This 1984 football comedy from director Drahomírá Králová is the first film to feature young actor Filip Blažek. With two successful children’s films already under her belt, this time Králová relates the tale of 11-year-old schoolboy and talented footballer Honza, the star player in a rural youth team. The boy's passion for football experiences a major test when his father is severely injured by drunk-driver Ferenc. A group of boys devises an original way to get back at the local drunkard. Pavel Nový and Lenka Termerová play Honza’s parents in this film intended for youngsters of all ages. Also in their debut performances are two child actors who would go on to become successful film directors – Radim Špaček and Jiří Strach.
Most of the boys in the village of Podolí live for football. The local prima donna is the eleven-year old Honza edivý, while his younger brother Ondra prefers breeding rabbits and fishing. The coach of the boys' eleven is Honza's and Ondra's father who is selflessly devoted to football even to the detriment of the works necessary at the family house. He also teaches the boys modesty - "to win quietly", without boasting and showing off. Several boys, headed by Honza, establish a Golden Football Brotherhood, swearing fidelity to each other and the game. Honza must undergo surgery because of heel protuberances and, after it, has his legs in plaster up to the knees. That day, new cabins are opened and celebrated with a big match. Father edivý is the goalkeeper for the local team. He does not do well, lets in three goals and the drunk Ferenc spits in his face after the match. Ondra bears his father's insult heavily. He renounces football and he and his friend Radka are thus expelled from the Brotherhood. The boy is sad and seeks revenge by cutting all the footballs into pieces. Then, he has to give all his savings to his father to buy new ones. Ondra and Radka are later admitted to the Brotherhood again. The children decide to punish Ferenc. They release pigs from his piggery, let him fall into melted asphalt and fix a beehive on the door of his house. A match between the schoolchildren and the old lot is held. Father edivý catches excellently, Ondra kicks the winning goal and even the mother, Mrs edivá, comes to watch "her boys".
Honza Šedivý
Ondra, Honzův bratr
Radka Koubová
grácie Jitka
grácie Hanka
grácie Lenka
otec Šedivý, trenér malých fotbalistů
matka Šedivá Andulka
strýc Josef Bejček
teta Bláža
opilec Ferenc
bagrista Ruda
Péťova maminka
Radčina maminka
domýšlivý kluk
Ferencova žena
dědek Matějka
bába Matějková
Zdeněk Fiala
Dalibor Fiksa
Zuzana Čvančarová (klapka), Vladimír Souček (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček)
Song Composer Jaromír Klempíř
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Štaidl
Singer Karel Gott
Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer Rudolf Hrušínský ml.Jan Kuželka
Song Composer Antonín ModrJaroslav Řídký
Writer of Lyrics Slávek Ostrezí
Singer Jan KuželkaRudolf Hrušínský ml.
Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer Libuše Kaprálová
Vyhrávat potichu
Vyhrávat potichu
Winning Quietly
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 18 January 1984
start of filming 18 April 1984
technical Screenplay approved 8 June 1984
end of filming 29 November 1984
projection approval 6 December 1984
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1991
premiere 1 March 1986 /suitable for youths/
4. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Stanislav Rudolf (vedoucí 4. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)
feature film
73 min
2 093 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
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