo pozdní odpoledne
featuretheatrical distribution
comedy, morality
start of filming 8 September 1982
end of filming 9 December 1982
withdrawal from distribution 30 September 1991
premiere 1 October 1984 /inaccessible for youths/
Ateliéry Bonton Zlín (Ateliéry Bonton Zlín odkoupily na základě smlouvy dne 15. 3. 2000 od KF Praha 100 % práv výrobce filmu)
feature film
96 min
2 729 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Festival: 10. mezinárodní filmový festival Quito
Quito / Ecuador
Festival: 36. filmový festival pracujících – léto ´85
70 měst / Czechoslovakia
Festival: 28. mezinárodní festival autorského filmu Sanremo
Sanremo / Italy
Leoš Suchařípa
Festival: 28. mezinárodní festival autorského filmu Sanremo
Sanremo / Italy