At the start of his film career, screenwriter-director Jaroslav Soukup presented himself as an ambitious artist with a strong eye for genre films. In 1986, this sporting drama set in pre-war Prague became one notable result of his efforts. The story centres on real-life Czech boxing champion Vilda Jakub, who faced off against noted German boxer Kurt Schaller several times during the 1930s. The battles in the ring take on a political dimension: Vilda’s defeat would help underscore the image sought by Nazi Germany that the country is inherently superior. Marek Vašut offers a remarkable performance as the stubborn, incorruptible Vilda. Josef Nedorost plays his German opponent. The two great loves of Vilda’s life are played by Jana Krausová (as nurse Blanka) and Eliška Balzerová (as actor Ema Gabrielová).
It is 1936, and in Berlin, the Czech boxing champion Vilda loses to the German champion Schaller only because his manager Krakowski throws in the towel. The rightfully infuriated Vilda immediately returns to Prague. In the meantime, his girlfriend Blanka, a hospital nurse, has given preference to a married physician, Doctor Vícha. Vilda drowns his sorrows in drink. He has a quarrel with his coach Dědek the next day and leaves. Doctor Vícha hides the German anti-fascist Herrman, fleeing from the Nazis, in Blanka's flat. A functionary of the boxing union, Fiedler, offers Vilda, who is just loafing around, a rematch with Schaller in the famous Lucerna hall in Prague. The German would like to fight for the title of world champion in the United States, but his Berlin victory was not too convincing. Vilda again trains hard with Dědek, while Krakowski has become Schaller's manager. Vilda is visited by a Sudeten businessman Schulz, offering him forty thousand to lose. The boxer refuses. His sparring partner is now Tommy, whose excellent career was ruined by alcohol. The beautiful actress Ema Gabrielová brings an offer from her former lover Schaller to bring forward the date of the rematch. Vilda wants to think it over and, in the meantime, provides asylum for his friend Bristle, who is ashamed to leave for his wife in Beroun after his release from prison. Vilda agrees to the new term. Ema invites him over to her villa and the couple end up in bed. But Vilda is still committed to Blanka. He spots a foreign man in her flat and then sees her with Vícha in the cinema. Tommy prevents him from drinking again and moreover beats him in a training fight. Schaller arrives in Prague and stays with Ema. He tries to convince her that he has nothing in common with the Nazis. Ema, who is half Czech and half German, unsuccessfully wheedles Vilda to get defeated by Schaller. A Nazi in a leather coat threatens Ema with unpleasant consequences. Herrman leaves for safety. Vilda puts Bristle on the train to Beroun and then finds the businessman Schulz waiting in front of his door again, with offer now raised to one hundred thousand. Vilda throws him down the stairs. Ema warns Vilda for the last time just before the fight starts. The Czech boxer wins with a K.O. in the eighth round after a dramatic fight. Blanka listens to the live radio broadcast from the Lucerna hall and breaks up with Vícha. Ema is taken from the film studios by an unknown man. Krakowski explains to Vilda that he let him lose in Berlin in exchange for the Gestapo releasing his arrested brother. Vilda forgives him but he does not want to leave for the United States with Krakowski. During the celebrations of his victory, Vilda receives a message from Ema. He speedily sets off to her villa, searching for her all around the house, and finally finds her dead with cut veins in the bathroom. The police consider it to be suicide but Vilda senses that it was the Gestapo's work. He returns home, where Blanka is waiting for him. The lovers embrace. The closing title reads that on August 21, 1943, the regimental sergeant major Vilda Jakub was shot down as a member of a bomber crew in a patrol flight over the Bay of Biscay.
The story was loosely inspired by the life of the boxer Vilda Jakš (1910–1943) who died as a member of the 311th RAF wing during the Second World War.
boxer Vilda Jakub, mistr Československa
boxer Kurt Schaller, mistr Německa
filmová herečka Ema Gabrielová
trenér Kadlec zvaný Dědek
manažer Krakowski
Tommy, bývalý boxer
zdravotní sestra Blanka Adamová
Fiedler, činovník boxerské Unie
vrchní číšník ve vinárně
Fous, Vildův kamarád
docent Vícha
obchodník Albert Schulz
MUDr. Klaus Herrman, německý lékař
Voice by František Němec
emisar gestapa
emisar gestapa
filmový režisér
ringový rozhodčí v Lucerně
nemocniční zřízenec
hlavní pořadatel v Berlíně
provokatér ve výčepu
činovník u váhy
rozhlasový reportér
filmový herec
Fousova žena
reportér boxu
emisar gestapa
černý boxer, obr z Martiniku
služebná u Gabrielové
muž z Unie
muž z Unie
muž z Unie
muž z Unie
muž z Unie
muž z Unie
vrchní zdravotní sestra
boxer, Vildův sparingpartner
hostinský Josef Kolman
číšník z tančírny
policejní inspektor
policejní lékař
řidič kriminalistů
český reportér
německý reportér
Tomáš Tintěra, Andrzej Reiter
Jaroslav Česal, Vladimír Ježek, Karel Kočí, Petr Průša, Josef Večerek
Rudolf Mos, Zdeněk Krištof, Ivo Pitrák
Božena Novotná, Václav Václavík
Jaroslav Tomsa, František Malinský (box), Rostislav Osička (box)
Kateřina Pavelková (klapka), Miloš Schmiedberger (fotograf), Jitka Petříková, boxerský oddíl TJ Praga, boxerský oddíl Uhelné sklady Praha, boxerský oddíl Rudá hvězda Ústí nad Labem, Milan Matějka, Ludvík Kučera, František Morávek (2), Karel Zamrazil, Emil Sazama, František Capl, Jiří Kasík, Zdeněk Cmíral, Václav Panzner, Ladislav Řehák, Jaromír Andert, Rostislav Osička
FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček), Originální pražský synkopický orchestr (Music Conducted by Pavel Klikar), Václav Týfa
Song Composer Kamil Běhounek
Writer of Lyrics Karel Kozel
Singer Ondřej HavelkaJitka Nováková
Song Composer Jiří Mihule
Writer of Lyrics František Kudrna
Singer Ondřej Havelka
Song Composer Sláva Emanuel Nováček
Song Composer Sláva Emanuel Nováček
Writer of Lyrics K. M. Walló
Singer Jiří Matolín [dab]Ondřej Havelka
Song Composer Sláva Emanuel Nováček
Writer of Lyrics Josef Gruss
Singer Ondřej Havelka
Pěsti ve tmě
Pěsti ve tmě
Fists in the Dark
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 6 February 1985
start of filming 4 May 1985
technical Screenplay approved 5 July 1985
end of filming 12 June 1986
projection approval 3 July 1986
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1992
premiere 1 March 1987 /suitable for youths/
5. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Miloslav Vydra (vedoucí 5. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)
feature film
98 min
2 767 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Event: Komise pro posuzování a hodnocení technické kvality filmů
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Festival: 38. filmový festival pracujících – léto ´87
77 měst / Czechoslovakia
Jaroslav Soukup
Festival: 25. festival českých a slovenských filmů Bratislava
Bratislava / Czechoslovakia
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