Following their first collaboration with Sonáta pro zrzku (Sonata for a Red-Haired Girl, 1980) director Vít Olmer once again joined forces with author and screenwriter Vojtěch Vacek to make this 1983 teenage canoeing adventure. A dispute between the older members of a Pioneer (the favoured socialist-era term for “scout”) canoeing club and a group of young Roma ends with reconciliation. But concealed beneath the veneer of this carefree holiday adventure is a drama about xenophobia and hatred, as a growing sense of danger and suspicion continues to bubble during a summertime boating trip along the river Ohře. A thief is discovered within the canoeing group, risking the entire trip. Female Pioneer Ivana then begins to fall for the leader of the Roma group, the attractive Karči (Sagvan Tofi). Tom, the leader of the Pioneers, is portrayed by Vladimír Kratina. His young charges include actors Filip Renč, Michal Suchánek, Martin Zounar, Yvetta Blanarovičová, Kateřina Brožová and Michaela Jílková.
A water sport boating group of older Pioneers are travelling in two punts and a canoe on the river Odra. The group is headed by Tom, helped by Honza. From a bridge, a group of young Gypsies throw plastic bags filled with water, which they call water bombs. When the water sportsmen encamp, they set off to see the Gypsies who are wandering along the river. The encounter ends up in a fight and the Gypsies' visit to the sportsmen's camp fire does not end up well, either. But Ivana did not fail to notice that the Gypsy called Karči is a very handsome young man. Before going down the rapids, Tom entrusts Jana with the group's funds. Jana, accompanied by Pípák and Jindra, sets off to an orchard to steal cherries. But she loses her wallet while escaping from a watchman who pockets it unscrupulously. The group is moneyless, but the young people want to go on anyway. Tom therefore announces the "state of shipwreck" and invites everybody to put together money and food. On the way, the young people earn some extra money from time to time, but also their food keeps disappearing along with one hundred crowns from their modest funds. These losses result in an unpleasant feeling in the group. They suspect not only the Gypsies but also each other of the thefts. Ivana does not believe that the Gypsies are thieves and wants to exonerate them - of course, especially Karči. She lays a trap with the Doctor and Jindra gets caught in it. All the thefts are explained and Jindra must immediately leave the group. When they meet the Gypsy gang again on their travellings, the encounter is friendly this time. And the water sportsmen do not even mind any more the Gypsy friends throwing water bombs at them.
vedoucí vodáků Tom
suverén Jindra
oddílový klaun Pípák
kormidelník Pazour
tlouštík Buchta
kormidelník Krája
vědátor Bale zvaný Doktor
Evžen zvaný Kolouch
cikán Karči
Andrea, Karčiho sestra
cikán Michal
cikán Dodo
cikán Prcek
správce statku
hlídač třešňovky
Pavel Nášel
Otto Buchta, Jiří Plášil, Josef Vojtášek
Antonín Kravka, Jitka Zvirocká (zvukové efekty)
Věra Kopecká, Jiří Zemanec
Jiří Vařecha, Jan Klicman
Otto Kamenský (fotograf), Michal Katerinjuk
Studiová skupina (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček)
Song Composer Wabi Daněk
Writer of Lyrics Wabi Daněk
Singer sbor
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav Samson Lenk
Singer Michael Hofbauersbor
Singer Sagvan Tofi [dab]
Singer Jan Valenta
Song Composer Jaroslav Samson Lenk
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav Samson Lenk
Singer Michael Hofbauer
Singer Karel Zich
Stav ztroskotání
Stav ztroskotání
State Of Shipwreck
featuretheatrical distribution
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1991
premiere 1 December 1984 /suitable for youths/
feature film
73 min
2 122 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Festival: 24. festival filmů pro děti Gottwaldov
Zlín / Czechoslovakia
Juraj Fándli
Exhibition: 16. národní přehlídka filmů pro děti Ostrov nad Ohří
Ostrov nad Ohří / Czechoslovakia
Vladimír Kratina
Exhibition: 16. národní přehlídka filmů pro děti Ostrov nad Ohří
Ostrov nad Ohří / Czechoslovakia
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