Octopuses from the Second Floor


Czechoslovakia, Federal Republic of Germany



Production year



1 July 1987


92 min






featuretheatrical distributionlong

Original title

Chobotnice z II. patra

Czech title

Chobotnice z II. patra

English title

Octopuses from the Second Floor

Co-production title

Die Tintentfische aus dem zweiten Stock / Die Kraken aus dem zweiten Stock

Working title

Chobotnice I. / Léto s chobotnicí


Director Jindřich Polák and screenwriter Ota Hofman first worked together on the children’s comedy Klaun Ferdinand a raketa (Clown Ferdinand and the Rocket, 1962) but only in 1969 did they form the creative partnership that, beginning with the television episode Pan Tau jde do školy (Mr Tau Goes to School, 1969), was to prove so dependable in creating films and television series for children and adolescents. Moreover, both Polák and Hofman knew how to accommodate the exacting requirements of foreign producers. The adventures of Pan Tau, the comic tales of the curious Lucie and the television series Návštěvníci (The Visitors, 1983) are testament to their ability to develop a sound idea to its full potential. The same could be said of their family comedy Chobotnice z II. Patra (Octopuses from the Second Floor, 1986) and its sequel Veselé Vánoce přejí chobotnice (Merry Christmas from the Octopuses!, 1987) – which should not be viewed separately. This Barrandov film studios production hit the cinemas as a cut version of a four-episode mini-series made for a German coproduction partner. The protagonists of this amusing story are the members of the Holan family: father, a lorry driver; mother, a singer in the opera choir and, more importantly, brother and sister Honzík and Eva. The family goes on holiday to Portugal, where unfortunately the local beach has been polluted by a wrecked oil tanker. The children find living green and blue substances on the beach which they fashion into two little octopuses – Blue and Green. After secretly returning to Prague with the Holans, the creatures go on to have further adventures in the quarter of Kampa where the family lives… Although this Polák and Hofman film centres on the animated characters of the title, it does not shun real-life issues such as the polluting of the natural environment and relationship woes between parents. A lighter social theme touched on by the film is the perceived obligation “to have enjoyed your holiday”, which the Holans dutifully fulfil for their gossiping neighbours. Žaneta Fuchsová and Milan Šimáček performed the children’s roles while their parents were played by Dagmar Veškrnová and Pavel Zedníček. František Filipovský lent his voice to Blue and Jiřina Bohdalová spoke for Green. A few years earlier Bohdalová had dubbed the voice of the green Plasticine figure Ferda in two of Polák’s TV adventures about a little girl called Lucie: Lucie, postrach ulice (Lucy, Terror of the Street, 1983) and ...a zase ta Lucie! (Lucy Again, 1983).


While returning from a business trip, the lorry driver, Honza Holan, is delayed by a blockade of striking farmers at the borders. He lives with his family – the opera chorus girl Andrea, their daughter Eva and seven-year old Honzík, in Prague on Kampa island, in the house above the Čertovka mill. They are preparing for a holiday at the seaside. Andrea gets angry about the delay, although the night before departure she and her children take part in filming of the opera, staging Faust and Margaret. The family travels with an old caravan through France and Spain. Reaching their destination in Portugal, they ignore the ban on entry and settle in at a beautiful and deserted beach. Bathing in the sea, they are unpleasantly surprised, as everything is replete with oil from a wrecked tanker and the sea washes up dead fish and octopuses. On the sea, there is group of researchers collecting samples with the aid of a bathyscaphe. Just before their return, they find a strange green and blue material that responds to the electric discharge of a hair dryer to bring it to life. The samples run from the can in front of the shocked assistants and jump into the sea. Due to a ticket, the Holans parents are taken by the police to a police station. The abandoned children find the matter and form octopuses from it. The Blue and Green communicate with the children and they come with them to Prague secretly. The octopuses learn to read, but all texts disappear immediately after their reading. The shocked mother throws them into the Devil's Stream mill. The octopuses cause lot of strange things in the surroundings. They can even stop the mill-wheel. At the end, they come back to the children, who promise them a holiday with their grandfather in the countryside, where the water is clean.


Originally four part TV series, shot as a foreign order, edited by the film makers to two feature films: Octopuses from the Second Floor and Merry Christmas Wish You Octopuses. Sometimes the German distribution title is also used: Die Kraken aus dem zwiten Stock. The separate prts of the series have the following titles: 1. The Project IV (Projekt IV), 2. Flashes of Lightning above the Devil's Stream (Alarmstufe blau-grün), 3. Half-and-half \)Das süsse Salz), 4. Merry Christmas Wish You the Green and the Blue (Die Tintenfische wünschen frohe Weihnachten).

