In 1985 Věra Plívová-Šimková cemented her reputation as a successful maker of films for children and adolescents with this story about village children who have to overcome numerous neighbourly disputes. The children of the Buchar and Pištor families have all manner of pastimes: Tom is a pigeon fancier, Dan has taken to modern music while Markéta is an ardent horse rider. Similarly to other pictures by the filmmaker, this is a story about competing boys, first loves and a sense of belonging among family and friends. As usual, Plívová-Šimková also here relies on the performances of young, generally not so well-known – or today already forgotten – actors (the role of Markéta is, however, played by the then 17 year-old Michaela Kuklová). When it comes to the film’s name, Jiří Schelinger’s hit song Holubí dům (Pigeon House) has nothing to do with the film. It actually features fresh and catchy tunes by Michael Kocáb and Michal Pavlíček.
The Buchars have three sons. Tom is a passionate pigeon fancier, the secondary school student, Dan, is into modern music and constantly plays his drums and cymbals. The smallest, Cipísek, is still a baby in the pram. The Pitorks, their neighbours are not very nice people and their son, Pita, does not behave well among his friends in the village. The girls, Markéta and Jana, mostly like riding horses. Dan likes Markéta. Tom sends messages to his friends, Tonda and Jenda, who are also pigeon fanciers. But Dan's drums make Toms pigeons very nervous and so Tom tries to do anything to destroy these musical instruments. Dan and his friends, Jarda and Rudík, play guitars and they form a band together with Dan - "Music-Trio". They attend dancing classes but don't much like it. The Buchars have a nice dog, Boryna, but one day Marketa's horse unfortunately kills the dog with its hoof. The pigeon fanciers are also sad. Pita shoots Tom's pigeon with a sling. Tom wants to have it out with him, but Mrs. Pitorková pretends her son is not at home. The unhappy Tom has a fight with his brother. In the fight they graze the pram which tips over and the small Cipísek falls out of the pram. Fortunately, his injury is not serious. The accident leads to reconciliation between Tom and Dan. There is a funny feast outside of the village, where a film crew also visits. Pita is punished and falls in dung water. Dan's drums and cymbals are heard over the whole village and Tom' s pigeons fly cheerfully above the roofs.
student Dan Buchar
žák Tom, Danův bratr
Jarda, Danův kamarád
Rudík, Danův kamarád
Tonda, Tomův kamarád
Jenda, Tomův kamarád
Cipísek, nejmladší Buchar
Martínek zvaný Prcek
maminka Bucharová
agronom Buchar, otec Dana, Toma a Cipískův otec
Pištorka, soused Bucharových, Pištův otec
Pištorkova žena, Pištova matka
Jana, Danova sestřenice
Kořínek, předseda hasičů
babička Zápotoční
tančí na diskotéce v závěru filmu
Petr Matouš, Lubomír Kafka, Richard Staněk
Stanislav Petřek, Jiřina Bissingerová, Václav Frank, František Čížek
Rudolf Mos, Vladimír Tišer
Rudolf Mráz, René Kořenář, Přemysl Čermák (spojka)
Renata Čihulková (klapka), Alena Červená (fotografka)
Studiová skupina Michaela Kocába (Music Conducted by Michael Kocáb)
Song Composer Michael KocábMichal Pavlíček
Writer of Lyrics Josef NovotnýMichal Černík
Singer Michael KocábMichal PavlíčekVilém Čok
Song Composer Michael KocábMichal Pavlíček
Writer of Lyrics Josef NovotnýMichal Černík
Singer Michael KocábMichal PavlíčekVilém Čok
Song Composer Michael KocábMichal Pavlíček
Writer of Lyrics Josef NovotnýMichal Černík
Singer Michael KocábMichal PavlíčekVilém Čok
Song Composer Michael KocábMichal Pavlíček
Writer of Lyrics Josef NovotnýMichal Černík
Singer Michael KocábMichal PavlíčekVilém Čok
Song Composer Michael KocábMichal Pavlíček
Writer of Lyrics Josef NovotnýMichal Černík
Singer Michael KocábMichal PavlíčekVilém Čok
Song Composer Michael KocábMichal Pavlíček
Writer of Lyrics Josef NovotnýMichal Černík
Singer Michael KocábMichal PavlíčekVilém Čok
Song Composer Michael KocábMichal Pavlíček
Writer of Lyrics Josef NovotnýMichal Černík
Singer Michael KocábMichal PavlíčekVilém Čok
Hledám dům holubí
Hledám dům holubí
Looking for the Pigeon’s House
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 21 March 1984
technical Screenplay approved 12 June 1984
start of filming 6 August 1984
end of filming 12 October 1984
the first film copy approved 22 December 1984
projection approval 1 April 1985
withdrawal from distribution 1 December 1993
premiere 1 January 1986 /suitable for youths/
4. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Stanislav Rudolf (vedoucí 4. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)
feature film
72 min
2 052 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Festival: 25. festival filmů pro děti Gottwaldov
Zlín / Czechoslovakia
Miroslav Čermák
Festival: 25. festival filmů pro děti Gottwaldov
Zlín / Czechoslovakia
Věra Plívová-Šimková
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