Director Otakar Fuka often made genre-themed films. In terms of the Czech crime genre, his previous films include the detective stories Svědectví mrtvých očí (Dead Eye Testimony, 1971) and Zlaté rybky (Gold Fish, 1977). Fuka added to this in 1986 with Černá punčocha (The Black Stocking), a story inspired by a real-life serial killer who caused havoc throughout Prague and northern Bohemia during the 1980s. Fifty-year-old Miki Opatovský (Milan Karpíšek) has spent his entire life serving as a hairstylist to beautiful models. But the provocative photographer Monika stirs a latent desire within Miki to kill. Gradually, the hairstylist is gripped with a murderous obsession. The strangler, who on the surface comes across as a quiet, decent man, transforms into a phantom who commits heinous sexually-motivated crimes… Not even his wife (Luba Skořepová) has any suspicion of Miki’s dark deeds. Vítězslav Jandák and Petr Pospíchal portray two police investigators tasked with tracking down the elusive killer.
The elderly dressmaker, Miroslav Opatovský, is surrounded by models in his fashion salon who flirt with him a little. They apparently do not perceive him as a man and change in front of him with no shyness. Opatovský notices an attractive girl by a shop window and he dreams at night that he strangles her with a black stocking. He meets the girl – the professional photographer, Monika – once more at a dance festival. He is probably aroused by the violent subject of one of the dances, and thus follows Monika through the Prague night. He attacks her in an abandoned place. Monika wrestles with him, she even photographs him with her camera flash, but Opatovský strangles her, throwing the camera from which he cannot remove the film into a water reservoir. Monika's married lover Klimeš is suspected of the murder. The widowed model Eva arrives in Prague. She is Opatovský's one and only true love but she got married abroad years ago. Opatovský then got married without affection to woman of his age, solely to get some comfort and care. In an intimate moment, he confesses his crime to Eva who is still fond of him. The terrified woman promises to tell nobody and speedily leaves the country. Opatovský loses control over his deviance. The sportswoman Milena manages to fight him off, but the schoolteacher Marta is killed. The detectives set decoys – policewomen – near the sites of his crimes. The scuba divers fish out the camera with the surviving negative from the reservoir. The murderer's identity is soon known and the police surround him in the park where he jogs regularly. Opatovský finds himself in a hopeless situation and kills himself by jumping from a rock in front of his wife's eyes.
dámský krejčí Miroslav Opatovský
kapitán VB Krátký
poručík VB Petr
Jana, žena Opatovského
Eva Kurzová
fotografka Monika Marková
Patricie, sestra Moniky
patoložka MUDr. Ivana Blochová
Ilona Zárubová, kamarádka Evy
Ing. Milan Klimeš
MUDr. Lukáš
sekretářka Veselá
basketbalistka Míla Zajícová
Věra Kubová
kriminalista Doleček
učitelka hudby Marta Vosecká
psychiatr docent Vinklárek
náčelník kriminálky
Růžena, kamarádka Míly
manekýna Simona
on sám, choreograf
kriminalista Kříž
Lída, přítelkyně Opatovské
manekýna Veronika
manekýna Katka
manekýna Iveta
manekýna Zdena
manekýna Magda
školník Karásek
trenér juda
kriminalista Faltus
střihač Míša Pavlík
řidič kriminalistického auta
on sám, major z Federální kriminální ústředny
kriminalista Paukert
poručík VB Hurt
trenér juda
nadporučík VB Hašek
Kučerová, kolegyně Patricie
zákaznice Bučánková
zákaznice na poště
taxikář Nepevný
trenér karate
dubl za Milana Karpíška
Stanislava Hutková, Milan Kadlec
Jiří Forst, Jan Hodný, Jan Huptych, Milan Šilha
Karel Hrdý
plk. Josef Janůrek , Miloš Hejduk, doc. MUDr. Karel Souček, CSc., Jaroslav Tomsa
Irena Strachová (klapka), Josef Řezáč (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček), Originální pražský synkopický orchestr (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček)
Song Composer Sláva Emanuel Nováček
Černá punčocha
Černá punčocha
Black Stocking
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 4 December 1985
start of filming 15 May 1986
technical Screenplay approved 24 June 1986
end of filming 20 December 1986
projection approval 8 January 1987
the first film copy approved 13 January 1987
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1991
premiere 1 November 1987 /inaccessible for youths/
2. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Josef Císař (vedoucí 2. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)
feature film
84 min
2 390 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
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