As well as being a source of inspiration for several adaptations at various levels, novelist Vladimír Páral left his mark on the modern history of Czech cinema as a screenwriter. Alongside Soukromá vichřice (Private Gale) (1967), Radost až do rána (Taking Pleasure Until Broad Day) (1978) and Playgirls (1995) he worked on Katapult (The Catapulte), a 1983 Jaromil Jireš picture inspired by his 1967 novel Catapult: a Timetable of Rail, Sea, and Air Ways to Paradis… The film’s hero, 33-year-old Jacek Jošt (in an appealing performance by Jiří Bartoška) is – like the majority of Páral’s heroes – a rebellious prisoner of the monotony of everyday life. Though he has an apartment, a nice wife and a problem-free daughter he places a classified ad and begins relationships with five women selected by computer. It coldly creates a timetable according to which Jacek has to balance them all. Revenge is sweet, however: Each woman soon starts laying claim to him. The vibrant Tina even gets her lover mixed up in a blackmail plot. The hero’s at first pleasant existence is thus transformed (in the end literally) into a nightmare… The experienced director Jaromil Jireš had filmed Páral’s book Mladý muž a bílá velryba (The Young Man and the White Whale) in 1978. By contrast with the thesis-based picture inspired by the novel from his “white” series, Catapult (regardless of its forced optimistic ending) is faithful to the novelist’s humour-infused “black pentalogy”. Jaromír Šofr’s camera contributed to the persuasiveness of The Catapulte, one of Páral’s most impressive movie titles, as did the casting of period stars. Kateřina Macháčková, Jiřina Jirásková, Barbora Štěpánová, Dana Homolová, Johana Tesařová and Jarmila Urbištová successfully support Bartoška in the parts of Jacek’s women.
Thirty three year old engineer, Jacek Jot, is tired of his stereotyped life: waking up in the morning in the housing estate, breakfast with his daughter and good wife Lenka, regular business trips, watching TV in the evening, chatting with his neighbour, Trot, sleeping. No, not like this, he wants to experience something extraordinary! He puts an ad in a dating agency and from the answers he chooses five women: a teacher Boenka, an older Anna, director of a research institute, exuberant Tánička, Ludmila, widow of a gamekeeper, a waitress, Tina. During his business trips he visits them in turns and he changes according to the demands of his lovers. First Jacek is happy, but after a while he gets into troubles. All women count on him in their life, every woman wants to be with him permanently. Jacek interlocks in their fates and is getting tired. Moreover, the energetic Tina forces him to take pictures and then to blackmail her lovers. Jacek also finds out that his neighbour, Trot, often visits his wife while Jacek is not at home. One day Jacek comes home early, but nobody pays attention to him, although he finally brought the promised white plush for Lenka. Jacek decides to end his life by jumping off of the balcony. He starts running and falls down. Suddenly he wakes up from a terrible dream. With relief, he happily falls into the family stereotype.
inženýr Jacek Jošt
Lenka, Joštova žena
soused Trošt
Anna Bromová, ředitelka výzkumného ústavu
extravagantní Táňa Hájková
vdova Ludmila Radalská
servírka Tina Velová
učitelka Boženka Kohoutková
Lenička, dcera Joštových
Véna, Boženčin bratr
Janička, dcera Lídy
Arnošt, Ludmilin muž na fotografii
cizinec, Tinin zákazník
úředník, Tinin zákazník
matka Boženky
otec Boženky
Troštova žena
Tinin zákazník
řidič nákladního automobilu
Jackova kolegyně
dívčí tvář
dívčí tvář
dívčí tvář
dívčí tvář/dívka ve vlaku
dívčí tvář
frajer Tony, přítel Tiny
starý profesor na rautu
Tánina spolubydlící
Tánina spolubydlící
Tánina spolubydlící
příslušník VB
starší kolega
cvičící jogín
strýc Fanouš
teta Olga
host na rautu
prodavačka v kiosku
dubl za Jiřího Bartošku
dubl – řidič
hlas osmadvacetileté dívky
Vladimír Páral (Katapult – novela)
Karel Hejsek, Pavel Dosoudil
Jiří Forst, Petr Dostál, Miloslav Dvořák, Vladimír Ježek, Karel Vaňásek
Ludvík Malý, Trikový ateliér FSB
Jana Koubová, Jarmila Tomišková
Zuzana Čvančarová (klapka), Karel Ješátko (fotograf)
Antonín Dvořák (Rusalka /árie Měsíčku na nebi hlubokém/), Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (Svatební pochod), Paul Pearl (Suita pro čtyři zobcové flétny)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Mario Klemens)
Song Composer Karel Mareš
Writer of Lyrics Rostislav Černý
Singer Eva Pilarová
Song Composer Ladislav Štaidl
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Štaidl
Singer Karel Gott
Song Composer Ladislav Štaidl
Writer of Lyrics Fred Gertz
Singer Karel Gott
Song Composer Marvin Hatley
Song Composer Jaromír Vomáčka
Writer of Lyrics Vratislav Blažek
Singer Václav Neckář
Song Composer František JanečekMichal David
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav Machek
Singer Michal DavidKroky Františka Janečka
Song Composer Vítězslav Hádl
Writer of Lyrics Pavel Žák
Singer Helena Vondráčková
The Catapulte
featuretheatrical distribution
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1992
festival premiere 26 June 1984 (35. filmový festival pracujících – léto ´84 /kino Blaník, Praha/)
premiere 1 August 1984 /inaccessible for youths/
1. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Jiří Blažek (vedoucí 1. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)
feature film
87 min
2 499 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Event: 14. ročník čtenářské ankety týdeníku Květy, Československé televize a Ústřední půjčovny filmů
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Jiří Bartoška
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