Explosion at Five





Production year



1 June 1985


74 min




children, comedy


featuretheatrical distributionlong

Original title

Výbuch bude v pět

Czech title

Výbuch bude v pět

English title

Explosion at Five

Working title

Výbuch bude v šest


Fifth-grade schoolboy Ludvík’s penchant for physics experiments proves to be a somewhat dangerous hobby in this 1984 comedy from long-time children’s filmmaker Josef Pinkava. The narrative, drawn from a book by Alena Vostrá, follows Ludvík’s exploits in his new home in the village of Heřmánkov. The youngster decides to conduct a spectacular experiment involving a carefully timed explosion. Ludvík’s father, music teacher Čtrnáctý; his teacher mother; sister Bíba, and grandfather Matěj are all along for the ride in this spirited tale. Robert Nešpor takes the lead role in his only feature-film appearance. Ludvík’s sister is played by the 17-year-old Mahulena Bočanová, a child star since the age of two. Jiří Hálek and Zdena Hadrbolcová portray the parents.


Five members of the Čtrnáctý family move to a small house in the village of Heřmanice. Ferdinand Čtrnáctý is a pedagogue working in a music school, his wife is an elementary school teacher, their eighteen-year old daughter Bíba studies at the technical college of transportation and the son Ludvík is in the fifth grade of elementary school, while the grandfather Matěj controls the family's practical matters. Ludvík is a fanatical admirer of physics, and he thus constantly indulges himself in various experiments which, however, end up rather ingloriously. Ludvík records all details of his experiments - including all the formulas and charts - in his yellow notepad. The physics teacher meanwhile has no idea that an extremely gifted physicist is studying at the school, and he thus only bothers himself with children who are rather uninterested in the field. Ludvík prepares a significant experiment to verify "sound diffusion in water", which should result in a large explosion at five on a Friday afternoon. The event should be accompanied by a performance of a children's ensemble called Hlaholík, to be held in an open-air theatre under the supervision of the father Čtrnáctý. The physics teacher somehow succeeds in seizing Ludvík's yellow notepad. He thus sets off to the local pond, accompanied by the PT teacher Hrabě, and is finally introduced to Ludvík and his sister Bíba. They carry out the experiment on a smaller scale together - just to exclude any danger. And while Bíba enjoys her beautiful moments with the young Hrabě, the physics teacher and Ludvík are consumed by a discussion about the laws of physics.


Robert Nešpor

žák Ludvík Čtrnáctý zvaný Viky

Mahulena Bočanová

Božena zvaná Bíba, Ludvíkova sestra

Jiří Hálek

učitel fyziky Lumír Kostečka

Lubor Tokoš

děda Matěj

Oldřich Slavík

Ferdinand Čtrnáctý, otec Ludvíka a Bíby

Zdena Hadrbolcová

Libuše Čtrnáctá, matka Ludvíka a Bíby

Václav Babka

školník Josef Hnízdo

Zdeněk Blažek

Voice by Mirko Musil
králíkář Bedřich Buchtele

Daniel Dítě

tělocvikář Antonín Hrabě

Roman Pravec

žák Vojtěch Plichta

Jana Gazdíková

učitelka Olga Miláčková

Filip Váp

žák Pytlík

Jolana Mikesková

žákyně Bachorová

Soňa Pavelková

žákyně Vaňková

Alice Hlobilková

žákyně Jiřičná

Bohuslav Jirsák

žák Vosecký

Karel Semerád

prodavač melounů

Roman Kasala

žák Macák

Gabriela Mazalová

Gabriela Caisová

Miroslav Cais

Pavel Ševčík

Jaroslav Čepický

Martin Jakeš

Jitka Malůšková

Pavel Martinka

Michal Mlčoch

Marta Martináková

Rája Boudná

Irena Vitásková

Petr Jaroň

Věra Vaňharová

Marcela Majcová

Veronika Strojilová

Pavla Šťastná

Tomáš Hunák

Hynek Sedlák

Veronika Hanáková

Soňa Vaňharová

Jan Prokop (2)

Eduard Fianta

Pavel Žabčík

Radka Suchomelová

Radka Krčmářová

Martina Málková

Hana Riedlová

Crew and creators

Second Unit Director

Zdeněk Zydroň

Assistant Director

Zdeňka Tkadlečková, František Hlaváček


Alena Vostrá


Alena Vostrá

Director of Photography

Karel Kopecký

Second Unit Photography

Arne Parduba

Production Designer

Vladimír Labský

Assistent Production Designer

Josef Havlíček, Petr Smola

Set Designer

František Santarius, Šťovíček Josef st.

Costume Designer

Stanislava Slováčková

Film Editor

Ivan Matouš

Assistant Film Editor

Ludmila Varmužová, Alice Egnerová

Sound Designer

Josef Javořík

Assistant Sound Designer

Ladislav Procházka, Zdeněk Skaunic

Production Manager

Jaromír Úlehla

Unit Production Manager

Vojtěch Kunčík, Vladimír Prager

Unit Production Manager

Alena Pekařová


RNDr. Jaromír Neužil


Jana Školoutová (klapka), Otto Kamenský (fotograf), J. Beňo, S. Jašová


Music Composed by

Zdeněk John

Music Performed by

FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček)


Švadlenka Madlenka

Song Composer Ivan Mládek
Writer of Lyrics Zdeněk Svěrák

Toreadore, smělý /parafráze Stěhujeme se/

Song Composer Georges Bizet
Singer Mahulena Bočanová

Tovačov, Tovačov, tovačovské hatě /parafráze Heřmánkov, Heřmánkov/

Song Composer lidová moravská píseň
Singer Mahulena Bočanová

Když jsem husy pásala

Song Composer lidová píseň

Sláva nazdar výletu

Singer dětský sbor

Vždycky mně matička říkávala

Singer Alice Hlobilková

Letěla jsem já přes hory

Singer dětský sbor

Production info

Original Title

Výbuch bude v pět

Czech Title

Výbuch bude v pět

English Title

Explosion at Five

Working Title

Výbuch bude v šest




featuretheatrical distribution


children, comedy

Origin country




Production Year


Production specifications

withdrawal from distribution 31 March 1994


premiere 1 June 1985 /suitable for youths/

Copyright Holders

Státní fond audiovize

Technical info

Duration typology

feature film

Duration in minutes

74 min

Original length in metres

2 105 meters

Distribution carrier

16mm, 35mm

Aspect ratio






Sound system/format




Dialogue languages


Subtitles languages

without subtitles

Opening/End credits languages




Festival: 23. mezinárodní festival filmů pro děti a mládež Gijón

Gijón / Spain


Festival: 24. festival filmů pro děti Gottwaldov

Zlín / Czechoslovakia
Josef Pinkava

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