This last film from director Jaroslav Papoušek is based on the play Vrať mi to pyžamo! (Return Those Pyjamas!) by Vlastimil Venclík, who also adapted his work for the screen. The hero of the story is divorced, lonely official Řehoř Maršíček, who decides to lead a healthy life following a heart attack. But his new job as a comptroller at a medical facility is nowhere as calm as Řehoř imagined it would be. The hospital patients partake in countless activities, with barely any time to simply lie in bed. A sense of chaos grips Maršíček as his relationships with the people in his orbit begin to deteriorate. With that, all notions of a fresh, healthy new life go out the window. František Husák takes the lead role in this bittersweet comedy from 1985. Iva Janžurová, Josef Kemr, Petr Čepek and Marie Rosůlková also star.
A divorced and childless accountant named Řehoř Maršíček suffers from a heart attack and, after recovering, decides to follow the rules of the widely promoted diet: to abstain from drinking and smoking, eat organic vegetable meals, exercise and observe one's mental well-being. He abandons his accounting practice and becomes an inspector of people on sick benefits, having, however, no idea what is ahead of him. He catches his first "patient", Holeček, painting the walls at home. The mother of the patient Irena thinks that the daughter will recover only after finding herself a proper partner. Řehoř recommends they better eat healthy food. His next patient, Fibichová, is in bed, but with her young lover instead of recovering. Yet another patient Béďa Suk tries to foist pornographic photos on him. But Řehoř is finished with women and thus also resists his colleague who lures him to her place, offering homemade cakes. During the visit to another sick person, Maršíček is chased up a tree by an aggressive Alsatian. Visiting an old Gypsy woman, he is forced to drink plum brandy and is subsequently lured to a party by two Gypsy girls. That is actually the end of Řehoř's life along healthy lines. He begins dating Boženka but is disappointed overhearing her son who would like to seize his little house – while no one knows yet that the house does not exist any more. It had burned to the ground because Maršíček forgot to switch off an iron before leaving. But the couple – Maršíček and Boženka – still get ready for their wedding. The ceremony is thwarted by Řehoř's ex wife who keeps staking a claim on him. Řehoř has no place to stay and eventually ends up spending nights in bed together with his father in a retirement home. He is soon struck by a second heart attack. Řehoř again thinks about living in peace and quiet. But he most probably will not live to experience it – a compressor and pneumatic drills roar under the windows of the coronary hospital department where he is lying.
kontrolor Řehoř Maršíček
úřednice Boženka Kolářová, Řehořova přítelkyně
otec Řehoř Maršíček
Marie Dvořáková, druhá přítelkyně Maršíčka staršího
pacientka Ing. Marcela Beková
Marie Tvarůžková, třetí přítelkyně Maršíčka staršího
zdravotní sestra na kardiologii
Bohouš Fibich
pacientka Helena, Fibichova žena
Jirka, Helenin milenec
Vláďa, Boženčin syn
Blanka, Boženčina snacha
nádražačka Miluška, bývalá Řehořova žena
Lída, Řehořova bývalá spolužačka
pacient Béďa Suk, erotoman
kontrolorka nemocných
sousedka Kohoutových v okně
Voice by Otto Lackovič
pacient Bohata na kardiologii
pacient Šafránek, trenér na kardiologii
pacient Černý, jedlík na kardiologii
pacient Holeček, malíř pokojů
matka pacientky Ireny
Míra Kohout
Jaruš, Kohoutova žena
rozčilený muž u tramvaje
kolega Kulas
nakopnutý muž ve vinárně
muž se psem v parku
pacient s brýlemi na kardiologii
pacient Homola
zdravotní sestra v domově důchodců
důchodkyně Skleničková, první přítelkyně Maršíčka staršího
důchodkyně Miluška, čtvrtá přítelkyně Maršíčka staršího
Voice by Václav Kaňkovský
důchodce Vondráček
Koudelková, sousedka Kohoutových
Franta Burian, přítel Marcely
lékař na kardiologii
Tomáš Urban, Magda Vodičková
Vlastimil Venclík (Kontrola nemocného /Vrať mi to pyžamo!/ – divadelní hra)
Jiří Žák, Libor Čížek, Ladislav Winkelhöfer
Ludmila Venclíková, Milan Štěch, Vladimíra Kopecká
MUDr. Tomáš Janďourek
Lenka Mojžíšová (klapka), Zdeněk Dukát (fotograf)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Malá noční hudba)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček)
Song Composer Karel Vágner
Všichni musí být v pyžamu
Všichni musí být v pyžamu
Everybody Must Wear Pyjamas
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 2 November 1983
start of filming 13 February 1984
technical Screenplay approved 8 March 1984
end of filming 10 October 1984
projection approval 31 October 1984
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1990
premiere 1 September 1985 /inaccessible for youths/
1. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Jiří Blažek (vedoucí 1. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)
feature film
77 min
2 205 meters
without subtitles
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