The ideological demands of the “Barrandov dramaturgs” meant several films realised by director Jaromil Jireš during the 1980s more or less bore an unwelcome watermark. This was apparent even in such intimate human stories as portrayed by this 1984 psychological drama. In the film, the popular Miloš Kopecký plays ageing art historian Svozil, who is trying to come to terms with a very unpleasant diagnosis – stomach cancer. His resolution to use the time remaining to him to the maximum leads the hero to radically rearrange his life according to his own impulses. Through their protagonist, Jireš and screenwriter Marta Kadlečíková create the idea that even during the era of “normalisation” it is possible to live a dignified and fulfilling life. In a powerful story of sickness, love and old age, Taťána Fischerová (Svozil’s girlfriend Alena) and Petr Čepek (oncologist Antoš) appear alongside the dominant Kopecký.
The aging professor of art history, Karel Svozil, suffers from gastric pain. His lover Alena, much younger than him, would like them to have a baby. A thorough examination of Karel's ailment proves the worries of Karel's friend, internist Fořt, that he may be suffering from cancer. Karel must undergo surgery. Shortly before, he warns his student Čech of the university department head, Kalous. After the surgery, Svozil peeps into the nurses' room and learns about the cancer from his medical record. He hides the unfortunate news from Alena. But his girlfriend already knows everything from Fořt and the two agree on concealing the disease from Karel. The patient returns home from hospital. He is depressed and moreover oversensitive to any symbols of death. He works feverishly, as if striving to make the best use of the time left; he lectures and writes a book. Alena finds the oncologist Antoš in order to learn more about Karel's disease, and has sex with him out of a sense of hopelessness. She, however, confesses to Karel the next day and Karel forgives her. When he makes love to her, his spine begins to hurt. Antoš is afraid of metastases and Karel can sense that from him. Karel finishes his book and marries Alena. He also stands up for the student Čech in the dispute with Kalous. One day, a large ceramic vessel falls on Karel and hits him in the spine. The back pain immediately fades away. This means that the diagnosis cannot be carcinogenic metastases, which is also proved by the ensuing complex examination. Karel thus begins enjoying life again and paying attention to such minor problems as the dispute with Kalous, a damaged mudguard and so on.
profesor Karel Svozil
Alena, Svozilova milenka
profesor Josef Fořt, internista
docent Antoš, onkolog
profesor Kalous, vedoucí katedry
Voice by Bohuslav Čáp
výtvarník Oldřich
Marie, Oldřichova žena
Fořtova žena
stařík Šťavný
sekretářka Štálová
student Čech
pacient Nováček
těhotná studentka
zdravotní sestra Jarmila v nemocnici
zdravotní sestra Andělka na onkologii
zdravotní sestra na gastroenterologiii
Kalousův asistent
Voice by Otto Lackovič
Jiří Novotný (2)
Ludvík Malý, Trikový ateliér FSB
Dalibor Fiksa
Oskar Andrysek, Eliška Fučíková
Zuzana Čvančarová (klapka), Karel Ješátko (fotograf)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Figarova svatba)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Mario Klemens)
Singer sbor
Song Composer Kamil Běhounek
Writer of Lyrics Karel Kozel
Singer R. A. Dvorský
Prodloužený čas
Prodloužený čas
Extended Time
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 4 January 1984
start of filming 13 February 1984
technical Screenplay approved 16 February 1984
end of filming 24 October 1984
projection approval 31 October 1984
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1990
premiere 1 October 1985 /suitable for youths/
5. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Miloslav Vydra (vedoucí 5. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)
feature film
85 min
2 424 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Festival: 23. festival českých a slovenských filmů Praha
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Miloš Kopecký
Festival: 12. celostátní festival zdravotnických filmů Podbořany
Podbořany / Czechoslovakia
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