Hubert, the Smart Boy





Production year



1 June 1985


86 min


Ivo Novák






featuretheatrical distributionlong

Original title

Fešák Hubert

Czech title

Fešák Hubert

English title

Hubert, the Smart Boy


The experienced screenwriter and director Ivo Novák added to the number of films in the 1980s that returned to the era of the First Czechoslovak Republic in a light-hearted fashion. Like Anděl s ďáblem v těle (Angel Devil, 1983) and its sequel Anděl svádí ďbla (Angel Seduces Devil, 1987), Fešák Hubert (Hubert, the Smart Boy) is crowd-pleasing entertainment that relies on the attractive evocation of the “good old days.” The titular protagonist of this film, which was released in the cinemas in 1985, is Hubert Hrabě, known as Fešák (Smart Boy), a Žižkov dandy who is always skirting the edge of the law. Like every likeable rogue, he has a worthy adversary – Police Inspector Mourek, who has long been trying in vain to put him behind bars. However, this defender of justice, who is constantly trying to outsmart his “own” criminal, ends up becoming the victim of his own zeal while hunting forgers that are as good as any in Europe, as Hubert, the smart boy, sets a trap for Mourek. He becomes a popular prototype of a criminal who, in his own peculiar way, punishes injustice on his own “turf.” Hubert’s world is the Prague district of Žižkov and the filmmakers do a wonderful job of recreating this milieu through costumes and locations. Set in the lean years of the Great Depression, the story happily avoids any forced modernisation with its sparkling retro atmosphere. In the style of the American film The Sting (1973) and freely inspired by the Threepenny Opera, Novák and his screenwriter Pavel Hanuš create an old-fashioned idyll in which a dude with Švejk-like qualities must always prevail over a chronically amoral “nobility.” The mainstay of this concept is the man in the title role – Karel Heřmánek, who was then 37 years old (and who appeared in the aforementioned Angel films by Václav Matějka). In the role of Hubert, the much-loved actor created one of his most popular characters. Petr Kostka is a successful foil in the role of Inspector Mourek, and a number of well-known actors and actresses played smaller roles as the distinctive denizens of Žižkov.


The fop Hubert Hrabě nicknamed Adonis, from the Prague downtown lower-class neighborhood of Žižkov, shares a flat with the short mortician Eman Wurm and the hotel Nepraš sleazy doorman, Karel Myšička. He does not work, earning his living in various ways. He has an established "alibi office"; he can gatecrash any wedding as an unknown relative and thus get food and booze for his friends. Inspector Mourek from the police headquarters is after him, but Adonis is very careful. The private detective Špirk asks Hubert to help him follow the philandering young wife of Kropas, the director of the Union Bank. Hubert finds out during the enterprise that Mrs Kropas has become a victim of the moneylender Lón. He punishes Lón in a peculiar way and moreover rips him off at the same time. The vengeful Mourek forces the mortician Eman to report on Adonis, but Eman confesses to Hubert. Mourek casts around two famed counterfeiters wanted all over Europe. Adonis seemingly lets himself be forced by Mourek to collaborate but in fact sets a trap for the unpleasant policeman. He tells him that the counterfeiters can be found in the Žižkov hotel Nepraš. Mourek arrives there with a police escort and indeed arrests two men. It turns out later that one of them is the banker Kropas and the other one is Franz, the valet of Baroness Bramberg, who successfully passes himself off as a schizophrenic. Mourek faces big disgrace. He is punished and transferred as far as to the East of the republic, to the Sub-Carpathian Mukachevo. He wants to catch Adonis before his departure, but fails. Friends transport Adonis in a coffin to a safe place.


The part of the valet Franc was initially assigned to Jiří Sovák. When he withdrew due to illness, the part was taken over by Lubomír Lipský.


