Juice Novel





Production year



1 January 1988


75 min


Fero Fenič




comedy, sad comedy


featuretheatrical distributionlong

Original title

Džusový román

Czech title

Džusový román

English title

Juice Novel


Džusový román (Juicy Novel, 1984) was the feature-film debut of 33-year-old director Fero Feničo. The film is among those that came into conflict with regime authorities. It tells the story of a young rubber factory worker; its raw, provocative truth-telling nature is reminiscent of the 1960s Czechoslovak New Wave. Though filmed in 1984, it only premiered four years later in 1988. And only a year after that was its director able to realise his second feature-film Zvláštní bytosti (Strange Beings, 1990) – a parable about the fall from grace of a communist functionary. Unlike that latter stylised film, which was the director’s final dramatic feature, Juicy Novel demonstrates the traits of its author’s documentary roots. The protagonist of this tale is country girl Alena Horáková, who, along with friend Jituš, begins working in a rubber factory. Like her more audacious friend, the shy and timid Alena views marriage as the only way to escape the oppressive grind of the worker stereotype. But an encounter with good-looking egotistical sportsman Franta only brings about an unwanted pregnancy. Franta is married and a father-to-be, and so Alena opts for an abortion. Juicy Novel is something of a distant cousin to Miloš Forman’s Lásky jedné plavovlásky (Loves of a Blonde, 1965). But this story of the random encounters of a naive young girl, her travels to the big city, and ultimate disillusionment, also carries the extra component of an abortion. The film benefits from the cinematography of Jaroslav Brabec, who in 1984 also shot a very different story – the Zdeňek Troška costume romance drama Poklad hraběte Chamaré (The Treasure of Count Chamaré, 1984). Nineteen-year-old Alena Mihulová excels in the role of Alena; a year earlier the actress debuted in the Karel Kachyňa tragi-comedy Sestřičky (The Nurses, 1983). Jituš is portrayed by non-professional actress Laura Kurovská, and overdubbed by Zuzana Bydžovská. The film’s authenticity also benefits from Fenič’s decision to cast several other gifted, but lesser-known, actors in various roles.


The village girls Alena and Jitka run for the morning bus which will take them to a rubber factory. It is the first working day for Alena. But both girls are bored by the monotonous machine work. The provocative and tantalizing Jitka does not conceal that she wants to get married as soon as possible and get out of the job. The idea is not foreign to the petite and shy Alena, too. Jitka soon finds herself Vašek who has just returned from military service. At a bodybuilding contest in the town, Vašek introduces the two girls to the attractive sportsman Franta. Alena likes him at first sight. Jitka is getting married and Alena, too, is at her wedding. Franta also shows up. He drinks juice and looks for a girl. He finally asks Alena to go for an evening walk and has no scruples about making love to her on a potato dray, where she loses her gold necklace. Franta pays no further attention to Alena and gets completely drunk. In the morning, Alena takes him to the bus station on a wagon and convinces the bus driver to take him on board. After some time, Alena finds out that she is pregnant. She sets off to Franta's flat in the town. The door is opened by Franta's pregnant wife. Alena has an abortion and returns to work. Jitka is on her maternity leave and is replaced by a shy girl. Alena takes care of her, explains everything to her and then sits down at her own machine.

Film online


Alena Mihulová

dělnice Alena Horáková

Laura Kurovská

Voice by Zuzana Bydžovská
dělnice Jitka Sládková zvaná Jituš, Alenina kamarádka

Josef Vaidiš

kulturista Franta Hlošek

Iveta Kopecká


Michaela Podešvová


Vladimír Švabík

Voice by Dalimil Klapka
referent Josef Moučka

Ludmila Baštincová

Alenina matka

Lída Beránková


Štěpánka Machová


Jitka Kuchařová

zmalovaná kráska

Drahuše Přibylová

dělnice Jandová

Ingrid Manychová

žena z domácnosti

Jiří Kaňkovský

řidič autobusu Matyska

Miloš Petana

trenér hodu koulí

Pavel Melounek

rozhodčí na lehkoatletických závodech

Vladimír Hotárek

Voice by Vlastimil Bedrna

Daniel Netušil

venkovský mladík

Jan Hejčl

člen hudební skupiny

Pavel Hejčl

člen hudební skupiny

Tomáš Beránek

člen hudební skupiny

Jan Nešetřil

člen hudební skupiny

Marie Nejtrová

žena z vesnice

Marie Citová

zaměstnanci podniku Rubena n. p.


