Merry Christmas from the Octopuses!


Czechoslovakia, Federal Republic of Germany



Production year



1 November 1987


92 min






featuretheatrical distributionlong

Original title

Veselé vánoce přejí chobotnice

Czech title

Veselé vánoce přejí chobotnice

English title

Merry Christmas from the Octopuses!

Co-production title

Die Tintenfische wünschen frohe Weihnachten / Fröhliche Weihnachten wünschen die Kraken

Working title

Chobotnice II.


Director Jindřich Polák and screenwriter Otta Hofman filmed this sequel to the family comedy Chobotnice z II. patra (The Octopuses from the Second Floor, 1986) in the same year as the original was made. Veselé Vánoce přejí chobotnice (Merry Christmas from the Octopuses!) continues the story of young siblings Eva and Honzík Holanový and their amazing little “octopus” friends Modrá and Zelená (Blue and Green). These creatures are made from a strange substance found by the sea, which has come to life. This time, the creatures help to try to prevent the divorce of the Holan parents. Though they cause a good deal of trouble, they ultimately help to save the marriage of the truck driver husband and his National Theatre-based opera singer wife. This light-hearted tale sees Žaneta Fuchsová and Milan Šimáček in the children’s roles. Dagmar Veškrnová and Pavel Zedníček play the parents. Zelená is voiced by Jiřina Bohdalová, who in 1983 also voiced the green figure Ferda in Polák’s “Lucie” stories: Lucie, postrach ulice (Lucy, Terror of the Street, 1980) and …a zase ta Lucie (Lucy Again!, 1983).


Eva and Honzík Holans spend the end of their summer holidays in the countryside. The octopuses Blue and Green, modelled by the two children from revived matter found by the sea, read newspapers and books by "sucking out" the alphabets. Professor George and his assistants offer the children a lift home to Prague. They ask them about the lost matter, but the children deny everything. Their parents are just about to divorce and mum Andrea insists on dividing the property in half. The octopuses take everything literally and the home furnishings, cut in half by a laser, begin to fall apart. The father Holan moves out to a caravan in the backyard. The mother Andrea, a choir singer in the National Theatre, is driven home after a performance by the Master - an aging opera singer. He imagines some philandering but Andrea only wants to provoke her husband's jealousy. The disappointed seducer leaves. The octopuses want to destroy the reasons for the home quarrels - Andrea's singing and Holan's truck business trips abroad. They tear down the wall between the windows and throw the piano out into the Lesser Town's Devil's Stream. They also delete the data from the father's passport by "reading" them. But this even worsens the situation. The wrangling husband and wife suspect each other of bloody-mindedness. The octopuses intrude in the theatre and not only shock the Master as the Water Sprite during a performance of Dvořák's opera Undine, but also the actress playing the title part of Undine. The fainted soloist is successfully replaced by Andrea. Holan is not allowed to cross the border with the invalid passport. It is snowing in Prague. The children are angry at the octopuses because of all the damage they have caused by their eagerness. Everything is discretely repaired by the father. Pupils at school rehearse for a Christmas Party. The Professor's assistant Andreadis is again searching for the live matter in Prague. The octopuses hide from him, thus spoiling Honzík's planned magic performance. The two children receive gifts from their father on Christmas Eve. Holan bought Andrea an upright piano. The woman is, however, still angry at him and so they are only three at the Christmas table while the dad is left alone with the teacher in a pub. When Andrea falls asleep, the octopuses secretly move the piano to the flat and the children wake their mummy up by a four-handed playing of a Christmas carol. The parents reconcile and the divorce is canceled. Holan drives Andrea, the children and the hidden octopuses in his truck, taking them for a trip to the sea. Andreadis pursues them secretly. The family trip is halted by an urgent commission. In a reloading area, the towing vehicle with the children inside suddenly starts moving. It is driven by the octopuses escaping from Andreadis. The vehicle crashes and catches on fire. Eva uses the fire extinguisher and the foam turns the octopuses into the original matter. The children model it into birds and the two creatures fly away.


