The director Jindřich Polák and screenwriter Ota Hofman worked together frequently on television and film series for children. Besides the stories of Pan Tau (Tau) and Chobotnice ze II. Patra (Octopuses from the Second Floor), they also made two film comedies about a little girl called Lucie. These had been preceded by the television series Luzie, der Schrecken der Straße, which had been commissioned by West German television and made in 1980. These six half-hour stories, which Czech Television did not screen at the time, were not seen in this country until 1984, when they were compiled into two feature-length films – Lucie, postrach ulice (Lucy, Terror of the Street) and ...a zase ta Lucie! (Lucy Again). In the second of these films, the six-year-old heroine gets into more scrapes with the plasticine men called Ferda and Ferda. In the previous work, the young girl, who is supposed to be entering first grade after the holidays, met with the two playdough chaps in a shopping centre. This resulted in her taking over the leadership of a kid’s gang from Osvald, a nasty boy from the neighbourhood. He is now set on having his revenge. However, when he takes possession of the magical playdough men, it only complicates matters. The homunculi continue with their roguishness even after returning to Lucie... Besides the animated plasticine men, who are the main attraction of the popular children’s film, Žaneta Fuchsová also shines in the title role. She was already an experienced film actress at that time, who also worked with Jindřich Polák while shooting the aforementioned Octopuses and the film Tau (1988). The role of Osvald was played by Michael Hofbauer, whom the director had already tested out in those films about the magical man with a bowler hat. The popular actor who played Mr Tau, Otto Šimánek, appears in the film as a store detective from the shopping centre. A young Mahulena Bočanová can also be seen in one of the smaller children’s roles. The playdough men were dubbed by Jiřina Bohdalová and Josef Dvořák while Daniela Kolářová and Jaromír Hanzlík played the young heroine’s parents.
Thanks to two plasticine puppets, the six-year old Lucie can play with a party of older children living in the same street. The orange Ferda and the green Ferda have magical powers to change the world around the little girl and they also protect her from her neighbour – the boy Osvald. Osvald cannot forgive Lucie that he is not the leader of the children's gang any more, and steels the puppets from her by a trick. But the two puppets make life difficult for him. They ravage the dainties prepared for a family celebration and also totally discredit Osvald's piano performance. The sweet-toothed Ferdas then continue with their monkey business even after their return to Lucie, who is at home alone at the end of the summer holidays. A shocked refrigerator repairer destroys an electrical circuit just at the sight of them, and the flat thus must be visited over time by an electrician, TV repairer, glazier, plumber and even a paper-hanger. Lucie persuades her grandfather, who came to watch over her, to return the stolen box of plasticine, from which Ferda & Ferda "originated", to a department store. But they must then buy it back so that Lucie does not have to part with her beloved puppets. The action succeeds even in spite of a slight hiccup. The first school day arrives. The parents and the grandfather have, however, overslept, and the courageous and self-reliant Lucie sets off to school alone. The deeply touched adults arrive in front of the school at the last moment. But they did not park right and a policeman forces them to get out of the car. It shows that both the parents and the grandfather are still wearing their pyjamas. Ferda & Ferda then accompany Lucie to school as small apples into which they easily changed.
The film Lucy, the Bugbear of the Street and its sequel Lucy Again were cut for cinema screening from the originally six-episodes series filmed by the Film Studio Barrandov for West-German television. The series was first shown under the title Luzie der Schrecken der Strasse by Westdeutscher Rundfunk in October 1980. The individual epizodes are listed in German sources as follows: 1. Luzie der Schrecken der Strasse, 2. Luzie kommt zur Schule, 3. Luzie und der Sommerschnee, 4. Luzie geht durch die Stadt, 5. Luzie und die schönen Zahnschmerzen, 6. Luzie und Friedrich & Friedrich.
Lucie Krausová
Luciina maminka, zubařka
Rudolf Kraus, Luciin tatínek
MUDr. Kraus, Luciin dědeček
Osvald Richter
Krista Richterová, Osvaldova maminka
prodavač zeleniny
Voice by Roman Skamene
profesor hudby Hartmann
prodavač Party James
Voice by Ivo Niederle
televizní opravář
opravář lednic Šmíd
dopravní policista
Voice by Michaela Kudláčková
Richter, Oskarův otec
detektiv obchodního domu
ředitel obchodního domu
zákazník s tapetami
Voice by Jitka Zelenohorská
dispečerka firmy Arnold
zákazník Kos
Voice by Petr Pospíchal
vedoucí dispečinku Novák
dívka v obchodním domě
Voice by Milan Neděla
gangster v televizi
starší muž v obchodním domě
starší žena v obchodním domě
Voice by Milan Mach
profesor Maruška v televizi
hlas zeleného formeláka Ferdy
hlas oranžového formeláka Ferdy
Josef Vaniš, Jiří Vojta (animovaná část)
Miloslav Dvořák, Matthaei Bettina /loutky/
Seishi Katto, Vladimír Plicka, Otmar Gutmann
Miloslav Doležal, Jarmila Benešová (2), Jaroslav Bouček, Zuzana Kovaříková
Josef Vítek (fotograf)
Ludwig van Beethoven (Klavírní skladba a moll Pro Elišku /Für Elise/)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
...a zase ta Lucie!
...a zase ta Lucie!
Lucy Again
Luzie, der Schrecken der Strasse
featuretheatrical distribution
children, comedy
Czechoslovakia, Federal Republic of Germany
1979—1980, 1983
technical Screenplay approved 1982
start of filming 1 August 1983 (sestřih do podoby filmu)
end of filming 25 November 1983 (sestřih do podoby filmu)
projection approval 6 January 1984
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1994
premiere 1 December 1984 /suitable for youths/
4. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Stanislav Rudolf (vedoucí 4. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)
feature film
82 min
2 358 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Exhibition: 16. národní přehlídka filmů pro děti Ostrov nad Ohří
Ostrov nad Ohří / Czechoslovakia
Žaneta Fuchsová
Exhibition: 16. národní přehlídka filmů pro děti Ostrov nad Ohří
Ostrov nad Ohří / Czechoslovakia
Michael Hofbauer
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