Gabriela Wilhelmová

hlas dlouhovlasé dělnice

Zdeněk Dušek

hlas závodního lékaře Stehlíka

Dalimil Klapka

hlas staršího svatebčana

Jiří Prager

hlas mladšího svatebčana

Václav Kaňkovský

hlas nočního hlídače

Crew and creators


Fero Fenič

Second Unit Director

Zuzana Hojdová, Michal Vostřez, Marta Křesinová


Olga Hrčková


Fero Fenič


Fero Fenič

Shooting Script

Fero Fenič

Director of Photography

Jaroslav Brabec

Second Unit Photography

Václav Zajíček

Camera Operator

Jiří Zavřel

Production Designer

Ludvík Široký

Assistent Production Designer

Jaroslav Řeřicha

Set Designer

Vladimír Ježek, Karel Plaňanský, Milan Šilha, Miloslav Dvořák

Costume Designer

Jana Budíková

Film Editor

Jiří Brožek

Assistant Film Editor

Věra Flaková

Sound Designer

Adam Kajzar

Production Manager

Jiří Krejčí

Unit Production Manager

Pavel Nový, Iva Šetková

Unit Production Manager

Adriena Váchová


Jitka Bylinská (fotografka)


Music Composed by

Miki Jelínek

Selected Music

Zdeněk Barták (Drsná planina /hudba k filmu/), Bedřich Smetana (Libuše), Richard Strauss (Tak pravil Zarathustra /Also sprach Zarathustra/), Alexandr Porfirjevič Borodin (Polovecké tance)

Music Performed by

Studiová skupina Mikiho Jelínka (Music Conducted by Miki Jelínek)



Song Composer Karel Zich
Writer of Lyrics Michal Bukovič
Singer Karel Zich

Prostři pro dva stůl

Song Composer Karel Svoboda
Writer of Lyrics Zdeněk Borovec
Singer Karel Gott

Okno mé lásky

Song Composer Petr Janda
Writer of Lyrics Zdeněk Rytíř
Singer Petr Janda

Vlak, co nikde nestaví

Song Composer Petr Janda
Writer of Lyrics Miroslav Černý
Singer sbor

Bláznova ukolébavka

Song Composer Pavel Dydovič
Writer of Lyrics František Řebíček
Singer sbor

Hlupák váhá

Song Composer Oldřich Říha
Writer of Lyrics Ladislav Vostárek
Singer sbor

Na kytaru kluci v parku hrají

Song Composer Pavel Skalický
Writer of Lyrics Václav Hons
Singer skupina Saturn

Každý má céčka

Song Composer Zdeněk Barták
Writer of Lyrics Šárka Schmidtová
Singer mužský hlas

Slepička kropenatá

Song Composer Karel Valdauf
Writer of Lyrics Karel Valdauf
Singer sbor

Hej, panímámo

Song Composer Karel Vacek
Writer of Lyrics Karel Vacek
Singer sbor

Okolo Hradce

Singer sbor

Studentská halenka

Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer sbor

Co jste, hasiči

Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer sbor

Pohádka mládí

Song Composer Karel Vacek
Writer of Lyrics Karel Vacek
Singer sbor

Lásko, bože, lásko

Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer mužský hlas

Na Pankráci, na malém vršíčku

Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer sbor

Keď som išol cez horu /Ricom picom/

Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer sbor

Na tý louce zelený

Song Composer lidová píseň

Malou opičku mám

Singer dívčí sbor

Production info

Original Title

Džusový román

Czech Title

Džusový román

English Title

Juice Novel




featuretheatrical distribution


comedy, sad comedy

Origin country




Production Year


Production specifications

literary Screenplay approved 10 November 1982
technical Screenplay approved 8 June 1983
start of filming 5 September 1983
end of filming 12 June 1984
projection approval 15 June 1984
withdrawal from distribution 1 November 1993


premiere 1 January 1988 /suitable for youths/

Copyright Holders

Státní fond audiovize

Creative Group

1. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Jiří Blažek (vedoucí 1. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)

Technical info

Duration typology

feature film

Duration in minutes

75 min

Original length in metres

2 157 meters

Distribution carrier

16mm, 35mm

Aspect ratio






Sound system/format




Dialogue languages


Subtitles languages

without subtitles

Opening/End credits languages




Festival: 21. filmový festival mladých Trutnov

Trutnov / Czechoslovakia
František Fenič


Event: 1. Fórum mladého filmu Bratislava

Bratislava / Czechoslovakia

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