Prague’s Jára Cimrman Theatre made an impact on the big screen in the 1980s via three films: the crime comedy Rozpuštěný a vypuštěný (Dissolved and Discharged) (1984); Nejistá sezóna (Uncertain Season) (1987), a tragicomedy about a theatre company; and the mock biopic Jára Cimrman ležící, spící (Jára Cimrman, Lying Asleep) (1983). The unplanned “trilogy” presents a thoroughgoing testimony to the singular Czech phenomenon of the fictional ingenious Renaissance man Cimrman, his work and his creators. Zdeněk Svěrák and Ladislav Smoljak’s brilliant comedy reveals the life story of an unjustly forgotten genius, uncovers his achievements and places the protagonist in historical situations. Though Jára da Cimrman (1969/1874, Vienna – 19??, Liptákov) may be a fictional character dreamt up in 1966, his creators provided him with a detailed biography, firmly set in the real Czech (cultural, scientific, political and skiing) context. Screenwriters Svěrák and Smoljak succeeded in transforming all of this organically into a narrative framed by a visit by a theatre scholar (Josef Abrhám) to the Liptákov Museum of Feathers. There an old guide (Valerie Kaplanová) introduces him to the story of Cimrman (Svěrák), divided into sections relating to the protagonist’s childhood, his inspiration of hopeless colleagues in various fields and his inventions, the credit for which he loses through chronic late arrivals at the patents’ office. Cimrman is also a friend of Czech celebrities and a patriot who has contributed to the Czech lands’ independence. The aging genius experiences bitter incomprehension before being overtaken in Liptákov by the end of the old times – the start of WWI... Jára Cimrman, Lying Asleep remains a playful, subtle mystification that not only involves ironic nostalgia for bygone times but also joins in the debate about the Czech character, patriotic icons and national dignity.
“The greatest world writer, inventor, artist, physicist, skier, and philosopher in the last 100 years was the Czech giant Jára Cimrman. We can argue about it, we can disagree, but that is all we can do against it.” The words of the old bony guide in Liptákov Feather Museum attracted a theatre scholar searching for traces of the forgotten genius. In Jára's room there is an exposition of his remaining items. The guide is recalling various periods from his life. – Jára Cimrman, school years, Praha 18??. His parents kept back from Jára that he was a boy, in order he could wear clothes handed down from his older sister, Luisa. He saw first a naked woman – his teacher changing clothes, when he was fifteen. After he discovered that he is a man, he was expelled from the school for girls. Jára Cimrman Inspiring. He meets inventors, writers, constructors, composers. Through his ideas he leads them to top performances. – Jára Cimrman Coming Late. He is inventive, but usually arrives at the patent office too late. Bell, Lumière brothers, Edison, and Nobel came with their inventions to the patent office earlier. – Jára Cimrman Creative in Prague 1897. He is friend of famous Czech women and men. Prague has no sea, but Jára creates it at least for half an hour in the centre of Prague in the form of an imaginary picture. – Jára Cimrman Demolishing Konopiště Castle 1909. He becomes a private teacher of the children of the successor to the throne in order to use the archduke's double – the murderer, Nývlt. His rough pressure forces the Emperor Franz Josef I. to sign independence for the Czech nation. The Emperor Franz Josef I., sitting at his working desk turns out also to be a double and a skilled strangler – Nývlt's former co-prisoner Macháně. – Jára Cimrman, Pacov 1911. An itinerant theatre group has no success with showing Jára's plays. He has to escape from the unsatisfied viewers by the aid of a short scene, "Windstorm from the mountains." The imaginary strong wind "blows away" from the stage actors, props, and scenery. – Jára Cimrman, Liptákov 1914. He gets a teaching position in Liptákov after his sister, who died. But, when war breaks out, he leaves. There is a commemorative plaque at the place he was last seen. – In the evening, the tourists leave. Only the scholar stays. He is shocked, as he sees the female guide through the window. She puts on Jára's shirt, lies down in his bed and lights the rest of his commemorative cigar. This scene resembles the museum exhibit, Jára Cimrman, Lying Asleep.
