Friendship Is Worth Fighting For





Production year



1 July 1986


87 min






featuretheatrical distributionlong

Original title

Do zubů a do srdíčka

Czech title

Do zubů a do srdíčka

English title

Friendship Is Worth Fighting For

Working title

Ach jo!


First love can end up tragically for those involved, but for filmmakers it is often an inspiration for a tragicomic tale. This is true in the case of this 1985 movie, filmed by director Vladimir Drha, about two boys in the eighth class who have changed from friends into implacable rivals. Naturally the cause of the schism between Standa and Robert is not just their classmate Zuzana, but also the differing social status between the two heroes. Whilst Robert’s wealthy parents spoil him in every way possible, Standa has to defend his hobby – playing in a rock band – from the entire world. His parents think it’s a waste of time and would rather see their son spending the money he earns working in a boiler room on something more “sensible”. The main roles in this pleasant film, which unwittingly informs us about the realities of Czechoslovak education, were taken by the now forgotten child actors Martin Krb and Jiří Devátý.


In order to earn some money to buy a better loudspeaker equipment for their beat music group, eighth-grade pupils Standa and Polla work as boilermen in a local community centre. Their schoolmate Robert does not need a temporary job, as he is spoilt by his wealthy parents. Robert attends karate lessons and wooes the eighteen-year-old Jitka. Standa organizes a secret concert at school. Before the teachers realise, all the pupils march silently and orderly to the school gym. The schoolmaster decides to allow the group to perform. Only Robert - who was once Standa's best friend - is missing. Standa inherited his musical talent from his uncle Eduard, a bohemian musician. He is the only one who understands the dreams and plans of his pubescent nephew. Several boys fight for the favour of the most beautiful girl at school, Zuzana. The girl has not decided yet, but the smarmy Mrázek is pushed off right away. The schoolmate Eva organizes a party at home at Standa's suggestion. Everybody is invited, except Robert. In a school corridor, Robert smashes a laboratory glass which Standa was carrying from a study to a classroom but had to put it down to go to the toilet. Mrázek, the only secret witness of the accident, does not say anything out of jealousy. Standa should be unjustly punished for the damage. Eduard is not his support any more - he is in love and wants to marry Markéta. Mrázek wants to score and tells Zuzana what he saw. Robert refuses to tell the headmaster the reason for his mischievous act. The two boys decide to solve their dispute by a contest. At night, they walk on the ledge on the second floor of a house ready for demolition. Polla, measuring the time, falls down through the rotten floor to the floor below. He is fortunately only wounded. Standa and Robert reconcile at his hospital bed. Standa then invites Zuzana home and the girl kisses him.


Martin Krb

žák osmé třídy Standa Stuchlík

Jiří Devát

žák Robert Sůra

Klára Pollertová-Trojanová

žákyně Zuzana Kuřová

Miroslav Čermák

Polla, Standův kamarád

Jiří D. Novotný

strýc Eduard

Ilona Záluská

Markéta, strýcova snoubenka

Pavel Pípal

Stuchlík, Standův otec, Eduardův bratr

Zdena Hadrbolcová

Vlasta, Standova matka

Jiří Samek

Sůra, Robertův otec

Dáša Neblechová

Sůrová, Robertova matka

Miloslav Mejzlík

učitel fyziky Martínek

František Řehák

Křeček, ředitel školy

Boca Abrhámová

učitelka ruského jazyka Zinajda Kulhánková

Stanislav Zindulka

učitel českého jazyka Javořík, zástupce ředitele

Luděk Randár

učitel Pešek

Eva Matalová

učitelka chemie Kaprálová

Marie Durnová

tělocvikářka Váchová

Milena Marcilisová

učitelka dějepisu Brousková

Antonín Trnka


Jakub Špalek

spolužák Arne Kropáček

Markéta Zmožková

spolužačka Eva Hradecká

Michaela Dupalová

spolužačka Marcela Holubová

Viera Dvořáková

spolužačka Alena Lužová

Alena Svozilová

spolužačka Hatašová

Marek Brázda

spolužák Míla Drnek

Jiří Kroupa

spolužák Mrázek

Tomáš Sagher


Luděk Zorič


Jiří Hálek

učitel-opilec Baudiš

Libor Dobeš

Milánek, bratr Jitky

Jiří Wisiorek

Pavel, Robertův bratr

Vlasta Koudelová

matka Kuřová

Jarmila Doležalová

sousedka Círová

Lubomír Topolčan

bratr Mrázka

Ľudovít Kroner

místní blázen Ferda Mlíko

Vladimír Hrabal


Pavel Nášel


Ivan Urbánek

cvičitel karate

Miloš Vavruška


Františka Dedková

Miroslav Hruška

předseda MNV

Crew and creators

Assistant Director

Dušan Vodák, Pavel Nášel


Renata Bobková

Based on

Petr Bartůněk (Ach jo! – kniha)

Director of Photography

Juraj Fándli

Second Unit Photography

Vladimír Kolář

Camera Operator

Dalibor Michalčík

Production Designer

Petr Smola

Assistent Production Designer

Josef Havlíček

Set Designer

Jiří Dobrovolný, Josef Šťovíček, Josef Vojtášek, Milan Špička

Costume Designer

Vojtěch Kolařík

Film Editor

Ivan Matouš

Assistant Film Editor

Alice Egnerová, Ludmila Varmužová

Sound Designer

Josef Javořík

Assistant Sound Designer

Zdeněk Bobek

Production Manager

Vojtěch Kunčík

Unit Production Manager

Kamil Spáčil, Jiří Zemanec

Unit Production Manager

Dalimil Zedníček


Music Composed by

Pavel Skála

Music Performed by

FISYO (Music Conducted by Stanislav Vaněk)


Tvý krásný oči

Singer sbor

Production info

Original Title

Do zubů a do srdíčka

Czech Title

Do zubů a do srdíčka

English Title

Friendship Is Worth Fighting For

Working Title

Ach jo!




featuretheatrical distribution



Origin country




Production Year


Production specifications

start of filming 12 March 1985
end of filming 15 July 1985
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1990


premiere 1 July 1986 /suitable for youths/

Copyright Holders

Státní fond audiovize

Technical info

Duration typology

feature film

Duration in minutes

87 min

Original length in metres

2 492 meters

Distribution carrier

16mm, 35mm

Aspect ratio






Sound system/format




Dialogue languages


Subtitles languages

without subtitles

Opening/End credits languages




Festival: 26. festival filmů pro děti Gottwaldov

Zlín / Czechoslovakia
Jiří Datel Novotný

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