This is the second feature film edited by the film makers out of the four-sequel TV series, originally shot as a foreign order. Merry Christmas from the Octopuses! is the second sequel of the film The Octopuses from the Second Floor. Sometimes the German distribution title is also used: Fröhliche Weihnachten wünschen die Kraken. The separate prts of the series have the following titles: 1. The Project IV, 2. Alarmstufe blau-grün (Flashes of Lightning above the Devil´s Stream), 3. Das süsse Salz (Half-and-half), 4. Die Tintenfische wünschen frohe Weihnachten (Merry Christmas Wish You the Green and the Blue).


Dagmar Veškrnová

sboristka Národního divadla Andrea Holanová

Pavel Zedníček

řidič Honza Holan

Žaneta Fuchsová

Eva, dcera Holanových

Milan Šimáček

Honzík, syn Holanových

Miroslav Macháček

profesor George

Jan Kanyza

asistent Pierre

Boris Rösner

asistent Andreadis

Jaroslava Kretschmerová

Jiřina, Andreina kolegyně

Kateřina Lojdová

laborantka Eliška

Markéta Krbušková

laborantka Karin

Jiří Kodet

řidič Rudla Fára, Honzův kolega

Jan Přeučil

inženýr Lanc

Vladimír Kratina

sochař-keramik Mertlík

Oldřich Vlach

hospodský Fejfar

Laďka Kozderková

manželka v lóži

Vlastimil Bedrna

manžel v lóži

Jaroslav Moučka

soused Nekvasil

Božena Fixová

sousedka Nekvasilová

Jitka Asterová

Bohunka, Mertlíkova přítelkyně

Vilma Cibulková

technička Irena

Markéta Fišerová

technička Hanka

Jiří Havel

počítačový technik Kraus

Miloslav Štibich

závozník Beránek

Přemysl Kočí

operní pěvec, představitel Vodníka

Karel Mašek

Princ v opeře

Renata Mašková

Rusalka v opeře

Hana Nachtmanová

Kněžna v opeře

Martin Otava

kajakář Karel

Petr Bednář

kajakář Vašek

Rudolf Horák

ředitel školy

Valentina Thielová

učitelka Straková

Jaroslav Mareš

učitel Blažek

Daniela Bartáková

učitelka Jouzová

Angelo Michajlov

technik Jedlička

Václav Kopta

klavírista Jarda

Miloslava Ebrová


Petr Brukner


Jaroslava Tichá

kuchařka ve škole

Vladimír Linka


Luděk Nešleha

režisér vánoční besídky Doubrava

Pavel Vangeli

operní režisér

Jan Kuželka

tlustý soused

Lena Birková

úřednice soudu

Nina Divíšková

sousedka Veselá

Jan Strupek

David, Evin kamarád

Miloš Antfeist


Martin Beran


Helena Hájková


Eva Hnátková


Marigula Karastathi


Bohumil Klika


Bohumír Nekut


Olga Nekutová


Milada Němečková


Jarmila Novotná (tanec)


Dagmar Tomsová


Jitka Trojanová


Josef Vrabec


Miloslav Arbeit

člen opery

Hana Beranová

členka opery

Stanislav Bronec

člen opery

Štěpán Buršík

člen opery

Zdenka Černá (opera)

členka opery

Karel Černý

člen opery

Věra Havlová

členka opery

Milada Horáková

členka opery

Hana Hronová

členka opery

Antonín Hudi

člen opery

Dalibor Janota

člen opery

Soňa Janotová

členka opery

František Křupala

člen opery

Kateřina Kudlíková

členka opery

Miroslav Mareš

člen opery

Jiří Merta

člen opery

Stanislava Moravová

členka opery

Blanka Nyklová

členka opery

Jarmila Pávová

členka opery

Jiří Přibyl

člen opery

Ivana Ročková

členka opery

Jaroslav Šefrna

člen opery

Jan Šváb

člen opery

Jana Urbanová

členka opery

Miroslav Vácha

člen opery

Josef Vích

člen opery

Helena Zachatová

členka opery

Josef Života

člen opery

Vladimír Dvořák

divák opery

Jaroslav Tomsa

dubl za Pavla Zedníčka



Jiřina Bohdalová

hlas Zelené

Crew and creators

Second Unit Director

Jiří Ostrý

Assistant Director

Petr Hartl


Pavla Marková

Shooting Script

Jindřich Polák

Director of Photography

Emil Sirotek, Jiří Vojta (animovaná část)

Second Unit Photography

F. A. Brabec

Production Designer

Jindřich Goetz, Květoslav Bubeník (divadelní scéna)

Assistent Production Designer

Petr Pištěk, Jan Zázvorka ml.

