With his feature film debut Dneska přišel nový kluk (A New Boy Started Today, 1981), director Vladimir Drha set the tone for numerous Czech films that provide a critical view of society through the eyes of young protagonists. In his second film, Mezek (The Mulish Victor, 1983), Drha shifted his focus to a tutor who steadily tries to improve the prospects young people, in particular boys at a mining vocational school. Although the pedagogical efforts of Viktor Mezek often come to naught, they never lack personal involvement and honesty. Mezek has, however, sacrificed everything for his charges and his personal life is about to crash and burn… The screenplay for Mezek came from seasoned screenwriter Irena Charvátová (Housata [Goslings, 1979], Skleněný dům [Glass House, 1981], Hadí jed [Snake Poison, 1981]). This modestly conceived motion picture strives for authenticity by casting non-professional actors. The lead role, however, went to experienced actor Jiří Hálek.
The teacher Viktor Mezek (whose last name means "mule" in English) is widely respected by the young apprentices. He is absolutely devoted to his profession. He divorced many years ago and now lives with his girlfriend Hana, while at the same time having lost all contact with his only son. His colleagues think that he is too keen on his work; most of them have families and cannot work after hours. Mezek sensitively solves the problems of his charges - some of them are homesick at the boarding home, others have poor family backgrounds. Viktor is, however, uncompromising when it comes to bullying, stealing and missing shifts. He is deeply affected by an anonymous letter about his reported unorderly personal life which the schoolmaster shows him. Hana feels that her relationship with Viktor is stagnating. She leaves with a girlfriend for Christmas. Mezek then invites the apprentice Laco over for the holidays. The boarding home is closed and the boy does not want to go to the children's home at any cost. Hana returns home unexpectedly and barely conceals her disappointment that they are not alone together. After the holidays, Laco is mocked by one of the apprentices suggesting his homosexual relationship with Mezek. Laco beats him to a bloody mess. He refuses to tell the reason and is thus proposed for expulsion. He then disappears and Viktor searches for him in the town. Meanwhile, his son arrives to visit him. Hana puts on the video which Mezek plays over and over again. It is several old amateur shots of the son as toddler. Viktor meanwhile spots Laco hitchhiking on a road. He rushes out of the car and tries to stop the escaping boy.
vychovatel Viktor Mezek
Hana Kejřová, Viktorova družka
učeň Laco Šoltýs
ředitel učiliště
Karel Rohl, zástupce ředitele
tělovýchovný instruktor Míša
vychovatelka Blanka
vychovatelka Eva
vychovatel Zdeněk
mistr Kolčava
vychovatel Sváťa
učeň Pepík Sláma
Slámova matka
kulturní instruktor
Blančin muž
sekretářka Miluška
učeň Ivan Prouza
rodič v obecenstvu
učeň Ruda
učeň Dan
učeň Bohouš
učeň Petr Daneš
učeň Miloš
učeň Marian
učeň Takáč
havíř Franta
učeň Pavel
učeň Vlastík
učeň Standa
učeň Gejza
učeň Zdeněk
učeň Ondra
vychovatel Mašek
slovenský učeň Jožka
sekretářka Ivanka
děda Kamarýt
Josef Sandr
Jan Dolejš, Magda Vodičková
Ivo Černý, Petr Hruška, Miloš Osvald, Jiří Rulík
Karel Hrdý, Jana Příkaská, Eva Charvátová (spojka)
PhDr. Ing. Norbert Hanzlík, František Tomica, PhDr. Karel Čepička, CSc., JUDr. Jan Brožíček
Veronika Pollertová (klapka), Josef Řezáč (fotograf)
Oskar Nedbal (Polská krev /S láskou si nelze hrát/ – opereta)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Mario Klemens), Dechová hudba Středního odborného učiliště koncernového podniku Výstavba ostravsko-karvinských dolů v Havířově /SOU k. p. VOKD/ (Music Conducted by Zdeněk Seibert), Big-beatová skupina SOU k. p. VOKD (Music Conducted by Miroslav Fic)
Singer Lenka Termerová
Singer Monika HálováJiří Lacina
Song Composer Miroslav Fic
Writer of Lyrics Robert Frost
Singer Big-beatová skupina SOU k. p. VOKD
The Mulish Victor
Moje cizí děti
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 20 September 1984
technical Screenplay approved 8 November 1984
start of filming 26 November 1984
end of filming 22 February 1985
the first film copy approved 22 May 1985
projection approval 3 June 1985
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1990
premiere 1 February 1986 /suitable for youths/
4. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Marcela Pittermannová (vedoucí 4. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny), 6. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina Tvůrčí mládí, Jan Vild (vedoucí 6. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny Tvůrčí mládí)
feature film
83 min
2 439 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Festival: 24. festival českých a slovenských filmů Mariánské Lázně
Mariánské Lázně / Czechoslovakia
Jiří Hálek
Festival: 20. filmový festival mladých Trutnov
Trutnov / Czechoslovakia
Lenka Termerová
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