The last motion picture in the filmography of director Jiří Krejčík (1919–2013) is this satirical comedy criticising the downfall of culture and declining morals in socialist society. Right from the start of the era of “normalisation”, Krejčík was barred by the censorship apparatus from realising any works that might flow from his inner freedom of thought. He thus devoted most of his energy to television, only making cinema films infrequently (detective story Podezření [Suspicion, 1972], patriotic picture Božská Ema [The Divine Ema, 1979]). Prodavač humour (The Humour-Salesman), a drama made according to the novel by Roman Ráž, is centred on the head of a variety show agency, Jožin Petránek (Július Satinský). Given his fair-mindedness, Ráž has problems working with the committee that evaluates entertainers and artists. In the rough and chaotic world of showbusiness, where nepotism and manipulation reign, he cannot succeed... Evidence that Krejčík’s satire hit its mark is attested to by the fact that it was only released in limited distribution and could not be played on television until after the Velvet Revolution of 1989.
Singers, musicians, acrobats and similar entertainers can perform only on the basis of membership of one of the art agencies. Thus everybody tries to pass the qualification committee's entry test. Join Petránek, director of the regional agency Joy, is member of such a committee. As a fair man, he declines favouritism and bribes; he even refuses to intercede for his own wife. His authoritative wife Anna condemns him for his high-principled approach. The quality level of the applicants varies. Petránek's superior Binko is most amused by the performance of an amateur magician Pospíil - a waiter who once served the committee - and now ridicules Petránek in his act. Binko assigns a new female assistant Zuzana to Petránek. Petránek's elder daughter, Renáta, studies in Prague and his younger daughter, Jana, is going to take her A levels soon. The rejected artists threaten Join, while the accepted ones send him gifts. He rejects them, but Anna takes a gift from Pospíil herself. The agency employees try to curry the director's favour. Petránek does not believe the recruiter oustek's claim that the music-hall group Traveling Humour, headed by the convivial Kandrt, is indeed so horrible that no one wants it. The assistant Zuzana is absolutely incompetent at work, but she makes use of her physical assets and Petránek soon yields to her seduction. Agent Vyhnálek recommends a French chanson singer, Madelaine, to the agency. The mesmerized Petránek takes her for dinner after her performance and the couple end up in a hotel together. The offended Zuzana rings Petránková. Anna finds her husband in bed with the singer who eventually turns to be Czech, and infers harsh consequences from that: Join is resolutely separated from bed and board and must sleep in a closet. He has problems at work, too. Relegated from the position of director, he becomes an ordinary recruiter and is replaced by Pospíil who is capable of anything. Petránek's main responsibility now is to offer the group Traveling Humour. Pospíil, whom Kandrt bribes with scarce goods, refuses all of Petránek's arguments that the program is unsaleable. The former boss has become just an unsuccessful recruiter to his colleagues. The police come to their flat, looking for Renáta. Petránek sets off for Prague, finding out out that his daughter left her studies and is staying with her lover, an underhand moneychanger who thinks Join is a customer. The father takes the daughter home almost by force. Tormented by his wife's reproaches, he eventually accepts Kandrt's bribe. The wife confiscates the money "for the household" and further financial deliveries then keep arriving regularly by mail. Renáta runs away from home. Petránek wants to show his younger daughter Jana how horrible the Travelling Humour is, but she instead falls in love with Kandrt's handsome but unscrupulous son, the singer Michal. Kandrt resolutely requires new contracts for his bribes, proved by money order stubs. Join meets Renáta who earns much more than himself, working as a petrol station attendant. The desperate Join swallows a tube of pills in his closet. He is saved by Jana, disappointed by her first big love - moreover, as it turned out, to a married man. Join goes for a business trip, trying to sell Kandrt's program at any cost. Although he gets only part of the required contracts, the group leader is satisfied. Both Kandrt and the director, Pospíil, are therefore surprised when Petránek tells them that he is through with them, as well as their entire music-hall humbug.
