In the 1980s attempts in communist Czechoslovakia to make appealing films about young people yielded mixed results. This 1984 film directed by Tomáš Tintěra is about three friends – two lads and a girl – who feel drawn to flying a hand-glider. However, apart from building their dream “flying machine” Andy, Bondy and Hana also need to sort out their relationships. Both friends are in love with the girl but there are also other things that put their mutual friendship as well as their original plan to engage in distance learning to the test. This inconspicuous, yet undeservedly forgotten picture, deals with the “mandatory” theme regarding the further education of apprentice youths while, at the same time, even managing to extract some pleasant entertainment from it with colour added to the background by the score composed by the Eben brothers. The leading parts are played by the relatively unknown Michael Hochbauer, Jan Valenta and Romana Kvapilíková, while the accompanying roles are taken by Josef Somr and Míla Myslíková.
In the small city Horní Polná, live three good friends: Hanka works at the post office, Andy works as a shoemaker in the local municipal enterprise and Bondy got training as a fine mechanic. Once all three promised to each other that after their vocational training they would study together at a secondary evening school. Their friendship is disturbed though by adults - Hanka' s mother does not allow her to meet boys, Andy and Bondy sometimes have troubles at work. Disharmony also sneaks into their friendship. Both lads are in love with Hanka and thus they are jealous of each other. Andy is possessed by a construction of a rogallo and their preparation for the entrance exams to the evening school gets stuck. Hanka suggests that one evening they study together, while another evening they all build the Rogallo wing. Andy unexpectedly gets help from his father. His father is taken up with the thought of flying and gives Andy a hand. When the rogallo is built, he tries to take off. First Andy and his father suffer a small injury, but during a fair Andy takes off in front of many spectators. Hanka is excited and, thanks to Andy, she also learns to fly. Only Hanka is admitted to the school. Both lads write appeals, but Bondy does not send them. Hanka and Andy spend time flying. Bondy leaves Horní Polná by train. He got a draft notice from the army.
obuvník Václav Vaněček zvaný Andy
mechanik Božetěch Jódl zvaný Bondy
poštovní úřednice Hana Sekorová
vedoucí závodní jídelny Karel Vaněček, Andyho otec
vedoucí komunálu Karel Bican
Bondyho děda
prodavačka Květa Vaněčková, Andyho matka
Věra Sekorová, Hančina matka
Ludva Jouza, Hančin kolega
hodinář Matějka
hasič Houra
školník Hubáček
strýc Ludvík, Květin bratr
kuchař Krása
babka Jindřiška Halamová
Jindřiščin nápadník Slavík
hospodský Suchánek
Voice by Jaroslava Kretschmerová
kuchařka Boženka
muž vystupující z vlaku
člen Ludvovy party
člen Ludvovy party
členka Ludvovy party
členka Ludvovy party
členka Ludvovy party
členka Ludvovy party
členka Ludvovy party
člen Ludvovy party
člen Ludvovy party
člen Ludvovy party
průvodčí ve vlaku
opilý rváč
rogalista/dubl za Michaela Hofbauera – let rogalem
hlas z rozhlasu na koupališti
Ivo Novotný, Věra Dvořáková
Dalibor Michalčík, Petr Dušek, Igor Farbák
Jaroslav Česal, Lubor Červa, Petr Dostál, Ladislav Adam
Zdena Bláhová
Jiří Pánek (rozlomení rogala za letu), Jaroslav Tomsa
Alena Pekařová, Vladimír Prager
František Kučera (2), Ing. Jaroslav Vašek
Hana Daňková (klapka), Jana Školoutová (klapka), Jaromír Kalina (fotograf), Klub závěsného létání při Zemědělských stavbách Svit, M. Hutěčka
Bratři Ebenové (Music Conducted by Pavel Pokorný), Kryštof Eben, David Eben, Pavel Skála, Jaromír Honzák (2)
Song Composer Marek Eben
Writer of Lyrics Marek Eben
Singer Marek Eben
Song Composer Milan Zrzánek
Writer of Lyrics Pavel Vávra
Song Composer Milan Zrzánek
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Klíma
Singer ženský hlas
Song Composer Michael KocábMichal Pavlíček
Hele, on letí!
Hele, on letí!
Look, He’s Flying!
Delta delta / Jenom si tak lítat
featuretheatrical distribution
comedy, sad comedy
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1991
premiere 1 June 1986 /suitable for youths/
feature film
84 min
2 406 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
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