The state, especially during the 1970s, commissioned numerous psychological dramas celebrating the socialist “builders of the nation”. This film by director Jaroslav Balík, however, was distributed in the cinemas in 1984, near the end of the “normalisation” era (1969-1987). The main character of the story, inspired by Stanislav Rudolf’s eponymous novel, is the overworked and unappreciated Ing. Vladimír Hlaváč, the manager of a nuclear power plant construction project who is unfairly dismissed. In retrospective scenes, Hlaváč ponders the years he dedicated to the project – a demanding labour of love. Later, the plant’s new director, who values the quality of Hlaváč’s work, appoints him to another managerial role. But the respected builder pays dearly for his dedication to the project, sacrificing both his privacy and his life... The pro-regime film stars Jiří Krampol, in the best performance of his career.
The nuclear plant construction director Ferster announces, in a wine cellar, that he is removing the engineer Vladimír Hlaváč from the company management and replacing him with the engineer Prchal. Hlaváč is on the way to the birthday celebration of his father-in-law and, on the road, contemplates the ceremonial construction launch. Just a second of lingering, and he crashes into the car of his father-in-law who is the physician at the construction site. Fortunately, nothing happens to either of them. Hlaváč keeps recollecting. It was difficult to manage such an extensive construction. He had to face a lack of both finances and qualified workers all the time. He was responsible for all decisions, while his superiors many times interfered in the construction with often incompetent resolutions, but refused any responsibility in case of trouble. Hlaváč devoted all his energy and time to the construction. This also negatively influenced his family life and his wife and son became alienated from him. After his removal, he found temporary comfort with the assistant Daniela. The construction managed by Prchal, however, does not prosper. A newcomer to the enterprise is the vigorous engineer Milý who quickly brings things back to order. He also comes to understand the qualities of Hlaváč who is re-appointed director after his withdrawal. The construction is ceremonially launched. Hlaváč prepares himself for a TV interview but receives an urgent call from his son Rosa on the walkie-talkie. Hlaváč runs to him but he stops moving - his heart, tired and weakened by the years of worries and hard work, fails.
Ing. Vladimír Hlaváč
vedoucí výstavby Ferster
Milý, nový ředitel výstavby
hlavní vedoucí výstavby Ing. Miloš Prchal
MUDr. Evžen Vančura, Hlaváčův švagr
Irena, Hlaváčova žena
student Rosťa, syn Hlaváčových
Mirka, dcera Hlaváčových
předseda staveništního výboru KSČ
Andrea, Prchalova žena
Alena, Vančurova žena, sestra Irenina sestra
sekretářka Daniela Brabcová
svářeč Láďa Fejfar
kuchařka Hanka Zvěřinová, Fejfarova dívka
prodavačka Monika Stramuská, Rosťova nevěsta
řidič Moravčík
děda, otec Ireny a Aleny
Ing. Vyhnálek
František Dočkal
svářeč Aleš
zástupce generálního dodavatele technologií
zástupce ministerstva
mistr Dolejš
nový ředitel
zástupce generálního investora
svářeč Mrkvička
mistr Mádr
mistr Mildberger
televizní reportérka
zdravotní sestra Petra
mistr Vícha
jeřábnice Romana
sekretářka u Sochora
Ing. Doležal
Ing. Bouček
mistr Pokorný
otec Moniky
Ing. Vavřinec
mistr Bambas
svářeč na aktivu
Ing. Stejskal
Stanislav Rudolf (Běh znaveného koně – román)
Ivan Ernyei, Jiří Libánský, Dana Smržová
Ing. Stanislav Unčovský, Ing. Pavel Pokorný, Ing. Jiří Masný
Jana Pokorná (klapka), Jaroslav Trousil (fotograf)
Gustav Mahler (různé symfonie /úryvky/), Petr Iljič Čajkovskij (Klavírní koncert b moll)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Mario Klemens)
Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer sbor
Song Composer Karel Mareš
Song Composer tradicionál
Song Composer Harry Richmond
Song Composer tradicionál
Song Composer tradicionál
Atomová katedrála
Atomová katedrála
Nuclear Cathedral
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, psychological
literary Screenplay approved 2 February 1984
technical Screenplay approved 7 February 1984
start of filming 16 February 1984
end of filming 25 September 1984
projection approval 29 September 1984
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1990
premiere 1 April 1985 /suitable for youths/
2. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Josef Císař (vedoucí 2. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)
feature film
104 min
2 977 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Event: 15. ročník čtenářské ankety týdeníku Květy, Československé televize a Ústřední půjčovny filmů
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Jiří Krampol
Festival: 36. filmový festival pracujících – léto ´85
70 měst / Czechoslovakia
Event: Státní ceny Klementa Gottwalda
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Jaroslav Balík
Festival: 23. festival českých a slovenských filmů Praha
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Viktor Růžička
Festival: 23. festival českých a slovenských filmů Praha
Praha / Czechoslovakia
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