Art Director

Jiří Vojta (animovaná část)

Set Designer

Bedřich Čermák (vedoucí výpravy), Rudolf Beneš, Jaroslav Lehman, Stanislav Rovný

Costume Designer

Šárka Hejnová


Ludmila Ondráčková (vedoucí kostymérka), Iva Bártová, Dana Chaloupková, J. Kolomazníková

Film Editor

Dalibor Lipský

Sound Designer

Karel Jaroš

Production Manager

Jan Šuster, Jaroslav Bouček

Unit Production Manager

Pavel Nový, Jan Peterka

Unit Production Manager

Emil Sirotek ml.


Jana Jiříčková (klapka), Michaela Kopřivová (klapka), František Remeš (vrchní osvětlovač), Jan Kuděla (fotograf)


Music Composed by

Angelo Michajlov

Selected Music

Antonín Dvořák (Rusalka /Květiny bílé po cestě/), Antonín Dvořák (Rusalka /Ubohá Rusalko bledá/), Antonín Dvořák (Rusalka /Polonéza/), Ludwig van Beethoven (Symfonie č. 5 c moll /Osudová/)

Music Performed by

FISYO (Music Conducted by Mario Klemens), Orchestr Václava Kozla, Orchestr Bavorského rozhlasu (Music Conducted by Libor Pešek), Pěvecký sbor Čs. rozhlasu (Music Conducted by Libor Pešek), Linha Singers


Melodie beze slov

Singer Linha Singers

Tichá noc /Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht/

Song Composer Franz Xaver Gruber

Nesem vám noviny

Production info

Original Title

Veselé vánoce přejí chobotnice

Czech Title

Veselé vánoce přejí chobotnice

English Title

Merry Christmas from the Octopuses!

Co-production Title

Die Tintenfische wünschen frohe Weihnachten / Fröhliche Weihnachten wünschen die Kraken

Working Title

Chobotnice II.




featuretheatrical distribution



Origin country

Czechoslovakia, Federal Republic of Germany



Production Year


Production specifications

start of filming 2 October 1984
end of filming 25 October 1985
literary Screenplay approved 27 November 1985 (sestřih do podoby filmu)
technical Screenplay approved 23 June 1986 (sestřih do podoby filmu)
start of filming 23 June 1986 (sestřih do podoby filmu)
end of filming 24 November 1986 (sestřih do podoby filmu)
projection approval 23 December 1986 (sestřih do podoby filmu)
withdrawal from distribution 30 November 1993


premiere 1 November 1987 /suitable for youths/

Copyright Holders

Státní fond audiovize

Creative Group

4. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Marcela Pittermannová (vedoucí 4. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)

Technical info

Duration typology

feature film

Duration in minutes

92 min

Original length in metres

2 654 meters

Distribution carrier

16mm, 35mm

Aspect ratio






Sound system/format




Dialogue languages


Subtitles languages

without subtitles

Opening/End credits languages




Festival: 27. festival filmů pro děti Gottwaldov

Zlín / Czechoslovakia
Seishi Katto


Exhibition: 19. národní přehlídka filmů pro děti Ostrov

Ostrov nad Ohří / Czechoslovakia
Pavel Zedníček


Exhibition: 19. národní přehlídka filmů pro děti Ostrov

Ostrov nad Ohří / Czechoslovakia
Žaneta Fuchsová


Festival: 27. festival filmů pro děti Gottwaldov

Zlín / Czechoslovakia
Jiří Vojta

If you have any additions or suggestions regarding any of the data, we would appreciate it if you contact the data administrator. See the Contact section for more details.