Film online


Dagmar Veškrnová

sboristka Národního divadla Andrea Holanová

Pavel Zedníček

řidič Honza, Andrein muž

Žaneta Fuchsová

Eva, dcera Holanových

Milan Šimáček

Honzík, syn Holanových

Přemysl Kočí

operní pěvec představující Mefista

Miroslav Macháček

profesor George

Jan Kanyza

asistent Pierre

Boris Rösner

asistent Andreadis

Kateřina Lojdová

laborantka Eliška

Markéta Krbušková

Voice by Soňa Dvořáková
laborantka Karin

Jaroslav Moučka

správce půjčovny loděk Nekvasil

Božena Fixová

drbna Nekvasilová

Nina Divíšková

drbna Veselá

Milan Mach

soused Veselý

Ondřej Havelka

asistent režie Bóďa

Jaroslava Kretschmerová

Jiřina, Andreina kolegyně

Vladimír Kratina

sochař-keramik Mertlík

Josef Bláha

poručík portugalské policie

Oldřich Kaiser

seržant portugalské policie

Jiří Kodet

řidič Rudla Fára, Honzův kolega

Jitka Asterová

Bohunka, Mertlíkova přítelkyně

Jan Strupek

David, Evin kamarád

Oldřich Vlach

hospodský Fejfar

Eugen Jegorov

instalatér Mulínek

Jaroslav Vavřina


Jiří Vojta

kameraman ve vrtulníku

Ján Kramár

kapitán lodi

Jan Kadlec

představitel Fausta

Simona Cendelínová

představitelka Markéty

Václav Luks

představitel Valentina

Vladimír Hrabánek

kuchař U veselé panenky

Jiří Zahajský

televizní režisér

Vladivoj Jankovský

televizní kameraman

Milan Hein


Hana Militká

servírka U veselé panenky

Jiří Lír

vrchní číšník ve vinárně

Václav Štekl

host ve vinárně

Július Satinský

cestující ve vlaku

Petr Bednář

kajakář Vašek

Martin Otava

kajakář Karel

Petr Skarke

řidič kamionu s květinami

Rudolf Vodrážka

řidič v tričku

Ladislav Lahoda

řidič kamionu

Václav Burkert

řidič kamionu

Karel Engel

řidič kamionu

František Jákl

řidič kamionu

Jiří Kalenský

řidič kamionu

Jan Kriesman

řidič kamionu

Pavel Myslík

řidič kamionu

Oldřich Semerák

řidič kamionu

Jaroslav Šanda

řidič kamionu

Jaroslav Vlk

řidič kamionu

Alena Bachová


Libuše Drozdová


Alena Duchoslavová


Miroslav Hába


Vladimír Janoušek


František Klimeš


Tomáš Kopecký


Monika Krákorová


Jindřich Mendl


Ladislava Mrzenová


Ellen Pánková


Oldřich Panovský


Martina Podéšťová


Milan Půlkrábek


Elena Rodičeva


Ivana Slavíková


Libuše Smrčková


Miroslav Svoboda (2)


Milada Sýkorová


Josef Šilhán (2)


Jan Švanda


Jaroslav Tlapák


Jana Vernerová


Egon Veverka


Lenka Zahutová


Hana Zlesáková


Milan Zvěřina


F. A. Brabec

muž na lodi


Jiřina Bohdalová

hlas Zelené

Crew and creators

Second Unit Director

Jiří Ostrý

Assistant Director

Petr Hartl


Pavla Marková

Shooting Script

Jindřich Polák

Director of Photography

Emil Sirotek, Jiří Vojta (animovaná část)

Second Unit Photography

F. A. Brabec

Production Designer

Jindřich Goetz

Assistent Production Designer

Petr Pištěk, Jan Zázvorka ml.

Art Director

Jiří Vojta (animovaná část)

Set Designer

Bedřich Čermák (vedoucí výpravy), Rudolf Beneš, Jaroslav Lehman, Stanislav Rovný

Costume Designer

Šárka Hejnová


Ludmila Ondráčková (vedoucí kostymérka), Iva Bártová, Dana Chaloupková, J. Kolomazníková

Film Editor

Dalibor Lipský

Sound Designer

Karel Jaroš

Production Manager

Jan Šuster, Jaroslav Bouček

Unit Production Manager

Pavel Nový, Jan Peterka

Unit Production Manager

Emil Sirotek ml.


Jana Jiříčková (klapka), Michaela Kopřivová (klapka), František Remeš (vrchní osvětlovač), Jan Kuděla (fotograf)


Music Composed by

Angelo Michajlov

Selected Music

Charles François Gounod (Faust a Markéta)

Music Performed by

FISYO (Music Conducted by Mario Klemens), Orchestr Václava Kozla, Orchestr Národního divadla v Praze (Music Conducted by Jan Štych), Smíšený sbor Pavla Kühna (Music Conducted by Pavel Kühn)


První perný den

Song Composer Angelo Michajlov
Writer of Lyrics Zdeněk Borovec
Singer Magda Hrnčířová

Faust a Markéta

Song Composer Charles François Gounod
Singer Jindřich JindrákAntonín Švorc

Production info

Original Title

Chobotnice z II. patra

Czech Title

Chobotnice z II. patra

English Title

Octopuses from the Second Floor

Co-production Title

Die Tintentfische aus dem zweiten Stock / Die Kraken aus dem zweiten Stock

Working Title

Chobotnice I. / Léto s chobotnicí




featuretheatrical distribution



Origin country

Czechoslovakia, Federal Republic of Germany



Production Year


Production specifications

start of filming 2 October 1984
end of filming 25 October 1985
literary Screenplay approved 27 November 1985 (sestřih do podoby filmu)
technical Screenplay approved 23 June 1986 (sestřih do podoby filmu)
start of filming 23 June 1986 (sestřih do podoby filmu)
end of filming 24 November 1986 (sestřih do podoby filmu)
projection approval 23 December 1986 (sestřih do podoby filmu)
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1995


premiere 1 July 1987 /suitable for youths/

Copyright Holders

Státní fond audiovize

Creative Group

4. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Marcela Pittermannová (vedoucí 4. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)

Technical info

Duration typology

feature film

Duration in minutes

92 min

Original length in metres

2 630 meters

Distribution carrier

16mm, 35mm

Aspect ratio






Sound system/format




Dialogue languages


Subtitles languages

without subtitles

Opening/End credits languages


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