Director Vít Olmer drew on the casual acting charisma of Zdeněk Svěrák twice in the 1980s. In the case of the tragicomedy Co je vám, doktore? (What’s the Matter With You, Doctor?) (1984) the lead contributed to the screenplay, while the bitter comedy Jako jed (Like Poison) was based on a script written by Olmer, Jiří Just and Karel Zídek, the author of the book it was based on. The movie’s protagonist is not the usual likeable, self-mocking hero played by Svěrák from whom audiences will accept anything because in the end he always finds a path to responsibility and morality. Pavel Hynk, the head of the investment department of a construction authority, is finding it hard to come to terms his forthcoming 50th birthday. He compensates for a long, routine marriage with a variety of affairs that his wife Alice does her best to tolerate with silent rationality. Then, however, Pavel gets involved with a new colleague, the married Slovak Julča. She represents everything he associates with the feminine ideal: spontaneity, romance, energy. The passionate affair unsettles the ageing Pavel and has a dramatic impact on his work performance, which barely hovers above zero. He abandons his hitherto comfortable security with self-destructive, intense fervour. This earns Svěrák’s character respect, even though his behaviour in the course of the narrative may lose the sympathy of viewers. Rather than a schematic story of the punishment of an adulterer, Olmer and Just deliver a disturbing study of masculine defeat, in which playful idealistic longing is beaten by harsh reality. Similarly Pavel’s world is presented as a dismal place in which the camera of Olmer’s favourite cinematographer Ota Kopřiva bleakly savours the world of real socialism. Alongside Svěrák’s dazzling character performance the film is particularly noteworthy for Libuše Švormová’s depiction of the hero’s wife. Ivona Krajčovičová, meanwhile, is the prototype of the seductive Slovak who also gets ahead in contemporary Czech films.
Pavel Hnyk, an engineer and head of the investment department of the building authority, is the father of two teenage children, yet beautiful women still excite him. His wife, Alice - a lawyer, knows about this weakness and tolerates his occasional flirtations. Hnyk is an assiduous worker, although he doesn't overexert himself at work. Technicians Roko and Pivoda have been reminding him about background papers for a joint innovation suggestion. The company has a cooperation with Slovakian institutions and companies. Therefore, the company director, Zounek, sets up a coordination unit. The head of this unit is a young Slovak woman, Julka Tomčányová. Her appearance makes a dazzling impression on men in the company. Nor is Pavel Hnyk able to resist her youthful charm. Julka likes him too and they soon become lovers, although she is also married and has a small daughter. The entire company soon finds out about their relationship, including Hnyk's wife and his present lover, Vlasta. Pavel is literally absorbed by his love for Julka and his work performance is almost gone. In the end, he fights in the office with Julka's husband and looses his position in the company. Julka leaves for a time to Koice, in Slovakia. Pavel cannot stand the separation and sets off to see her. After coming back home, he tells his wife he wants to divorce from her. Julka is back in Prague, but now she works in another office. When Pavel finds her, she is cold toward him. Pavel returns to his family and, after some time, perhaps even to his previous position and way of life.
Ing. Pavel Hnyk, vedoucí investičního oddělení
slovenská koordinátorka Julka Tomčányová
právnička Alice, Hnykova žena
ředitel Zounek
Vlasta, Hnykova milenka
náměstek Jaroslav Hůla
Stanislav Gelner
Ing. Karol Tomčány, Julčin muž
úřednice Olšovská
úřednice Božena Volrábová
Voice by Miriam Kantorková
úřednice Martička Krásová
Voice by Sylva Sequensová
písařka Vendulka
sekretářka ředitele
technik Rokos
technik Pivoda
Ing. Slavíček
Panocha, zástupce Kultstavu
Pavel, syn Hnykových
Dagmar, dcera Hnykových
Voice by Dalimil Klapka
archivář Ing. Paleček
matka Tomčányová
praporčík VB
předák zednické party
sekretářka Tomčányho
vedoucí závodní jídelny
učitelka v mateřské škole
řidič nákladního auta
dubl za Ivonu Krajčovičovou
dubl za Vladimíra Durdíka
Karel Zídek (Jako jed – román)
Tomáš Hampl, Roman Pavlíček
Ivan Ernyei, Jiří Libánský, Dana Smržová, Ondřej Trojan
Yvona Limberská (klapka), Alena Červená (fotografka)
Georges Bizet (Carmen /Toreadore smělý/), Ludwig van Beethoven, František Xaver Brixi (Koncert D dur)
Collegium Quodlibet (Music Conducted by Jiří Stivín), Jiří Stivín
Song Composer Jiří Stivín
Writer of Lyrics Pavel Kopta
Singer Petr Flyn
Song Composer Jiří Stivín
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav Kaiser (2)
Singer Zdeněk SvěrákIvona Krajčovičová
Jako jed
Jako jed
Like Poison
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 7 November 1984
start of filming 7 January 1985
technical Screenplay approved 1 March 1985
end of filming 16 August 1985
projection approval 28 September 1985
withdrawal from distribution 31 July 1993
premiere 1 July 1986 /inaccessible for youths/
1. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Jiří Blažek (vedoucí 1. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)
feature film
76 min
2 167 meters
16mm, 35mm
Czech, Slovak
without subtitles
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