The song By Lion´s Power, by Falcon´s Soar – was not written by František Kmoch who is mentioned by mistake as author, Kmoch only adapted this song.
Jára Cimrman/Cimrmanův otec
průvodkyně v Muzeu peří
divadelní vědec
rakouský arcivévoda František Ferdinand d'Este, následník trůnu/trestanec Nývlt, arcivévodův dvojník
česká vévodkyně Žofie Chotková, arcivévodova žena
císař rakouský František Josef I./trestanec Macháně, císařův dvojník
ředitelka Minervy
úředník patentního úřadu/hudebník
profesor Kingsley
vedoucí zájezdu
vynálezce Konstantin Ciolkovskij
spisovatel Anton Pavlovič Čechov
hudební skladatel Antonín Dvořák
francouzský konstruktér Alexandre Eiffel
cestovatel Emil Holub
Růžena, žena cestovatele Holuba
vynálezce turbiny Viktor Kaplan
vynálezce Alexander Graham Bell
konstruktér František Křižík
malíř Josef Mánes
vynálezce Guglielmo Marconi
malíř Luděk Marold
sochař Josef Václav Myslbek
vynálezce Alfred Bernhardt Nobel
skladatel Johann Strauss ml./sbormistr
spisovatelka Karolina Světlá
spisovatel Jaroslav Vrchlický
houslový virtuos Jan Kubelík
kočí Wimr
učitel biologie
učitelka tělocviku
učitel fyziky
učitelka zdravovědy
Josef Lešner, majitel domu
Lešnerova žena
lovčí Mirvald
kapitán fotbalistů
herec hrající Tomáše Edla
herec, který není švagr
herečka Adéla, hrající Karlu
herec Karel, který není otec ale syn
herečka Anežka, která není maminka ale babička
herečka, která není teta
malý Konrad Henlein
Jára Cimrman jako šestiletý
Jára Cimrman jako patnáctiletý
dědoušek u Lešnera
sluha/kulisák u fukaru/komorník
průmyslník Ringhoffer
rodič v ředitelně
faktor Adámek
starosta v Liptákově
obdivovatel bavorského piva
sestra Luisa
Cimrmanova matka
syn arcivévody
syn arcivévody
dcera arcivévody
holčička v Liptákově
muž na pivu
člen orchestru
člen orchestru
člen orchestru
pokladník divadelní společnosti
člen sokolské kapely
člen sokolské kapely
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člen sokolské kapely
člen sokolské kapely
člen sokolské kapely
člen sokolské kapely
člen sokolské kapely
člen pěveckého sboru
člen pěveckého sboru
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člen pěveckého sboru
člen pěveckého sboru
člen pěveckého sboru
člen pěveckého sboru
člen pěveckého sboru
holčička na ulici
holčička na ulici
hlas průvodce z magnetofonu
hlas velitele četníků
hlas kněze na Konopišti
hlas tajného policisty na Konopišti
Zuzana Hojdová, Jan Hraběta
Zdeněk Jeřábek, Rudolf Kinský, Vítězslav Kudláč
Jiří Šimon, František Čížek, Alena Šedová, Miroslav Buhr, Ivana Frýdová, Bohumil Sobotka
Hana Suchá (klapka), Miloslav Mirvald (fotograf)
Johann Strauss ml. (Na krásném modrém Dunaji), Antonín Rejcha (Kvartet pro čtyři lesní rohy)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček)
Song Composer lidová slovenská píseň
Writer of Lyrics Samo Tomášik
Singer Petr ČepekMartin Šotola
Song Composer Karel Bendl
Writer of Lyrics Bedřich Peška
Singer sbor
Song Composer František Josef Pelz
Jára Cimrman, ležící, spící
Jára Cimrman, ležící, spící
Jára Cimrman, Lying Asleep
Jára Cimrman
featuretheatrical distribution
end of filming 11 October 1982
withdrawal from distribution 1 September 1993
premiere 1 October 1983 /suitable for youths/
2. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Josef Císař (vedoucí 2. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)
feature film
82 min
2 353 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Zdeněk Svěrák, one of the most popular figures of Czech culture, is celebrating his 80<sup>th</sup> birthday on March 28...
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