Miroslav Balajka’s directing debut came in 1985 with this film produced at Film Studios Gottwaldov. It came along as the next film in an extensive 1980s list of Czechoslovak films made for children and young people. In Pětka s hvězdičkou (The Five), Jan Hartl plays young teacher Petr Mikeš, who is starting his job at an elementary school in Čejkovice, south Moravia. There is a quintet of close friends among Mikeš’s seventh-graders, rascals who never cease to amaze the good-natured teachers with their antics. But the mischievous boys also succeed in clearing the teacher of an unjust accusation... The film amounts to a light entertainment that fulfils the era’s idealised image of the sunny south Moravian countryside where the locals have nothing more serious to deal with than the efforts of a bachelor teacher in search of a suitable bride. Other points of interest are the “politically correct” inclusion of Štefan, the Roma member of the fivesome, and the fact that the only real threat in the vicinity is the village drunkard.
The young teacher Petr Mike starts work at the elementary school in the South-Moravian village of Čejkovice. He becomes responsible for the seventh grade. Its most distinct pupils are five inseparable friends whose imagination in inventing all kinds of pranks is boundless. But they are good-hearted and their hijinks are far from evil. They are nevertheless able to make even Mike dizzy. Right from the start, he gets into trouble because of a palm tree which the boys give him for his unfurnished flat. The plant has come from the hall of a community centre where it had chastely shaded the naked sculpture of Thalia. Mike's colleagues urge him to be more strict with the pupils, but he has understanding for the children - because their peculiar behaviour can sometimes even be useful. For example, when they take a shortcut during paramilitary training, they spot a fire in the cooperative haystack and extinguish it. They also reveal to Mike that his fellow-citizens want to marry him off to make him stay in the village. Mike can thus prepare some defence - he does, after all, have his girlfriend Petra. She soon visits him. While walking in the vineyards, the old teacher Vrbecký invites them for some new wine, and also the boys to a campfire by the lake. It was a beautiful evening. On their way home, the boys hear the holler of some drunks and imitate them. A neighbour called Hlaváčková then spreads a rumour in the village that the teacher got drunk with the boys, that they caused a disturbance and broke the roof of Vrbecký's wine cellar. The boys certainly cannot leave things like this. They bring the unfinished bottle found by the wine cellar to the old vintner Zemek and the connoisseur determines that its contents is the vintage Valtellina wine of the old Pavelčík. The real culprit - Pavelčík junior - is thus exposed. Petra moves in to the teacher's place. The boys want to surprise the couple and construct a coloured music machine for them. When they play it to the flabbergasted lovers, the machine causes a short circuit and sets the flat on fire. The louty Matička uses the fire extinguisher and covers the entire newly equipped living room with foam. Mike stays stoically calm; he knows that he will go through many more escapades with the boys.
žák Staňo Matička
žák zvaný Edison
žák Štefan Daniel zvaný Daňo
žák Fero Ondráček
žák Rosťa
žákyně Broňa
žákyně Monika Hanáčková
žákyně Miluška
učitel Petr Mikeš
Voice by Mirko Musil
Švanda, ředitel školy
učitelka Mlýnková zvaná Boba
Voice by Jaroslav Kaňkovský
tělocvikář Žížalka
učitel Lakmus
učitel Polda Vrbecký
školník Říha
Voice by Eva Jiroušková
Maruna, Říhova žena
Matičkův otec
Matičkova matka
zubní instrumentářka Andula Hanáčková, Moničina matka
učitelka Anna Horáková
učitelka mateřské školy Milada Urbanová
předseda JZD
Petra, Mikešova dívka
Voice by Ladislav Krečmer
řezník Josefík
listonoš Vrána
Voice by Jan Kuželka
Jožka Fornúsek
Voice by Oldřich Vlach
vedoucí samoobsluhy Ondráček, Ferův otec
strýc Pavelčík
kulturista Jura, Pavelčíkův syn
Voice by Ludmila Roubíková
sousedka v zelené zástěře
Voice by Ljuba Krbová
matka Nováková, úřednice MNV
hlas vinaře Zemka
hlas sousedky v červené zástěře
hlas sousedky v modré zástěře
hlas herečky z italského filmu
hlas herce z italského filmu
Miloš Mališka, Miroslav Makarov
Josef Vojtášek, Milan Špička, David Pikhart
Věra Kopecká, Jiří Zemanec
Jiří Krška
Hana Daňková (klapka), Zdeňka Hanáková (fotografka)
Václav Dobiáš (Polka míru)
Studiová skupina Ondřeje Soukupa (Music Conducted by Ondřej Soukup)
Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer dětský sbor
Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer dětský sbor
Singer dětský sbor
Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer Břetislav Rychlík
Song Composer Jiří ČervenýAdolf Školka /úprava/
Writer of Lyrics Tomáš Hertan
Singer mužský hlas
Singer Ladislav Vávra
Song Composer Karel Vágner
Writer of Lyrics Jan Krůta
Singer Petr KotvaldStanislav Hložek
Song Composer Karel Vágner
Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer Břetislav RychlíkRichard Šabatadětský sbor
Singer Jan HartlIrena Visnarovádětský sbor
Pětka s hvězdičkou
Pětka s hvězdičkou
The Five
To jsme, prosím, nebrali [filmová povídka] / To jsme nebrali / To jsme ještě nebrali
featuretheatrical distribution
children, comedy
start of filming 28 June 1985
end of filming 13 December 1985
withdrawal from distribution 14 July 1995
premiere 1 January 1987 /suitable for youths/
feature film
74 min
2 125 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Festival: 26. festival filmů pro děti Gottwaldov
Zlín / Czechoslovakia
Festival: 8. festival české a slovenské filmové veselohry Nové Město nad Metují
Nové Město nad Metují / Czechoslovakia
Miroslav Balajka
Exhibition: 18. národní přehlídka filmů pro děti Ostrov nad Ohří
Ostrov nad Ohří / Czechoslovakia
Jan Hartl
Festival: 20. filmový festival mladých Trutnov
Trutnov / Czechoslovakia
Exhibition: 18. národní přehlídka filmů pro děti Ostrov nad Ohří
Ostrov nad Ohří / Czechoslovakia
Festival: 26. festival filmů pro děti Gottwaldov
Zlín / Czechoslovakia
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