Karel Heřmánek

žižkovský frajer Hubert Hrabě zvaný Fešák

Petr Kostka

policejní inspektor Mourek

Pavel Zedníček

funebrák Eman Wurm

Pavel Nový

hotelový portýr Karel Myšička zvaný Kadlouš

Zora Ulla Keslerová

Voice by Eva Hudečková
Růža Nejedlová, Hubertova dívka

Jan Teplý

policista Holendr

Otto Lackovič

policista Skákal

Josef Somr

Franta Pašek, majitel zápasnické arény

Evelyna Steimarová

Pašková, Frantova žena

Jiří Holý

rada Bohumil Kropas, ředitel banky Union

Jana Šulcová

Irma, Kropasova žena

Lubomír Kostelka

soukromý detektiv Láďa Špirk

Lubomír Lipský

komorník Franc

Laďka Kozderková

masérka Madlenka Čuříková, Emanova milá

Josef Patočka

děda Pašek

Nelly Gaierová

baronka Bramberková

Viktor Maurer

lichvář Osvald Lón

Vlastimil Fišar

komisař, Mourkův nadřízený

Václav Sloup

zloděj Eda

Vladimír Hrabánek

řezník Hrych

Vlastimil Zavřel

ženich Karel Čerepatka

Renata Honzovičová

nevěsta Helenka Sojková

Miriam Kantorková

sousedka Merenda

Míla Myslíková

matka ženicha Čerepatky

Rudolf Vodrážka

otec ženicha

Jiří Lír

strýc na svatbě

Dáša Neblechová

teta na svatbě

Olga Michálková

matka nevěsty

Karel Bělohradský

otec nevěsty

Věra Kalendová

bytná Růži

Jitka Zelenohorská

zvědavá žena s kukátkem

Jiří Krytinář


Karel Hábl

milenec Kropasové

Vladimír Hrubý


Zdeněk Srstka

zápasník Švarc

Jan Kotva


Jan Cmíral


Zdeněk Skalický


Eugen Jegorov


J. Hošek


Zbyněk Malý


Karel Rottenberg


Karel Engel


Arnošt Böhm


Ladislav Lahoda


Rudolf Strejček


Ladislav Krečmer

chodec kupující noviny

František Bláha (2)


Petr Drozda

uniformovaný policista

Jindřich Sejk

uniformovaný policista

Jaromír Kučera


Jan Šváb


Václav Burkert


Pavel Cajzl


Slávka Hamouzová

host na svatbě

Josef Pechanec

dubl za Lubomíra Kostelku

Crew and creators


Ivo Novák

Second Unit Director

Věra Pištěková

Assistant Director

Robert Vacík


Pavel Hanuš

Shooting Script

Ivo Novák

Director of Photography

Richard Valenta

Second Unit Photography

Karel Hejsek

Camera Operator

Petr Hojda

Production Designer

Jozef Hrabušický

Assistent Production Designer

Václav Litoš

Set Designer

Lubor Červa, Jan Hodný, Jaroslav Česal, Bohumil Kadlec, Jan Klíma, Jiří Libánský

Costume Designer

Svatava Sophová

Assistant Film Editor

Eliška Willigová

Sound Designer

František Fabián

Production Manager

Václav Rouha

Unit Production Manager

Václav Dobeš, Zdeňka Černá, Václav Petr

Unit Production Manager

Jana Hauserová


Zuzana Hojková (klapka), Alena Červená (fotografka)


Music Composed by

Petr Hapka

Music Performed by

Petr Hapka, FISYO (Music Conducted by Mario Klemens)


Frajerů je kolem nás jak kvítí

Song Composer Petr Hapka
Writer of Lyrics Michal Horáček
Singer Laďka Kozderková

Za tou naší garáží

Song Composer Jaroslav Jankovec
Writer of Lyrics Alois Aust
Singer Jarka Budil

Dájo, nevolej

Song Composer Vladimír Eddy Fořt
Writer of Lyrics Vladimír Eddy Fořt
Singer mužský sbor


Song Composer Eduard Ingriš
Writer of Lyrics Eduard Ingriš
Singer mužský sbor

Hej šup námořníci

Song Composer Vladimír Eddy Fořt
Writer of Lyrics Vladimír Eddy Fořt
Singer mužský sbor

Já jsem viděl hezkou holku

Song Composer Jára Beneš
Writer of Lyrics Karel TobisVáclav ŠpilarVáclav Mírovský
Singer Karel HeřmánekLaďka Kozderkovásbor

Santa Lucia

Song Composer lidová italská píseň
Singer Lubomír Lipský

Tichá putyka

Song Composer Jiří Eliáš
Writer of Lyrics T. R. Field
Singer Lubomír Lipský

Production info

Original Title

Fešák Hubert

Czech Title

Fešák Hubert

English Title

Hubert, the Smart Boy




featuretheatrical distribution



Origin country




Production Year


Production specifications

literary Screenplay approved 8 June 1983
start of filming 1 August 1983
technical Screenplay approved 27 September 1983
end of filming 12 June 1984
projection approval 22 June 1984
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1990


premiere 1 June 1985 /suitable for youths/

Copyright Holders

Státní fond audiovize

Creative Group

1. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Jiří Blažek (vedoucí 1. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)

Technical info

Duration typology

feature film

Duration in minutes

86 min

Original length in metres

2 457 meters

Distribution carrier

16mm, 35mm

Aspect ratio






Sound system/format




Dialogue languages


Subtitles languages

without subtitles

Opening/End credits languages




Festival: 7. festival české a slovenské filmové veselohry Nové Město nad Metují

Nové Město nad Metují / Czechoslovakia
Ivo Novák

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