Director Jiří Svoboda’s wartime psychological drama recalls the time when German occupying forces closed universities and students were forced to quickly find work and so often ended up in environments completely alien to them. One such student, František Cepek, instead of studying technology in Prague finds himself working in a factory as a day labourer. The sensitive, insecure young man comes under the influence of an older colleague, Hrabě, who draws the idealistic new recruit into a gang of thieves. František, nicknamed “Papilio” by his new companions, one day discovers that the self-serving Hrabě is trying to blackmail resistance fighters in their factory. This revelation forces the young man to become a false friend... Filip Renč plays the lead in this impressively conceived period drama from 1986. The part of the vile Hrabě went to Milan Kňažko.
The German occupation deprived Frantiek Cepek of the chance to study at the Technical University right after his A levels. He must instead begin in a factory as an auxiliary worker. He experiences further misfortune with the unhappy ending of his affection towards his schoolmate Ema, who is arrested along with her parents. Another auxiliary worker Telc, nicknamed the Count - who is successful with women and gets by in every situation - makes a deep impression on the inexperienced youngster, even though he is in fact an unscrupulous man and a thief. Frantiek nevertheless joins his gang and participates in their visits to opulent villas where they steal scarce groceries and other things. One day, they rob the villa of Ema's parents, inhabited by a new factory director following the family's imprisonment. The Count begins calling Frantiek Papilio, after the Latin name of a prepared and preserved butterfly found in Ema's room. On its escape from the villa, the gang runs into the worker Kronďák and the man gets knocked out by one of Telc's cronies. The gang finds a list of members of the factory's resistance in his pocket. The list is seized by the Count who does not hand it over to the resistant fighters; he begins to blackmail them instead and thus loses Frantiek's approval. And as soon as Frantiek finds out that Count eventually denounced them all, he shoots him dead with his personally made gun.
dělník Telc zvaný Hrabě
František Cepek zvaný Papilio
Bobr, Telcův kumpán
Cynda, Telcův kumpán
Telcova žena
dělnice Anna
Karl Danek, ředitel továrny
dělník Matějka
dělník Knobloch
mistr v továrně
Cepkův otec
Cepkova matka
majitel vily
žena majitele vily
udavač Kronďák
Ema, Františkova přítelkyně
německý voják
karbaník s brýlemi
německý důstojník
host v hospodě
host v hospodě
německý voják v tramvaji
Zdeněk Jeřábek, Jiří Libánský, Rudolf Kinský, Dana Smržová
Daniela Jenčíková, Josef Štambach, Václav Marhoul
Max Weiss, Anna Tomoszová
Jana Mlynářová (klapka), Zdeněk Vávra (fotograf), J. Botková
Ludwig van Beethoven (Symfonie č. 9 d moll /Óda na radost/)
Song Composer František Voborský
Writer of Lyrics František Voborský
Singer sbor
Song Composer Karel Vacek
Song Composer Kamil Běhounek
Writer of Lyrics Karel Kozel
Singer R. A. Dvorský
Singer Milan Kňažkosbor
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 29 November 1984
start of filming 10 March 1986
technical Screenplay approved 26 March 1986
end of filming 1 December 1986
projection approval 5 December 1986
the first film copy approved 8 December 1986
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1991
premiere 1 May 1987 /inaccessible for youths/
1. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Jiří Blažek (vedoucí 1. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)
feature film
97 min
2 736 meters
without subtitles
Festival: 25. festival českých a slovenských filmů Bratislava
Bratislava / Czechoslovakia
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