This 1985 film, directed by Antonín Kopřiva and based on a novel by Litvínov native Jiří Švejda, is about a normal, conscientious and decent man who due to his personal ambitions finds himself on a slippery slope. Demolition blaster Kamil Coufal (Petr Pospíchal) accepts an opportunity to make some money on the side as he longs to finally realise his dream of buying a weekend cottage. He gets increasingly entangled in petty thefts and illicit dealings, thus not only putting his work but also the – relative – stability of his marriage at stake… Petr Novotný wrote the screenplay with a very sensitive understanding of Švejda’s novel. The impossibility of personal self-fulfilment so typical of that period, as well as the bleakness of the devastated North Bohemian landscape, thus seep into this classic morality tale. Attesting to the powerfulness of this bleakly melancholic account are also the fact that the communist regime’s censors interfered with the film’s final appearance and the reality that director Kopřiva was not given a chance to work again until the 1989 Velvet Revolution.
The shot-firer, Kamil Coufal, prepares an extensive demolition of a building in a chemical factory in Northern Bohemia. Coufal is a successful and respected expert. He becomes obsessed with the purchase of a cottage, called White Seclusion, where the old woodcarver Vodrlík lives. Coufal's marriage is in slight trouble. Kamil is perhaps rightly jealous of his wife, Zdena, a operation-room nurse at the policlinic, who used to have night duties with doctor Kraus, who is openly courting her. The Coufals love their daughter, who has some health problems. Coufal refuses to use the entire floor of his parents' house for holiday. Zdena gets along with his parents better then him. Zdena also likes the cottage, White Seclusion, but she does not know how to get money for it, although Kamil has a high salary. Coufal's former schoolmate, epka, a wine-house manager, lets him earn the necessary money. As years ago, Kamil can play piano in the evening in his wine-restaurant. In return, Kamil has to install water and floor heating in the cottage. Kamil provides the material. The woodcarver Vodrlík, refuses to sell his cottage, but epka knows it in fact belongs to his son and he promises Kamil to arrange the purchase. Kamil takes a holiday and all day long he sweats at the epka's cottage. In reality, epka wants to sell this cottage and get While Seclusion for himself. He perverts Coufal's desire for White Seclusion, and asks him to blast the earth off for the construction of a swimming pool. Kamil's obsession is stronger then his reason and he steals high explosive from work and excavates the pit by detonation. He is already very exhausted and neglects his duties at work. A detonation in the chemical factory ends up with an accident and fire. Kamil is arrested by the police. Zdena visits him after the arrest. The wine restaurant manager gives him just the advancement for the work Kamil has done at his cottage, which Kamil sent to Vodrlík' s son. It is the wine restaurant manager who becomes the new owner of White Seclusion. Kamil can't even take him to court, as he arranged everything unofficially. Doctor Kraus would like to profit from this situation, but Zdena refuses him. Kamil is released from custody after two days. At night he unsuccessfully tries to attack epka in front of the wine restaurant. Zdena and Kamil are sitting in the house on the stairs. The sleepy daughter, Ditka, has made them come back home.
střelmistr Kamil Coufal
instrumentářka Zdena, Coufalova žena
vedoucí vinárny Petr Šepka
Regina, Šepkova žena
střelmistr Radek Musil
střelmistr Chlouba
střelmistr Ctibor
inženýr Pecháček
ředitel Rameš
Jan Coufal, Kamilův otec
Kamilova matka
děda řezbář Vodrlík
sekretářka Milada Kadlecová
Vodrlíkův syn
MUDr. Pavel Kraus, Zdenin šéf
kapelník Pešl
zpěvačka ve vinárně
Ditka, dcera Coufalových
inženýr z chemičky
inženýr z chemičky
řidič odtahovky
mladý funkcionář
rotný VB
kapitán VB
vyšetřovatel VB
učitelka Dana
řidič nákladního auta
Šepkův syn
Šepkův syn
Šepkova matka
Jiří Švejda (Havárie – román)
Ivo Černý, Ivan Břešťák, Miloš Osvald, Ladislav Rada
Jiří Berger (pyrotechnik)
Zuzana Kovaříková, Daniela Jenčíková, Hana Štefanová
Karel Hrdý
Oldřich Vašek, Ing. Jiří Berger, Ing. Ivan Havel, Bohumír Haas
Dana Šomková (klapka), Miroslav Jirsa (fotograf)
Miki Jelínek, Karel Vejvoda (aranžmá)
Song Composer Miki Jelínek
Writer of Lyrics Josef Kainar
Singer Světlana Nálepková
Song Composer tradicionál
Singer Světlana Nálepková
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 5 April 1985
technical Screenplay approved 26 June 1985
start of filming 18 July 1985
end of filming 20 December 1985
projection approval 21 December 1985
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1990
premiere 1 September 1986 /suitable for youths/
2. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Josef Císař (vedoucí 2. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)
feature film
92 min
2 618 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
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