Jožin Petránek, ředitel agentury
účetní Anna, Petránkova žena
Jana, dcera Petránkových
Renáta, dcera Petránkových
kouzelník-amatér Pospíšil
zpěvačka Madelaine Dupont
komik Jura Kandrt
František Binko, Petránkův nadřízený
náborář Šoustek
zpěvák Michal, Kandrtův syn
úřednice Pěnkavová
předseda komise Fabián
agent Vyhnálek
sekretářka Zuzana
vedoucí kulturního domu
matka Marcelky
bytná Renáty
podnájemnice Helena
Michalova žena
předseda JZD na Moravě
vedoucí pily
žena v kravíně
žena v kravíně
žena v kravíně
úřednice agentury Radost
hubená úřednice
opilá žena
podpraporčík VB
ředitel továrny
muž ve sklípku
člen komise s dýmkou
člen komise
člen komise
člen komise s plnovousem
dívka u pumpy
Binkova sekretářka
Ostrčil – Bystrozraký
vedoucí vepřína
Černokněžník Široký
Věra – Karkulka
mladík s trombonem
komická zpěvačka
komický zpěvák
host na oslavě narozenin
host na oslavě narozenin
host na oslavě narozenin
host na oslavě narozenin
dívka s lampionem
oplešatělý herec
operní šmírák
komický mim na zkouškách
osvětový pracovník
hadí žena/ONA
zpěvačka a muzikantka/členka Kandrtovy skupiny
zpěvačka a muzikantka
zpěvačka a muzikantka
zpěvačka a muzikantka
zpěvačka a muzikantka
zpěvák a muzikant
zákazník veksláka
členka Kandrtovy skupiny
člen Kandrtovy skupiny/muž s basou piva
tanečnice-artistka v Kandrtově skupině/Havajanka
tanečnice Slunečnice
tanečník Slunečnice
tanečník Slunečnice
člen pěveckého tria
člen pěveckého tria
dubl za Radoslavu Boháčovou
hudební klaun
postarší herečka
člen dueta
členka dueta
hudebník ve vinárně
hudebník ve vinárně
hudebník ve vinárně
hráč na bicí
muž u stanice metra
Roman Ráž (Prodavač humoru – román)
Jaroslav Chytrý, Karel Smrž, Zdena Suchomelová
Igor Ševčík, Ludvík Malý
Věra Lukášová, Helena Landovská, Lev Veltrubský
Ivana Vlčková (klapka), Miloslav Mirvald (fotograf)
Michael Kocáb, Jiří Kolafa (hudební zvuky), Pavel Vaculík (estrádní výstupy)
Ruggiero Leoncavallo (Komedianti /I Pagliacci/), Georges Bizet (Carmen /Toreadore smělý/)
Michael Kocáb, FISYO (Music Conducted by Mario Klemens)
Jaroslav Brůha
Song Composer Pavel Vaculík
Singer Dana Vlková [dab]Eva Novotná (2)
Song Composer Bedřich Nikodém
Writer of Lyrics František Jírů
Singer sbor
Song Composer Josef Stelibský
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav MottlKarel Melíšek
Singer ženský hlas
Song Composer Zdeněk Marat
Writer of Lyrics Zdeněk Borovec
Singer duo
Song Composer Merle Haggard
Writer of Lyrics Miroslav Hoffmann
Song Composer Jaromír Klempíř
Writer of Lyrics František Polák
Singer Michal Nesvadba [dab]DrupiSvětlana Nálepková [dab]Hana Zagorová
Singer ženský hlas
Song Composer Karel Vágner
Writer of Lyrics Pavel Žák
Singer Jana Čubrová
Singer mužské hlasy
Song Composer Josef Heřman Zefi
Writer of Lyrics Josef Heřman Zefi
Singer Jaroslava Kretschmerovásbor
Singer Ivan Vyskočilsbor
Song Composer Michal PavlíčekMichael Kocáb
Writer of Lyrics František Ringo Čech
Singer Pražský výběr
Song Composer Zdeněk Barták
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Štědroň
Singer Ondřej Vetchý [dab]Jiří Štědroňženský sbor
Song Composer Alois Tichý
Writer of Lyrics Alois Tichý
Singer ženský sbor
Prodavač humoru
Prodavač humoru
The Humour-Salesman
featuretheatrical distribution
satire, morality
literary Screenplay approved 2 February 1983
start of filming 16 February 1983
technical Screenplay approved 10 June 1983
end of filming 30 August 1984
projection approval 7 September 1984
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1991
premiere 1 December 1985 /inaccessible for youths/
1. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Jiří Blažek (vedoucí 1. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)
feature film
102 min
2 935 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
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